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Granger escorts Jennifer Kim, a North Korean spy who is hislong-lost daughter, back to Los Angeles and interrogates her.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Leah flirts with the idea of getting back with Jeremy. Isaacstruggles with Javi's impending deployment. Jenelle's birthdaytrip to New York turns sour after hearing from Nathan.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sam sits down with a panel of Bernie supporters to trytounderstand their point of view.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Mindy Project 4x15 - So You Think You Can Finance

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bernie has to work alongside an old army colleague and ends upbeing forced to confront the secrets of the past and face thetruth behind her sudden exit from the army as Mr T learns thatno one takes him seriously as Serena has a choice to makebetween her happiness and Jason.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Karl and Elise continue to work on the case.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In the first episode of the new series the gang are inCambridge and Sean gives some American military training to oneunlucky bidder as one of the bins contains enough weapons tostart and finish a small war. Meanwhile, Linda looks behindthe curtain and gets more than she's bargained for.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Holby City 18x28 - Prioritise the Heart

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fastenough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catchhim. Harry strongly advises against that plan but after Barryconvinces him, Harry reveals that Cisco has the power tore-open the breach. Meanwhile, Hunter Zoloman's painful storyon Earth-2 is revealed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Finding the Fourniers becomes a matter of national urgency whenthe crashed plane's black box reveals a terrifying possibility.Gripping crime drama.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gibbs and Senior FBI Agent T.C. Fornell unite after two Britishprisoners, including a former spy, escape and arrivestateside via a shipping container. Also, McGee is busyapartment hunting and determined to find out how DiNozzopurchased his lavish place.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jess invents a male alter ego, &quot:Jeff Day&quot: in orderto buy a new car from a sexist salesman, but her planbackfires when both Nick and Sam arrive at the dealershippretending to be him. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cece panic whenWinston decides to bring his new prankster girlfriend, Rhondaas his plus one to their wedding.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


America will vote to keep ten artists in the competition. Thebottom two artists will compete for the Instant Save and onewill be eliminated.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Despite being happy with Sam, Jess confesses to Cece that shehad a sex dream about Nick. And Schmidt attempts to helpWinston land Furguson a cat audition when he finds out Aly'sboyfriend is a talent agent for pets.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Instead of being shunned like she expected, Eileen discoversthe ladies of her book club way too eager to open up to herabout their own issues.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Josh Harris is forced to take over the Cornelia Marie. SeanDwyer gets his first taste of the angry sea. Greenhorns on theCape Caution are slapped to attention. Weather, mechanicalfailures and inexperienced crews complicate matters across thefleet.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Geordie Shore 12x6 - Episode 6

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An erratic patient comes to the emergency department claimingthat his heart is pounding inside his head and takes drasticmeasures to stop it, leaving Dr. Choi and Dr. Charles tofigure out the best course of action. Dr. Manning works on ayoung boy with a broken wrist, but her suspicions abound whenthe facts don't add up, prompting her to report the situationto Goodwin and Dr. Charles, who must make a serious decision.Dr. Rhodes impresses Dr. Downey with his skills inside theoperating room, but the pressure takes a toll. Elsewhere,Will receives news about the pending lawsuit, April feels aspark in her social life, and Sarah tries to determine thecause of her recent anxiety.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a mysterious and deadly epidemic breaks out in Atlanta, avast urban quarantine is quickly enforced. Trying to keep thepeace on the streets is police officer Lex Carnahan, who hasquickly risen through the ranks of the Atlanta PD. But Lex'sjob becomes even harder when he learns that his longtimegirlfriend, Jana, and his best friend and fellow officerJake, are trapped within the cordoned area. Also quarantinedwithin viral ground zero is 17-year-old Teresa, who is eightmonths pregnant and now separated from her boyfriend on theother side; Katie Frank, an elementary school teacher nowplaced on lockdown with her entire class, including her youngson; and CDC researcher Dr. Victor Cannerts, the doctor whoinitially made the controversial call to quarantine the area,and who is now racing to find a cure for the virus. On theoutside, Dr. Sabine Lommers leads the government efforts tocontain the outbreak, and asks for Lex's help in enforcing thecordon - which grows increasingly difficult as the public trustdeteriorates.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Izzy, Emma and Jack cope with the real world consequences oftheir burgeoning alt relationship.As the trio reunite tobolster their collective nerve and take a huge leap, Andybegins to put the pieces together about what Izzy's really beenup to.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a surprising turn of events in the Nine-Nine's attempt totrack down Adrian Pimento's hitman, the precinct dropseverything when they suspect Holt is in danger.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After a Navy lieutenant dies during a clandestine visit to ageneral's hotel room, Special Agent Pride and the NCIS teamare asked to break standard protocol for the murderinvestigation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The showdown between the mountain and the town reaches itsclimax.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Agent Daisy Johnson must call upon the Secret Warriors for aninaugural mission that will leave no member unscathed, andS.H.I.E.L.D. learns more about Hive's powers, forcing them toquestion everyone they trust.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dean and Stewart's mother, Lenore, makes a surprise visit,which causes Dean to panic, because Bonnie has never approvedof his lifestyle. Meanwhile, Stewart is desperately trying toget reservations to the hottest restaurant in town for hisanniversary dinner with Deb. With his ex-wife in town, DeanSr. thinks he should get back into the dating scene and getshelp from Ethan and Lizzie.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jenna and Matty continue to rekindle their friendship whilethey throw a party for Jake; Jenna's latest Idea Bin postthreatens everything.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When NZT floods the streets of New York City and threatens tobecome a national epidemic, the FBI partners with the DOJ in acity-wide manhunt to find the lab producing the drug. Also,Brian has trouble adjusting to his new reality when he lacksthe resources to continue searching for Piper.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a high school student becomes an innocent victim of a gangretribution incident, a very determined Lt. Casey tries allmeans necessary to resolve the issue. Severide lends a hand toDetective Holloway, who is working a dangerous undercoverinvestigation, and watches over her 9-year-old son at thefirehouse. Brett and Jimmie are called to aid a woman who takesa fond liking to Jimmy. Meanwhile, Otis makes a surprisingdiscovery that leaves him very concerned and Herrmann goestoe-to-toe with Stella to claim bragging rights over who canbest run a bar.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A murder with a familiar signature could mean a woman waswrongly convicted of a crime.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a young woman falls to her death with a cryptic noteattached to her body, Kirsten is convinced the message issomehow tied to her own past. But when the stitch reveals thevictim was brainwashed to kill movie director Roman Bain, theteam ends up in a race against time to find the personresponsible before someone gets seriously hurt. Meanwhile,Camille's defense training unexpectedly reunites her with Liam.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The buyers head to Moreno Valley and descend upon auctions at afacility that has been known for great scores. Mary hopes tofollow the others to a solid locker, but Dave is intent on ascore of his own or making the others pay heavily for theirs.Both Ivy and Rene get massive lockers packed with goods, butonly one will have a massive pay day.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The artists end up being pushed to their limits as they takepart in the Flash Challenge.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Amy and Karma attempt to use the Hester Halloween party to tryand move on, but they cannot let go of the past. Shane feelssuspicious of Liam.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The hunt for lockers continues at Riverside, CA. Jarrod andBrandi try to teach a hard lesson to Bozek, but the price ofeducation may be to high for them. Ivy tries to hit it big witha low paying locker while Darrell and Brandon limp into alocker that may leave them all wet.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dr. Ben Carson, retired Pediatric Neurosurgeon &amp: formerRepublican presidential candidate

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Actor, &quot:Veep&quot:

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jess invents a male alter ego, "Jeff Day" in order to buy anew car from a sexist salesman, but her plan backfires whenboth Nick and Sam (guest star David Walton) arrive at thedealership pretending to be him. Meanwhile, Schmidt and Cecepanic when Winston decides to bring his new prankstergirlfriend, Rhonda (guest star Sonequa Martin-Green) as hisplus one to their wedding. Then, despite being happy with Sam(guest star David Walton), Jess confesses to Cece that she hada sex dream about Nick. And Schmidt attempts to help Winstonland Furguson a cat audition when he finds out Aly's (gueststar Nasim Pedrad) boyfriend (guest star Kal Penn) is a talentagent for pets.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Voice 10x18 - Live Top 12 Eliminations

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TV Calendar: At My TV


With Harry's help, Barry becomes fast enough to stop Zoom.Using Vibe's powers, the team contacts Zoom on the other Earthand use his past to trap him. But Zoom manages to escape theirtrap and takes one of them hostage to force Barry to give uphis speed.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


NCIS partners with the FBI and Homeland Security when twoBritish prisoners, including a former spy, escape and arrivein the U.S. via a shipping container. Meanwhile, McGee goesapartment hunting and becomes determined to find out howDiNozzo purchased his lavish place.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


New Girl 5x16 - Helmet

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Eileen faces her book club for the first time after herfamily's "outing," but things take a surprising turn wheninstead of shunning her the ladies begin opening up - way toomuch - about their own problems. Kenny's first trip to the"gayborhood" coffee shop is everything he'd hoped for, untilPat tags along with him to a gay dodge ball match.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Eddie finds that a nurse is his most formidable opponent.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Agent Daisy Johnson brings the Secret Warriors together for amission that will affect them all; knowledge of Hive's powershas S.H.I.E.L.D. mistrusting everyone.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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