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Familiar dishes can bring a sense of ease to the kitchen,creating an opportunity for connection any day of the week. Inthis episode, Jo celebrates two of her favorite things—foodand design. She shares her all-time favorite recipes tied tosome of her treasured memories while simplifying the art ofhosting, step by step.First up, dessert! She starts bywhipping up Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Crust, adelicious combination of chocolate cookie crumbles and creamypeanut butter filling. Next, Jo makes a Gruyère PotatoCasserole to side one of her go-to main dishes, Chicken CordonBleu. Last but not least, she shares her tried-and-true saladrecipe, peppery arugula topped with pickled tart cherries andGorgonzola cheese.

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Jules begins to question her past, taking Wes on a journey toinvestigate. Lucy and Jack chase down a lead that may revealJules' origin. And Kira confronts Darros about his handling ofLucy.

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Milkshake! 255x189 - Episode 189

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Our first group of Dancing Stars enter the ballroom includingactress Lisa McCune, AFL Champ Ben Cousins, SAS Tough guy AntMiddleton, Home & Away's James Stewart and home CookingStar Julie Goodwin.

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Tonight, the contestants face off with some of the world'smost extreme ingredients. These ingredient 'beasts' are thespiciest, sweetest, most sour, most bitter and most pungenton offer.

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Kardea Brown loves spending time with the two most importantwomen in her life -- her mom and her mother-in-LOVE to be! Shecelebrates these ladies and let's them know their loved with ameal of Asparagus Salad, Lobster Tail Thermidor, ConfitGarlic Mashed Potatoes and Salted Honey Budino.

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Guest judge Nicolas Houchet, executive pastry chef at theSavoy, joins the team for the semi-final of Britain's toughestpatisserie competition. The four remaining teams must perfectNicolas' modern version of the peach Melba with a minimalrecipe to guide them. For their second challenge, the teamscreate an entirely edible fairy-tale scene with hidden rhubarband custard desserts to serve 40.

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Week six in the villa gets underway. As the finishing postcloses in, the contestants are beginning to dream of gettingtheir hands on the £50,000 prize.

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Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.

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When a young soldier disappears at an Army base in NorthCarolina, the police, military and community band together totry to find her; with time running out, a bounty hunterturned PI enacts a plan to coax a suspect to confess to herwhereabouts.

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One of last year's most popular Shark Week shows returns.Marine biologist Dr. Austin Gallagher, marine scientist LivDixon, and legendary cameraman Kina Scollay travel to a newlocation and head back into the belly of a 29-foot whale decoywith new shark attractant features to create the biggestfeeding frenzy ever with 18-foot 'Breeder' sharks in NewZealand.

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The Great Food Truck Race 17x2 - Games on the Gulf: Justin Time

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On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo, and LoloWood experience one of the worst pains imaginable in TAILBONEBRUTALITY, allergy season is brutal in SNOTTY BY NATURE, andthey get super country and hang out in PARTY BARNS.

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On this episode of Ridiculousness, Rob, Steelo and Lolo Woodfire off some SLIP SHOTS, light fires with HOT HEADS and fightover the mess in DIRTY LOVE.

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In Rhaenyra's absence and with no word from Daemon atHarrenhal, Rhaenys tries to keep the peace on the BlackCouncil as Cole mounts a campaign into the Crownlands. InKing's Landing, Aemond continues to undermine Aegon's fragilehold on authority.

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Lunchtime is one of the most enjoyable meals of every kid'sday, but before the 1960s it was just another meal. Then,three very different food visionaries take matters into theirown hands to create lunch time favorites loved by childreneverywhere, from sandwiches, to fruit snacks, and abuild-it-yourself pre-packaged lunch that has become asupermarket staple.

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Uncensored 6x16 - Kandi Burruss

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What appears to be a burglary gone wrong is actually theultimate betrayal.

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Lunchtime is one of the most enjoyable meals of every kid'sday, but before the 1960s it was just another meal. Then,three very different food visionaries take matters into theirown hands to create lunch time favorites loved by childreneverywhere, fromsandwiches, to fruit snacks, and abuild-it-yourself pre-packaged lunch that has become asupermarket staple.

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On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo, and Lolo Woodgrab a partner to enjoy a COUPLES SKATE, settle in for a funnight of BOARD GAME MISERY, and discover it's hard to sharespace with some PISSY PARROTS.

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Love Island 6x24 - Episode 24

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Orcas and other toothed whales are attacking Great Whites inrecord numbers, marking the latest chapter in a60-million-year battle between Sharks and Whales. This rivalrybegan with The Leviathan, a prehistoric whale that once wenttooth to tooth with the greatest predator to ever swim theoceans... The Meg. Now, Dr. Tristan Guttridge, Dr. Sona Kim,and Kina Scollay recreate these epic battles and study orcatactics to discover the ultimate predator.

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On this episode of Ridiculousness Rob, Steelo, and Lolo Woodfigure out their all terrain boat of choice in LAND YAKING,find out all the ways a kid can get stuck in TODDLER TRAPS,and wrap with the very inattentive folks in SPATIALUNAWARENESS.

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Friends and family arrive to scrutinize the currentrelationships. Crystal's sister questions Stacy's intentions.Shauna's aunt expresses concerns to Joey. Barby fears her son'sreaction to meeting Chris, and one couple leaves the manor forgood.

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A wave of savage assaults against the sea lion population offCalifornia's coast has sparked fears of a monstrous predatordubbed "Mako-Zilla." Recent discoveries, including a 600-poundmauled sea lion with massive gashes, hint that a 16-foot-longpredator could be responsible. A team of shark experts,including bite specialist Jeff Harris and Dr. Craig O'Connell,embark on a mission to unveil the identity of the colossalpredator haunting the coast.

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Returning to the site of his own 2009 shark attack for thefirst time, Paul de Gelder joins Madison Stewart toinvestigate a recent Great White Shark attack that occurrednear Sydney Harbor, Australia - the first fatal incident inthe region in almost 60 years. The dramatic encounter, whichwas captured on camera, was the sixth attack to occur in asmany weeks. Within this aquatic arena, Great Whites contendwith Bull Sharks, Tiger Sharks, and even humans in a colossalbattle for supremacy. The unfolding saga raises the compellingquestion of who will emerge victorious in this intense strugglefor dominance.

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At DragCon UK 2024, Ts Madison reunites the cast of RuPaul'sDrag Race UK Season 4 to spill the tea on their season.

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Kellyoke: Wild/ Channing Tatum/ "Most, Least, Best – INever Woulda Guessed"/ Elizabeth Debicki/ Good Neighbor of theYear: Upcycle Parts Shop (Cleveland)/ WIL: Shark Week with Paulde Gelder.

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Guests include Tyler Perry (Divorce in The Black) and AlexCooper (Watch with Alex Cooper). Kate Shellenbach sits-in withthe 8G Band.

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Milkshake! 255x190 - Episode 190

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The Chase Australia 13x103 - Episode 103

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The mystery boxes contain a golden ticket which will fast trackthe contestant with the top dish into the semi-final, whilethe other three will have to battle it out in tomorrow'spressure test.

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Amandla Stenberg (actor, "The Acolyte").

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Strange & Suspicious 1x1 - Episode 1

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General Hospital 255x132 - Ep. #15504

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The final of Britain's toughest patisserie competition, hostedby Ellie Taylor and Liam Charles, with judges Benoit Blin andCherish Finden. The remaining three teams create an AfternoonTea display and make a banquet celebrating the very best ofBritish, with towering sugar and chocolate showpieces andenough desserts to feed 120.

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PC Will Hunter pursues a car suspected of having cloned platesand when the driver eventually pulls over, the officer findsthe driver aggressive, argumentative and smelling of alcohol,as well as unwilling to do a roadside breath test. InNorthumberland, PC Chris Kemp is trying to find a car thatrefused to stop from motorway cops the previous night andtracks it down, but as soon as the occupants spot him theyrace off.

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This episode explores Kasbah Telouet, Morocco: Schindler'sArk, Czech Republic; Ariaú Amazon Towers, Brazil; andRudesdorf, Berlin.In a quiet corner of the Czech Republic, arun-down facility conceals a dramatic story of hope andsurvival against all odds in the brutal age of Nazi tyranny.High in Morocco's Atlas Mountain range is an imposing andlavish stronghold, once home to a wealthy warlord that stoodaccused of betraying his country. Deep in the Brazilianrainforest are the remains of an Amazonian paradise, lost tothe financial lure of reality Television. And, in Germany acathedral of industrial that played a pivotal role in buildingthe nation's capital.

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The contestants are more desperate than ever to make it all theway to the final day in paradise as the show continues and thelove games keep on coming.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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The Sky at Night team mark the second anniversary of therelease of the first images from the James Webb SpaceTelescope, finding out what it has told us so far.

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Qasa Alom and guests look back at the day's play at Wimbledon.Featuring highlights from the biggest matches, along withanalysis and discussion of the main talking points from theaction at the All England Club.

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Shark experts Dr. Riley Elliott and Kori Burkhardt put on aone-of-a-kind shark competition to determine which male GreatWhite Shark is the alpha in a pack of massive adults. In thewaters off New Zealand, they compare the sharks speed,hunting ability, and fearlessness to determine who has theswagger to swim away with a female shark.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 31x28 - #1624 - Canadian Tire Centre inOttawa, ON

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Jenn Tran's jet-setting journey to find love begins as 25 menarrive ready to make a lasting impression. Setting the stagefor a history-making season, night one will unfold at a newmansion before Jenn and her men head to exotic locales.

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Spencer and Olivia are focused on pulling off the perfectwedding weekend. Jordan considers a new job offer, and his andLayla's search for a new home takes an unexpected turn. Lauraand Grace go head-to-head to see who can write the best speech.

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The qualifying rounds continue in L.A. with ninjas from acrossthe country taking on the world's most challenging obstaclecourse. The Mega Warped Wall returns and head-to-head runoffraces determine the final spot moving forward to semifinals.

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Teams are shocked with a new space to renovate and have limitedtime for its completion. Another weekly win is up for grabs,but budgets are low, and nerves are high as the mentors guidetheir teams closer to winning the ,000 grand prize.

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Simone is concerned about changes taking place at Bringston andwants to bring attention to the issues, but things don't go asexpected, and it puts Damon in a difficult position. Marcusseeks advice from an unlikely source. JR makes a decision abouthis future and Keisha tries to advise Simone. 

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Below Deck Mediterranean 9x6 - Running Aft-er Time

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