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A vicious robbery at a secluded Brighton home, draws Grace andBranson into a puzzling enquiry when thousands of pounds worthof beautiful antiques are stolen from the house. As Grace digsdeeper into this mysterious crime, he unearths a web ofancient grudges - a web which leads him down a dark, murderoustrail through the world of Brighton antiques, in a raceagainst the clock, to untangle who is at the heart of thisrobbery, and bring Gavin Daly the answers he has beendesperately chasing for many years.
Chef Guillaume Brahimi has brought a pressure test dish thatwill push the contestants to their limits. They need toreplicate the dish as closely as possible... but they mustplate up 5 serves.
It's the quarter-final, and the five remaining teams take on asecret challenge to create a plated dessert celebrating caramelfor each of the judges. For their second challenge, the teamshave five hours to create a display of frozen lollipopspresented within a delicate sugar sculpture, inspired by aWinter Wonderland theme.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.
The pressure shows no sign of letting up in the villa as thecouples face plenty more twists and turns as they experiencethe summer of a lifetime.
The auditions continue as a variety of acts and contestants ofall ages audition for the chance to win million. There'smore Golden Buzzers than ever before, each sending a lucky actdirectly to the live shows to compete for America's vote.
A below-deck brawl puts Sophia "Bob" Nielsen's captaincy to thetest on the Seabrooke. A hydro leak on the Summer Bay threatensto send Wild Bill's King Crab season into the red. Rick mustmake a crucial decision when Jacob's deckmate crosses the line.
The milestone tenth season of The Amazing Race Canada returnsto where it all began, as 11 teams embark on the adventure ofa lifetime.
After hearing incredible testimony about a UFO crashing onSkinwalker Ranch many years ago, the team makes a shockingdiscovery inside the rocky Mesa.
Jimmy Fallon and Wiz Khalifa pair up with contestants to play aword game for a cash prize.
Officers in Illinois must call for backup after a renegade DUIgranny resists arrest; a retired cop handcuffs his fellowneighbor, but he suspects the man is impersonating anofficer; as Atlanta party guests hide, cops uncover asurprise.
The Johnsons finish their final preparations to welcome a newaddition to the family; Anna celebrates Halloween at her newhome, and the siblings make freezer meals for Liz and Brice.
When Investigator Katie Paige rejoins Andy and Paul at aColorado ranch where strange phenomena terrorized her as achild, a newly revealed site of concentrated activity resultsin the discovery of a possible portal above the ranch.
Police are called to deal with a nosy and troublesomeneighbour. A pursuit through a swamp leads to a perp's squadcar confessional, and when police arrest a man for passing outin his car, his girlfriend is enraged.
Season finale. Scott reaches the point of no return. Jason andhis team face a moment of truth. Princess makes a hugediscovery.
Gala dives into making the winery successful. Meanwhile, Juliaresorts to blackmail, further straining her relationship withMariona.
Raymond insists Rusty is innocent, but the weight of thelooming trial pushes the Sabich family to its breaking point.
Emotions run high as the top five open chests revealingtreasured photos of their own family food heroes. each cook,inspired by their photos are fighting for their final shot atimmunity.
Coles Simply solves the cost of living crisis and Dynamo puts anew spin on working from home. Plus a pitch to abolish co-edschools. Wil Anderson is joined by Todd Sampson, SunitaGloster, Liana Rossi and Jane Caro.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club
A place in the quarter-final is at stake, and this week thesewers must face three technically-taxing challenges from theworld of lingerie.First up, in the Pattern Challenge, it istime for bed as the sewers are asked to make a pyjama blouse.Piping is an intricate undertaking, and it should cover thecuffs and front.For the Transformation Challenge, the sewerstake shapewear and lace and, using their unique structure andform, create new outfits.Finally, it's ‘boom or bustier' asthe sewers tackle boning and make bustier dresses in theMade-to-Measure. Their ability to fit a model is put to thetest - there is nowhere to hide if a bustier dress is notfitted well.
The adventure continues with the islanders flirting, datingand having an absolute blast, but everyone knows that thecontest for the £50,000 prize is well and truly on.
Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.
On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob Dyrdek, Steelo Brimand Nina Agdal take a swing at settling in with some HAMMOCKHAVOC, get the run-around from MARATHON MEDDLERS, and watchbest intentions go bad with YOU SUCK AT HELPING.
On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob and Steelo are joinedby Nina Agdal who reveals she's a scooter icon in MOPEDQUEENS, then learn of Rob's love of cliff diving in CLIFFSLIPS, before wrapping up with some tipsy steppers in STAIRSMASHED.
Josh chases fortune stolen by loyalists to Britain's crownduring the American Revolution. Jumping into two investigationsof the infamous Doan Gang, Josh helps dig up a cache ofplundered coins. Later, a cave search pinpoints the turncoats'hideout.
Gary reaches his limit with Andi so he charges her up with anultimatum, either she marries him, or Jordan pays the price;Fatima's intuition about Hayden and Marie Willis is confirmedafter seeing them together.
On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo, and Nina Agdalhead to the court to get PICKLEBALL'D, watch people couple upand go down with LOVE TUMBLES, and find out why sometimes it'sbetter to JUST JOIN A GYM.
On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo, and Nina Agdalwitness the dangers doing stunts with bad wood in WEAK RAMPS,discover that the goofiest pets are HILARIOUS HAMSTERS and hitthe dance floor hard in SUBPAR SWINGIN.
On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo, and NinaAgdal take on the waves in RAPID WRECKED, cast a line inFREESTYLE FISHIN' and have a bite of DERANGED DIPS.
Detectives analyze the mysterious case of 21-year-old JamesBarry, who was murdered in a house full of his loved ones. Theexamination of the murder weapon and an intriguing developmentinvolving digital forensics reveal a startling motive.
On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo and specialguest Nina Agdal get a little dirty while MUDSLIDE SLIPPIN',meet some kids with some FILTHY LITTLE MOUTHS and learn how todo two things at once from some COMBO JOCKS.