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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Clark Gregg and Hayley Atwell battle it out.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Gil goes rogue and takes matters into his own hands during asurprise visit to an old guard from Quitman. Gil's rashdecision causes Jackson to question whether or not he can be apart of the revenge plan.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A ferocious battle between the Vikings and the Frencheventually comes down to Ragnar against Rollo. The outcome willseal the fate of the two brothers.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A mysterious stranger surfaces and asks Archer to help him findhis birth mother.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When two people with no obvious connection receive similarnotes and are then killed by targeted bombs in 24 hours,Carter and Lee have little to go on as they scramble toidentify the bomber before he strikes again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


We Bare Bears 2x6 - Rooms

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Craig is joined by guests actor Adam Goldberg, comedian NoelWells, and Ty Pennington as they debate and discuss history'sgreatest man-made structure.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Gov. Howard Dean, former Governor of Vermont

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Co-founder, Def Jam Recordings &amp: Founder, Global Grind

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team investigates a body found in a car crash, the remainsof which belong to a founder of a men's rights organization whomay have been the victim of domestic abuse. As Brennan learnsmore about the tenets of the victim's organization, whichclaims middle-aged white men are oppressed and feminists areman-haters, Brennan uncharacteristically loses her cool duringan interrogation and assaults the organization's co-founder.Meanwhile, Angela and the team struggle to deal with Hodginspost-wheelchair bitterness and Booth is convinced Brennan is ajinx for the Philadelphia Flyers.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Everyone must choose sides when a small argument betweenLeonard and Sheldon erupts into a heated fight during a groupget-together.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The team is targeted by The Pilgrim, a deadly assassin whowants to erase the Legends from the timeline by killing theiryounger, non-superhero selves. As a protectivecountermeasure, Rip decides Sara, Snart, Rory, ProfessorStein and Jax need to kidnap their past selves first before ThePilgrim gets to them. Coming face-to-face with the youngerversions of themselves proves to be both a physical andemotional challenge for certain members of the team who wouldrather forget their past. Rip tells them he has a refuge fortheir precious cargo – an orphanage that raises future TimeMasters and where he himself grew up.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Big Brother Canada 4x23 - Episode 23

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The doctors work frantically to save a young boy who wasaccidentally shot. Meanwhile, Arizona is upset when Callietries to make an important decision about Sophia's futurewithout consulting her.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Oscar is faced with a personal dilemma when he begins dating ayoung nanny who works for his neighbor Charlotte; at the sametime, Emily forces Felix to take part in an activity of herchoosing for a change.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Million Dollar Listing New York 5x1 - 50 Shades Of Greystone

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TV Calendar: At My TV


River Monsters 8x3 - Razorhead

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jaha returns to Polis, and Murphy has a surprise encounter.Meanwhile, Octavia uncovers a clue.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The first day of the adventure begins, with 10 people preparedto head out into unknown wilderness and survive for as long asthey can, in total isolation. But when the survivalistsconfront rocky terrain, wet environments, and hungrypredators, all of them begin to question their resolve.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jodi's boyfriend arrives at an A.A. meeting and Christystruggles to show him the compassion he needs. Meanwhile,Bonnie's new boyfriend feels left out because Bonnie spends somuch time at A.A.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Project Runway All-Stars 5x11 - State of the Art

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A mysterious beauty on the run from unknown assailantsaccidentally crosses paths with Reddington and enlists his helpto fight back against her attackers.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Life Below Zero° 6x12 - Falling Apart

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A transgender woman is shot four times during an apparentrobbery in New Orleans; two Atlanta men draw weapons in anunderground mall.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As Olivia deals with the aftermath of what she's done, shefinally finds out what exactly Jake and Rowan are plotting. Butwith their plans already in motion, Olivia is forced to make agut-wrenching attempt to try and stop it. Meanwhile, inflashbacks, we learn more about Jake's past and how he firstgot involved with B6-13.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


In an attempt to get to know Max's world better, her boyfriendRandy asks to spend a night at her apartment. Also, Carolineworks on getting a liquor license for their dessert bar.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Alice and Rose are shocked to discover their longtime politicalclient is being blackmailed by compromising photos. Meanwhile,Margot and Ben's benefactor grows dangerously impatient,sending them on a high-stakes jewelry heist to recoup theirdebt. And, Alice's suspicion of Dao leads her to confide inRose.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gil goes rogue and takes matters into his own hands during asurprise visit to an old guard from Quitman. Gil's rashdecision causes Jackson to question whether or not he can be apart of the revenge plan.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When two people with no obvious connection receive similarnotes and are then killed by targeted bombs in 24 hours,Carter and Lee have little to go on as they scramble toidentify the bomber before he strikes again.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A mysterious stranger needs Archer's help in finding his birthmother.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Beat Bobby Flay 7x16 - Just Act Natural

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Joe, Sal, Murr and Q make bizarre passes at supermarketshoppers, then pose as roving reporters asking insanequestions written by the other guys. And tonight's big loser isthe butt of the joke after being prescribed a painfullyinvasive punishment.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After evading a Neolution attack in Iceland, Sarah returnshome to track down an elusive new ally. She follows breadcrumbsand uncovers the next facet of Neolution's agenda –implanting dangerous technological devices in humans. However,those she left behind are wary about her return, not wantingto relinquish their semblance of normalcy. As Cosima struggleswith Delphine's disappearance, Alison and Donnie host apregnant and ever-hungry Helena. Meanwhile Felix, feeling likean outsider, embarks on his own journey of self-discovery.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A fierce battle between the Vikings and the French eventuallycomes down to Ragnar against Rollo and the outcome seals thefates of the two brothers.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Fluffy Breaks Even 2x4 - Los Angeles

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Amy raps for Lin-Manuel Miranda, avoids sex with her boyfriendand loses an eye.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Lip Sync Battle 2x12 - Clark Gregg vs. Hayley Atwell

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Beat Bobby Flay 8x6 - Just Act Natural

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Join or Die with Craig Ferguson 1x11 - History's GreatestMan-Made Structure

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Pac and Clyde's first professional ghost case together involvesa dead stoner who can't remember his unfinished business.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A shocking discovery is made by Danny and Ally and they wonderjust what kind of a man Jesse could have become.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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