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The Dinghy cabin camps overnight out of water.

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As she tries to figure Sunny out, Suzie unearths memories ofher husband Masa.

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Guests include Whoopi Goldberg (The Change). Kate Schellenbachsits-in with the 8G Band.

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Wilderness Expert Paul Grunion visits the camp.

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Patrick's injury recovery causes trouble for the camp.

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Rea and Roh learn to support themselves.

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Milkshake! 255x192 - Episode 192

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Things get wild when Sandy goes feral over a nut.

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A super-duo rivalry threatens to destroy camp.

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The Roxie sisters go their separate ways.

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The Dinghy cabin kids discover life after dark.

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The monsters of camp host a support group.

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A buried bone unearths a heap of trouble for Sandy.

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Gary's new habit causes a night of stress.

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Narlene and Nobby's secret swimmin' hole is exposed.

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Krabs reignites his passion for clowning.

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The Chase Australia 13x105 - Episode 105

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Mo learns a new kind of fun and camaraderie.

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SpongeBob and Patrick compete to be camp mascot.

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Krabs and Squidward play the most dangerous game.

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Krabs puts Squidward in charge of all camp complaints.

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Patrick receives a star on his birthday.

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It's Kamp Koral's first ever Wild West Day!

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SpongeBob and Patrick become vampires for a night.

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Sandy gets a brand-new suit.

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SpongeBob's newest friend is a hungry parasite inside of him.

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Summer ends! It's the last day of camp and SpongeBob has onelast thing to do.

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Lifeguards try to resuscitate a lifeless man found face down inthe surf. And Reidy's back.

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It's the busiest day in a decade for Bondi lifeguards, withmore than one hundred rescues.

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Nintendo Switches at birth, Brita drip feeds a new product andwe become masters of our Domain. Plus a pitch to kick parentsoff Facebook. Wil is joined by Todd Sampson, ChristinaAventi, Camey O'Keefe, and Russel Howcroft.

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The Twelve 2x1 - Episode 1

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Michael Douglas (executive producer and narrator, "America'sBurning"); Linda Carpenter Grantham and son Eric Grantham(Blue Runway for Autism)

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General Hospital 255x134 - Ep. #15506

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Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.

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The quarter-final sees the five remaining sewers make garmentsinspired by divas past and present. From Elton to Mariah, thisweek's theme is most definitely fabulous.For the PatternChallenge, judges Patrick Grant and Esme Young take TinaTurner's iconic fringed dress as inspiration and challenge thesewers to create their own versions with multiple layers offringing.The Transformation Challenge envisages the diva ontheir day off, still fabulous but this time slipping intosomething more comfortable in animal print.Finally, in theMade to Measure, the sewers get to choose a stage outfit fortheir favourite diva. From Beyoncé to Lady Gaga, the sewershave all bases covered when it comes to stage presence.

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As the contest for the £50,000 prize heats up, the islandersface a dilemma as they compete against friends and lovers tomake it to the end.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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There's a growing population of aggressive White Sharks in anunlikely location, Canada. Shark expert Andy Casagrande headsout on an expedition along Nova Scotia's coast to investigate asurge of Great White Shark encounters and figure out if thisnew population could be the largest in the world.

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The multigenerational chefs are tasked with creating a stunningdish using a variety of aged and fermented ingredients. Withthe safety of an immunity pin, the winner of last week'schallenge chooses a generation to incorporate a surpriseingredient into their dishes. The chef with the best dish willearn an immunity pin and protect the remaining chefs withintheir generation from elimination.

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AEW Wrestling 6x28 - #249 - Scotiabank Saddledome in Calgary,AB

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Rob, Steelo and Rocsi Diaz leave no glass unbroken in"Complete Shatters"; have a bad day golfing in "Sand TrapSadness"; get rocked by some boats in "Boat Battered."

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Rob, Steelo and Rocsi Diaz check out some new ways to savemoney in "Stretching Dollars"; get creative with movie food in"Sneaky Cinema Snacks"; assess the dangers of being in a"Scree."

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With only nine entrepreneurs remaining, Teams Ramsay andVanderpump are put to the ultimate sales test. With only threehours to prepare, the teams must present and sell unusualkitchen gadgets to buyers and brand representatives at the mostimportant hospitality trade event of the year, theInternational Food and Drink Event. The presentations arejudged by a panel of industry experts and the team with thehighest sales percentage is safe from elimination.

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Court Cam 7x28 - #728

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When a friend swings by to show Rick and Chum a star-studdedcollection of photos, will the duo expose the right price, orget shot down? Then, a vintage LP of the single "We Are theWorld" spins into the shop. Will this deal make a brighter dayfor Corey? Meanwhile, Chum and Santos give each other a hand,when they check out an ancient Chinese cannon. Can they get afirm hold on this deal, or will it implode? And later, Rickraces to Adam Carolla's garage for a chance to bid on a caronce owned by legendary actor, Paul Newman. Will Rick do avictory lap, or will he be left in the dust?

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Just off Florida's coast, Josh Gates braves shark-infestedwaters in search of an American ship sunk by a Nazi U-boatduring WWII. Josh joins Tristan Guttridge who has a bold newstrategy to use sharks as spies to uncover the wreck.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gary forces Andi's hand and she makes a heartbreakingdecision; Karen finds solace with Danni and with Zac; Danniattempts to defend her behavior around Tony's kids; Sabrinameets someone new who is interested in her personal life.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The murder of rising rap superstar XXXTentacion at 20 years oldsent shock waves through the hip-hop world, leaving fans andfamily devastated. Real investigators examine the cutting-edgeforensics used to unravel the case, revealing surprisingmotives. This emotional story intertwines celebrity tragedywith fascinating forensic science.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rob, Steelo and Rocsi Diaz meet some dangerous dancers in"Dance Damage"; discover that fire pits are sketchy in "TerrorPits"; witness the dangers of a high speed horse in "RunawayHorses."

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Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles 15x1 - Just When You ThinkYou've Seen It All…

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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