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A lavish influencer party on a sun-soaked Gozo beach turnsdeadly when its host, Tony Tong, is found murdered. Amid thechaos, Jamil is discovered passed out near the scene, makinghim the prime suspect. Jack and Kate are forced to set asidetheir personal tension to clear Jamil's name. As the caseunravels, Kate sees Jack's unwavering loyalty to Jamil,softening her resolve to keep their relationship strictlyprofessional. Meanwhile, Jamil's unspoken feelings for Cassietake a hit when she admits she only sees him as a friend. AndPiers intensifies his schemes, determined to make both Jackand Kate's lives miserable as he plots his next move. 

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Mayan pushes George to meet up with his estranged mother,Elsa. Rosie and Quinten reconnect with their inner divas whenthey get a karaoke machine.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Hondo learns there':s a million bounty on hishead, 20-Squad must race to uncover the mysterious enemy fromHondo's past who's intent on revenge. Also, Deaconand Tan butt heads over Tan's changes to SWAT academy.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Live from Tuckahoe, it':s RDR Live! The queens arechallenged to serve up laughs in a hilarious send-up of theiconic sketch comedy show. Actor, writer and director Paul W.Downs (Hacks, Broad City) guest judges.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Practical water bottle accessories, a baby name database, aneasy-to-use tub hose, and hassle-free baby clothes.

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Billie sets off to complete a wizard quest on her 13thbirthday, believing that Justin organized it. However, thequest is a test from someone with more nefarious intentions.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The new run concludes, as Joe Lycett packs his suitcase foranother mini-break and shows willing celebrity guest RoseMatafeo how to get the most out of a weekend away, with afun-packed, 48-hour itinerary of trademark humour and facts inSweden's third city, Malmö. Their journey starts on theengineering marvel and Scandi noir thriller star the OresundBridge, which links Denmark to Sweden. After checking intotheir circus-themed hotel, Joe and Rose make use of thecomplimentary bikes to discover the city. At the canal, theyhop on a self-driven electric boat for a sightseeing tour thatincludes The Turning Torso: the world's first twisting tower,which was once the tallest building in Scandinavia. They headto The Disgusting Food Museum where the tickets double as sickbags and they sample some of the world's most disgusting food,challenging the notion of what is and isn't edible. Menuhighlights include a traditional Sardinian cheese, a selectionof insects and Chinese delicacy 'Century Eggs', all washeddown with a Swedish spirit made from beaver anal glands. For amore appetising Swedish food experience, on day two Joe andRose enrol on a walking food tour, where they discover thatMalmö is Sweden's falafel capital, embrace the country's loveof fish and check out a local brewing company. Then it's off tothe 19th-century splendour of the Ribersborg Kallbadhus for asauna followed by an icy dip in a seawater pool. Feelinginvigorated, they hotfoot it to Folkets park for a round ofMalmö-themed mini golf as they take in the tiny landmarks andreflect on their trip.

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Billie is nervous to have her first mortal sleepover becauseshe wears embarrassing wizard headgear to prevent her fromcasting spells in her sleep.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team looks forward to welcoming a new recruit into theirmidst, whilst Mervin can't wait to get off the island. Butbefore he catches his flight, Mervin becomes embroiled in themurder of a young man who's found in a ravine. The case becomesmore compelling when they find the victim has left them amysterious message.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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Del celebrates a birthday, as the rest of the Landry familyand Elliot take a step back to reassess their investigations.

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Magicians Blake Vogt, Hernan Maccagno, Ella Nicholson, andFriedrich Roitzsch try to fool the veteran duo with theirillusions.

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Tony hits an unexpected roadblock at his Indian River claim.With time running out on his season, Rick searches for a newspot to mine. Parker's crew makes a big move in the LongCut in the hopes of a large payday.

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With the Chezem Valley fire blazing out of control, Bode andAudrey must find a way to save themselves; Manny risks hisfreedom for his missing daughter; Eve tries to protect herfather and their family's ranch.

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The new series of Cats Does Countdown continues. Jimmy Carrhosts as Jon Richardson and Amy Gledhill take on Richard Ayoadeand Guz Khan. Sam Campbell joins Susie Dent in DictionaryCorner. With Rachel Riley.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker present thequadruple-BAFTA-nominated and multi-award-winning The Last Leg.Offering their unmatched satirical insight into the world'sbiggest and funniest current events, the boys are joined byweekly guests from the comedy, entertainment and politicsuniverses to help dissect the biggest news stories of the week.As ever, the hashtag #isitok paves the way for the gang toround up, examine and explain these stories - alwaysincorporating acerbic wit, enlightening discussions and uniquesketches. Joining the boys this time are actor Brian Cox andcomedian Michelle Wolf.

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Guests: An interview with Peggy Noonan, Pulitzer Prize-winningcolumnist at The Wall Street Journal, former special assistantand speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, and author of"A Certain Idea of America: Selected Writings".This week's panel discussion includes Max Brooks, fellowat the Modern War Institute at West Point, author, and hostof YouTube's "Max Brooks Breaks Down"; andDan Jones, British historian, TV presenter, journalist, andauthor of "Henry V - The Astonishing Rise ofEngland's Greatest Warrior King".

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Joining Graham on his sofa are: double Oscar winner RenéeZellweger and Brit star Leo Woodall (The White Lotus, OneDay), together in Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy; This IsUs star Sterling K Brown, in thriller series Paradise; stageand screen star Anthony Mackie, wielding the famous shield inMarvel's Captain America: Brave New World; and pop icon CyndiLauper, talking about her Girls Just Wanna Have Fun FarewellTour.

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Coming Soon...

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Shoresy':s life after hockey is put to the test.

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Mark, Helly, Irving, and Dylan search for answers.

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Breaching one of the most high-security locations in New Yorkputs Peter's skills to the test. Rose and Dr. Cole enacta daring plan to stop Markus.

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Owen becomes a human target while digging deeper into thegraymail case. Nichka has major intel on a kidnapping - but itwon't come for free.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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