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Live ET/Delayed PT from the Ed Sullivan Theater in NewYork.Senator Bernie Sanders.Performance by OneRepublic.
1. Ken Jeong ("My Spy the Eternal City"). 2. Chef KevinBludso. 3. Musical Guest Remi Wolf.
This week, Mama Ru drops a gag-worthy twist on theAll-Stars... Before their final challenge of the season, thequeens must cast a game-changing vote -- and it's anybody'scrown to win!
As the new players arrive at the villa, they can barely keeptheir hands off each other — and a surprise new twist meansthat they don't have to.
Lana replaces the two banished players with some familiarfaces. They say they want to set a good example — but howlong will that resolution last?
Sexual tension is ramping up across the retreat, so Lana sendsthe singles to an energy orgasm workshop — which justfrustrates them even further.
Everyone's wondering whether the rule-breakers passed thecelibacy challenge, until two new singles arrive, and taketemptation to a whole other level.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Week seven is drawing to a close and the contestants aredesperate to still be in the running for the final countdown,but there's always drama right around the corner.
Jimmy Carr hosts a hybrid of the comedy panel show and thewords-and-numbers quiz, as Jon Richardson and Dan Tiernan takeon Richard Ayoade and Katherine Ryan. Mathematician RachelRiley looks after the letters and numbers, while John Kearnsjoins lexicographer Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner.
At the end of a six-week, grueling trek through the wilds ofBrazil, Parker finds a gold mining utopia that checks all ofhis boxes. But can he strike a deal within the three days hehas left in the country?
With peace on a knife's edge, Catherine attempts to calmtensions by allowing the Bourbons to pursue the trade deal withEngland and halting the investigation into the Duke of Guise'sarson involvement.
For thousands of years, humankind has attempted to makecontact with beings from beyond Earth. Now, in the 21stcentury, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence isramping up like never before, with powerful new technologiesallowing us to explore billions of stars across the universe.Are we on the verge of first contact?
This trip, Guy Fieri's diggin' in diner style! First, anold-school Atlanta spot is still serving up savory Southerncomfort with mighty mac 'n cheese and meatloaf with collardgreens. Then, a San Antonio staple known for their killerbreakfast is dishing out a real-deal brisket hash with salsaverde, and in Scottsdale, Ariz., a scratch-made eatery witha southwest kick is plating a supreme breakfast burrito.
The couples head to the altar in "Newlyweds": the final fourcouples chosen by America are revealed.
A shift in the weather turns Andy's routine mining decisioninto a potential disaster when melting ice threatens tocontaminate the nearby creek with silt. Hoping to avoid amillion-dollar loss, Todd attempts an engineering solution tohelp save the mine.
This week features a one-on-one interview with Pete Buttigieg,Democratic candidate in the 2020 presidential election andformer lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve. This week's paneldiscussion includes Larry Wilmore, producer, comedian,writer, and host of the podcast "Larry Wilmore: Black on theAir"; and Rep. Byron Donalds, a two-term Republicancongressman who represents Florida's 19th district.
In tonight's word game, the latest victors, a mother anddaughter duo, look to add to their winnings as they gohead-to-head with newlyweds, while adrenaline seeking friendsface off against a mother and daughter team in a high-stakesmatch-up.
When state inspectors make a surprise visit to the mine, Toddbraces for citations and fines. But when it appears thegovernment could shut them down completely, the Hoffman teamraces to save their operation before the inspectors return witha verdict.
Are UFOs spying on us? Do aliens have access to advancedtechnology? Tony Harris and his panel of experts investigatecompelling evidence of superior alien technology.
Superman fights Brainiac, but he has to choose between savingEarth or the people he loves.
Jacob fights in his search for Blake. A conflicted Cam unearthsrepressed emotions, and Dylan struggles with devastating news.
The Kitchen crew sends their taste buds on the ultimate tripwith family vacation favorites! Katie Lee Biegel and SunnyAnderson cook over the open fire with their Fish, Lemon andAsparagus Foil Pack and Blueberry Campfire Bread Pudding.Then, Geoffrey Zakarian makes picnic-perfect Greek PitaSandwiches, Jeff Mauro brings the boardwalk with Black CherryFunnel Cake with Chocolate Chantilly Cream, and Ted Allen from"Chopped" stops in to help toss together The Kitchen's UltimateSnack Mix.
Michael Symon explores the delicious world of sweet and saltyflavors. He perfects this taste combo with his Pretzel FriedPork Sandwich with Hot Honey and Pickles, Dates Stuffed withGoat Cheese in Bacon Brown Butter Balsamic Sauce and someToffee and Peanut Popcorn for some sweet snacking. To cool downin the summer heat, Liz shares a Frozen Strawberry Salty Dogwith vodka, pink grapefruit juice and a salted rim.
Rashida Jones: Natalie Portman: Haley Bennett: Iwan Rheon:Tom Ellis; Roland Emmerich.
Anchor Bay is attacked from outside its prison walls. Miketakes care of some important business at Kingstown Women'sPrison.
30 years in the past, Kira's groundbreaking research capturesthe attention of Paul Darros as well as the affection ofProfessor Eleanor Miller.
This 8-part series is an exclusive opportunity to deep-diveinto the making-of the epic phenomena, House of the Dragon.
Mexican food is always a top choice in the Gaines household.During this episode of Magnolia Table with Joanna Gaines, Jocarries on the tradition of sharing family-favorite Mexicandishes almost every season of the show. She starts off withsomething sweet, baking one of her and Crew's favoritedesserts, warm Churro Cookies. (Fun fact: You can try these atSilos Baking Co. this summer!).For the main, Jo shares herrecipe for creamy Spinach Enchiladas—a delicious way toincorporate a medley of fresh, nutrient-dense veggies into ameal. Next up, she makes homemade Queso Blanco and FreshTomato Salsa sided with crunchy tortilla chips. She plates thisdelicious meal alongside Mexican Rice, a staple recipe fromMagnolia Table Cookbook, Volume 1, and Charro Beans.
The first group of Stars return to the dancefloor for the firstelimination. One Celebrity will rise above the rest as theothers fight to avoid the dreaded dance-off to determine whowill leave.
The final week has arrived and the pressure is starting to showfor the remaining couples. The clock is ticking down and nobodywants to be the next to go.
Survivalists search elephant scat and test their bushcraftskills in a bird trap challenge. To get an edge in thechallenge, Dan and Ky make a trade. Gary is the first to scorea hunting win. Gale-force winds force a competitor from thecompetition.
Jennifer is left feeling defenseless and abandoned by those sheconsiders her ride-or-dies. Teresa opens up to Gia about theoverwhelming stress she's facing from Louie's ongoing legalbattle. Jen Fessler is left wondering if her friendship withRachel can recover. With the group continuing to unravel,Dolores plans a retreat for everyone to make amends.