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Josh Harris takes over the Cornelia Marie: Sean Dwyer facesthe angry sea; greenhorns on the Cape Caution are brought toattention; weather, mechanical failures and inexperiencedcrews create difficulties across the fleet.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a mysterious and deadly epidemic breaks out in Atlanta, avast urban quarantine is quickly enforced. Trying to keep thepeace on the streets is police officer Lex Carnahan, who hasquickly risen through the ranks of the Atlanta PD. But Lex'sjob becomes even harder when he learns that his longtimegirlfriend, Jana, and his best friend and fellow officerJake, are trapped within the cordoned area. Also quarantinedwithin viral ground zero is 17-year-old Teresa, who is eightmonths pregnant and now separated from her boyfriend on theother side; Katie Frank, an elementary school teacher nowplaced on lockdown with her entire class, including her youngson; and CDC researcher Dr. Victor Cannerts, the doctor whoinitially made the controversial call to quarantine the area,and who is now racing to find a cure for the virus. On theoutside, Dr. Sabine Lommers leads the government efforts tocontain the outbreak, and asks for Lex's help in enforcing thecordon – which grows increasingly difficult as the publictrust deteriorates.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An erratic patient comes to the emergency department claimingthat his heart is pounding inside his head and takes drasticmeasures to stop it, leaving Dr. Choi and Dr. Charles tofigure out the best course of action. Dr. Manning works on ayoung boy with a broken wrist, but her suspicions abound whenthe facts don't add up, prompting her to report the situationto Goodwin and Dr. Charles, who must make a serious decision.Dr. Rhodes impresses Dr. Downey with his skills inside theoperating room, but the pressure takes a toll. Elsewhere,Will receives news about the pending lawsuit, April feels aspark in her social life and Sarah tries to determine the causeof her recent anxiety.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After a surprising turn of events in the Nine-Nine's attempt totrack down Adrian Pimento's hitman, the precinct dropseverything when they suspect Holt is in danger.

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The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 6x21 - Reunion 1

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Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 3x22 - Portugal

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After a Navy lieutenant dies during a clandestine visit to ageneral's hotel room, Special Agent Pride and the NCIS teamare asked to break standard protocol for the murderinvestigation.

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The showdown between the mountain and the town reaches itsclimax.

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Total Divas 5x14 - C'est La Diva (2)

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Dance Moms 6x16 - Mack Z Vs. Abby Lee

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Dean and Stewart's mother, Lenore (guest star Anne Archer),makes a surprise visit, which causes Dean to panic, becauseBonnie has never approved of his lifestyle. Meanwhile, Stewartis desperately trying to get reservations to the hottestrestaurant in town for his anniversary dinner with Deb. Withhis ex-wife in town, Dean Sr. thinks he should get back intothe dating scene and gets help from Ethan and Lizzie.

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Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations 3x23 - Sicily

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Brooke and Kevin game the system by testing the most effectivehacks for buying a used car—and knocking hundreds of dollarsoff the price in the process! Plus, the latest Hack Herouncovers the best hacks for sneaking food and drinks into amovie theater, Hack Nanny swoops in to save the day with hacksfor parenting, and the newest Hack Master ups the ante with amind-blowing technique for taking out the trash.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A gruesome murder with the same signature as one of Paula'sprevious homicide cases could mean an innocent woman wasconvicted of a crime she didn't commit.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a high school student becomes an innocent victim of a gangretribution incident, a very determined Lt. Casey tries allmeans necessary to resolve the issue. Severide lends a hand toDetective Holloway, who is working a dangerous undercoverinvestigation, and watches over her 9-year-old son at thefirehouse. Brett and Jimmie are called to aid a woman who takesa fond liking to Jimmy. Meanwhile, Otis makes a surprisingdiscovery that leaves him very concerned and Herrmann goestoe-to-toe with Stella to claim bragging rights over who canbest run a bar.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Geared up for killer cooking and serious drama, a husband andwife are among the returning champs for the fourth round ofChopped Champions. Crab claws and vanilla frosting are two ofthe surprises in the first basket, then the champs mustconfront a wild boar for their entrees. In the dessert round,a savory mousse causes the competitors some alarm.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When NZT floods the streets of New York City and threatens tobecome a national epidemic, the FBI partners with the DOJ in acity-wide manhunt to find the lab producing the drug. Also,Brian has trouble adjusting to his new reality when he lacksthe resources to continue searching for Piper.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The buyers visit a facility in Moreno Valley, Calif., that isknown for its great scores; Ivy and Rene both land jam-packedunits, but only one provides a huge payday.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jenna and Matty continue to renew their friendship by tossing aparty for Jake, but an Idea Bin post by Jenna threatens tounravel it all.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Four bladesmiths must take an ordinary garden lawnmower andusing its metal to bend and shape to their will, create one oftheir signature blades. When the other contestants are moweddown in the competition, two will make it to the final roundwhere they must create a Tabar, a deadly battle axe fromSouthern Asia. After a series of grueling tests, only one willsurvive the cut to be named the Forged in Fire champion.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A young woman is found dead with a message that leads Kirstento believe her father could be involved, but the team mustrace to find the culprit after a stitch reveals the intendedvictim was a film director. Meanwhile, Camille's reunited withLiam during her defense training.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The artists are pushed to their limits in the Flash Challenge:the final veteran artist returns to the competition for achallenge in legibility.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The treasure seekers visit Riverside, Calif.: Brandi andJarrod attempt to teach Bozek a valuable lesson; Ivy hopes tobid low and win big; Darrell and Brandon's latest score mayleave them all wet.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Amy and Karma use the Hester Halloween party as a chance tomove on, but cannot let go of the past; Shane is suspiciousof Liam.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Deadbeat 3x1 - TBA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Upon learning about Hawk's ongoing relationship with Ashley,Eddie and Sarah find themselves at odds. Meanwhile, Abe meetswith Alison and suspects The Movement may be involved incriminal activity. Hawk tries to break up with Ashley. Afterconfronting Sarah, Cal returns to the Ridge estate to declarehis support for her actions.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the body of teenager Will Hudson is found in a Manchesterpark, Rachel knows his death could have been prevented. Withinformation about the Taking Out The Trash website in thepublic domain, monitoring potential targets is severelycompromised and Mitch's missing daybook seems the likely sourceof the leak. When Rachel receives an email with video footageof Will's murder, it's clear the rules of the game havechanged and Rachel's safety is in question. Acting asappropriate adult in Taisie's police interview, Janet feelspowerless to protect her daughter. Rachel tells her that as apolice officer, she mustn't interfere, but Janet is Taisie'smum first and knows she has to do something to stop themadness. At the end of Syndicate 9's darkest day, Janet andRachel share a drink, and it's clear to Janet that the worldis a now a very different shape.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the body of teenager Will Hudson is found in a Manchesterpark, Rachel knows that his death could have been prevented.With information about the Taking Out The Trash website in thepublic domain, monitoring potential targets has been severelycompromised.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Upon learning about Hawk's ongoing relationship with Ashley,Eddie and Sarah find themselves at odds. Meanwhile, Abe meetswith Alison and suspects The Movement may be involved incriminal activity. Hawk tries to break up with Ashley. Afterconfronting Sarah, Cal returns to the Ridge estate to declarehis support for her actions.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A surprising turn of events at Tribal Council sends shock wavesthrough the entire tribe. Also, castaways must choose betweenfood, love or an advantage in the game.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rosewood and Villa investigate the murder of a telenovelastar, holding a mirror up to their own relationship as theyexplore a world of off-screen soap and intrigue. Meanwhile,Erica strong-arms her way into Rosewood's life, much toDonna's chagrin. Then, Rosewood's precious GTO is stolen, andVilla reconnects with her mother, Daisie.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A patient thinks about Alex's ability to leave personal griefoutside the OR as she performs heart surgery on the anniversaryof her sister's death.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When guards at a Virginia prison intercept a package withevidence relating to the kidnapping of two boys several yearsago, the BAU questions a notorious serial killer who may haveinformation on the boys' whereabouts.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Lucious releases his new music video, as he manipulates andsabotages those around him to regain his CEO position atEmpire. Meanwhile, Andre learns more about his grandmother'smental illness in order to understand his own struggle withbipolar disorder, Anika reveals a big secret to the family andHakeem leads the big shareholder meeting.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Newly established wildlife corridors have been offering somehope to endangered species around the globe.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The Ultimate Fighter returns for a 23rd season with femalecoaches Claudia Gadelha and Strawweight champion JoannaJedrzejczyk. This will see a combination of men and womencompete in their respected division of the Light Heayvweightand Strawweight divisions.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The International Response Team travels to Morocco when aretired couple from Idaho is kidnapped while visiting thecountry on a cruise.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Abbi gets her period whilst she is onboard a airplane and sheneeds Ilana's help to find a tampon.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Martha must finally face the truth she has denied - and herlife may never be the same. Plus, a chilling new developmentin William's work forces the Jennings to face the realities ofwhat a biological war would mean.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


George's new girlfriend wants him to host a neighborhood partythat pushes him beyond his comfort zone but things don't go toplan.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Having met online nine months earlier, a man is willing touproot his life to be with the woman with who he now shares abond.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Innocence is lost when children are forced to face the harshrealities of the world.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Maddie runs away from home, leaving Rayna and Deacondistraught; Avery's link to Layla threatens Juliette; Riff'sdisappearance forces Luke to find a new artist; Autumn comesbetween Gunnar and Scarlett.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Lolli and Stamps leave out Alicia after they start a Super PACto help fund Boyce's campaign.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sturgill Simpson, musician - &quot:A Sailor's Guide toEarth"

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Actor, &quot:The Meddler&quot:

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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