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Vanilla Ice Project 6x2 - Views from the Great Room

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mike Tyson Mysteries 2x12 - Unsolved Situations

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dr. Strange needs the Avengers' help when Dormammu steals theEye of Agamotto.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The gang return to Earth only for the Fugitoid to reveal ahorrible secret regarding his past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Pac and Clyde help the perverted ghost of a famous DJ in orderto get entrance to the exclusive nightclub Le Douche.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dr. Strange needs the Avengers' help when Dormammu steals theEye of Agamotto.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) 4x14 - Earth's Last Stand

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Leslie falls in with a bad crowd and ends up being falselyaccused of armed robbery, prompting Louisa to take desperatemeasures to save him. Margo takes a shine to a gardener at theVilla Mavrodaki, Captain Creech returns, and the familyrealises the extent of Gerry's passion for animals when heturns his bedroom into a centre for scientific learning. Gueststarring Leslie Caron.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Pat and Marek are reconciled, but when someone sees themtogether, their relationship is in more danger than ever. TheBrindsleys come to realise the full extent of David's injuriesbecomes apparent, and Teresa faces letting go of the past whenshe is asked out. Alison fears the consequences of herinvolvement with the Lyons, Laura is spurred into action bysome happy news, and Joyce and Erica work together on a firstaid meeting.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Maharajah returns to Simla, and offers Ralph his politicalsupport - at a price. Ralph is forced to consider how far he isprepared to go to achieve his ambitions as his marriage entersits darkest hour. Sarah also returns to help with the aftermathof the bombing, and her appearance prompts Cynthia to reveal asecret from her past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Duck Quacks Don't Echo 4x4 - Katherine Ryan, Hugh Dennis,Amir Khan

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Duck Quacks Don't Echo (UK) 4x4 - Katherine Ryan, HughDennis, Amir Khan

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When Bob's friend, Warren, comes to town, he makes an offerto invest in the restaurant. Bob is thrilled that it finallycould get a much-needed makeover, until he learns that Warrenhas some strong interior design choices in mind. Meanwhile,Warren's visit means one of the kids must give up theirbedroom.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Indian Summers 2x7 - Episode 7

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Home Fires (UK) 2x4 - Episode 4

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Homer recalls a tense family vacation to the Grand Canyon withthe Flanders family. At first, the Flanders' perfection putsthe families at odds, but when they get stranded and Ned andBart go for help, the families finally bond.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Now that Hades and Zelena are reunited, Hades tells Zelenathat he wants a future with her outside of the Underworld. Allshe needs to do is heal his heart with True Love's Kiss so theycan leave the Underworld and trap the heroes there foreternity. When Regina overhears of this plan, she enlistsCora's help to find a way to separate Zelena from Hades.However, Cora reveals a family secret that could change Reginaand Zelena's lives forever. Meanwhile, David finally meetsJames, only to realize that his twin is determined to seekrevenge on him for stealing the life he could have had.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When President Dalton gets word that the world's most wantedterrorist, Jibral Disah, is hiding in Islamabad, he sendsthe "Murphy Station" - Henry, Jane and Jose - on adangerous mission to eliminate the threat. Also, Elizabeth andHenry go to couples therapy.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jealousy, corruption and double-crosses all lead up theidentification of the pastor's killer.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dice gets upset when a plaster mold of his penis goes missingfrom an art show. Meanwhile, after Dice accidentally dingsCriss Angel's Lamborghini, the "Mindfreak" setsout to use his magic against him.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Madison confronts Strand about his mysterious destination.Meanwhile, Nick, Alicia and others inspect wreckage from aplane crash.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The fate of Jon Snow ends up being revealed. Daenerys meets astrong man. Cersei sees her daughter once again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alicia's night goes from bad to worse when she throws a partyto celebrate Howard and Jackie's upcoming wedding. Also, Eliasks Jason to investigate Peter in preparation for his trial,.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bourdain explores the Philippines during Christmas season andtravels through the festive streets of Manila to taste the fastfood wonder Jollibee, try the sweet, milky drink,Halo-Halo, and indulge in the classic dish, Sizzling PorkSisig. The trip continues with the host accompanied by coverband "Keystone", as they dine on Adobo, asimmered pork-chicken dish. The tour concludes with a familymeal of Kare-Kare and the opening of the Balikbayan box.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Detective Nina Meyer searches for clues about Adam's history asshe watches his therapy sessions, while a guilty Claireattempts to keep a furtive eye on Ben after Hank'sdressing-down. The family prepares to support Claire at thegubernatorial debate, as Hank's guest leads him to find proofof who really kidnapped Adam. Meanwhile, Detective Meyerworries about her missing partner, Agent Clements, and Bengets a visit from someone from his tortured past.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Todd has a lot to think about when Tandy and Carol ask a majorfavor of him. Meanwhile, Gail's wine consumption has become anissue.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Comic Jerrod Carmichael's relationships with his family and hisgirlfriend are charted in this sitcom. The opinionated NorthCarolina family members include Carmichael's old-school fatherand religious mother, and they navigate various hot-buttontopics, including police protests, guns and religion.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When a wildfire threatens Mexifornia, all residents arerequired to evacuate. However, Bud refuses to leave hishouse, which catches fire, and Ernesto must come to therescue to save him. Meanwhile J.C. and Becky decide to take abreak from their relationship and see other people in order toexplore what it's like to date before committing to each other

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stella works as a webcam girl: Shea finds a job at a fast foodrestaurant; Ethan works for his crush, Shea; Bob and Aliceargue over end-of-life issues.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sherlock's father, Morland, becomes Sherlock and Joan's primesuspect in a murder investigation after one of his employees iskilled under the guise of a robbery.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Christine juggles the demands of her internship, law schooland a growing roster of GFE clients. Christine observes tensionand conflict amongst the Kirkland partners at David's annualparty.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Marty and the Pod consult for a company that is trying anunconventional management style; Doug considers romance with anew client; Clyde faces a breakup.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


It's career day at Quantico as the NATS meet representativesfrom various FBI branches to help them decide their futurepaths. In the future, Alex continues to search for theterrorist, and in the process, discovers some familiar faces- including one who knows the terrorist's endgame.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After being unceremoniously fired, an angry Richard faces atough decision: accept the diminished role of CTO, or leavePied Piper for good. Erlich takes a shine to Jack Barker,Laurie's new choice of CEO, while Dinesh and Gilfoyle weightheir options in Richard's absence. At Hooli, Gavin tries toimprove his image by admitting failure, and Big Head gets windof major changes.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The &quot:Ouroboros&quot: episode of &quot:Fear the WalkingDead" is discussed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Selina finds a possible road to victory on election day. Amyneeds to make a decision.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Big Brother Canada 4x24 - Episode 24 - Head of House &Nominations

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a wildfire threatens Mexifornia, all residents arerequired to evacuate. However, Bud refuses to leave hishouse, which catches fire, and Ernesto must comes to therescue to save him. Meanwhile J.C. and Becky decide to take abreak from their relationship and see other people in order toexplore what it's like to date before committing to each other.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ohio's attorney general says arresting drug addicts is notgoing to solve the heroin epidemic in his state. AttorneyGeneral Mike DeWine is hoping the use of drug courts can helpreduce the drug addiction that's taking the lives of 23 Ohioanseach week. DeWine speaks to Bill Whitaker about how his stateis addressing opioid addiction.Rep. David Jolly says he wastold his first job as a newly elected congressman was to raise,000 a day so he could get re-elected. On Sunday's 60MINUTES, the Florida Republican calls the daily phone calls heand other members of Congress feel pressed to make to donors a"shameful" distraction from work they should be doing for thepeople who elected them. Jolly and other frustrated congressmentalk to Norah O'Donnell.The parents of military members whogave their lives in the wars since 9/11 are finding solace inan old San Francisco hotel at a unique event held annually.Scott Pelley reports on the annual gathering of "Gold Star"families.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When K.C. learns Erica and Abby are working with the head ofThe Other Side to carry out an evil mission at the Presidentialelection party, the Coopers must act fast to stop the enemyagents.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When President Dalton gets word that the world's most wantedterrorist, Jibral Disah, is hiding in Islamabad, he sendsthe "Murphy Station" – Henry, Jane and Jose – on adangerous mission to eliminate the threat. Also, Elizabeth andHenry go to couples therapy.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Regina realizes that Zelena plans to try and reform Hades, andturns to Cora for help when she refuses to accept that hersister can turn the villain from evil. Meanwhile, Jamesabducts David and takes his place. In the past, Regina andZelena are briefly united as sisters but tragedy ensues.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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