WWE NXT 19x4 - Main Event: Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend vs.Bianca Belair & Naomi (c) for the WWE Women's Tag TeamChampionship
A vegan restaurant grappling withdirection and disorganization is in need of help.
After Hurricane Helene flooded Appalachia, Mike and Jerryfound their new submarine still washed away. Tickle attempts topersuade accident-prone Josh not to return to racing. Richardgets a special order, but tracking the fruit proves a thornyproblem.
Abby gets more than she bargained for when Julianne invites herto join a women's empowerment group; Dan and Flobert competeover whose advice will help Gurgs secure a promotion.
Love is in the air as the remaining 11 players identify thebiggest targets in the game. An unexpected competitor emergesas the Banker's biggest opponent.
Soto reopens an old murder case in the famous Donovan family,determined to uncover the true killer in a classic "whodunit"style.
Trent and Amber tell the family about Trent's MRI results. Annaand Emma babysit Leighton for the first time and catch up abouttheir dating lives. Alex prepares for his final high schoolrobotics competition.
A member of the Fly Team goes missing as the hunt for GregCsonka continues in Paris. Meanwhile, Vo's life hangs in thebalance after being shot.
Moonshiners stars Richard Landry, Killer Beaz and HowardThompson compete to turn spicy peppers into tasty, high-proofmoonshine. But it takes a master moonshiner to run a balancedhot liquor, and every misstep comes at the price of sweat andtears.
Alec and Marisa investigate a mysterious ghost ship that haswashed up on the shores of his hometown; this forces him torevisit his past and spend time with his father with whom hehas a fraught and complicated relationship.
Following his stint at the LAPD, Wesley returns to thedistrict attorney's office where his past connects him to theteam's investigation. Meanwhile, Bailey and John haveconflicting feelings over safety, while Lucy grows suspiciousof Seth.
The Fugitive Task Force investigates a series of deadly firesinvolving the descendants of those who caused the infamous 1985MOVE bombing in Philadelphia. Meanwhile, Nina's sister turnsto her in a time of need.
1. Ringo Starr ("Look Up"). 2. Noah Centineo. ("TheRecruit") 3. Musical Guest Nessa Barrett.
Kellyoke: Birds of a Feather (Billie Eilish)/ Sterling K.Brown/ Carrie Preston.
Ian and Poppy reveal their project as they struggle withpersonal and professional lines. The Mythic Quest team adjuststo their new game's growth.
Stand-up comedian and actor Lil Rel Howery drops by to talkabout the upcoming family film "Dog Man." Jennifer welcomes2-year-old logo expert Devin and his parents, TrevorDerose and Tatiana Gipson, from Chicago, Illinois. Devinhas memorized thousands of logos across various categories,including luxury designers, food and beverage companies,entertainment, and technology. When Devin was 18 months old,he learned the alphabet and became fascinated with learningdifferent words that start with each letter. From there, hebecame interested in advertisements andlogos. Plus, a Beauty Alert with EmmyAward-winning hairstylist Kiyah Wright. Tune in for celebrityhairstyling tips!
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Lisa Ann Walter talks about the latest seasonof her hit television show, "Abbott Elementary."Then, JamesMonroe Iglehart performs a song from "A Wonderful World: TheLouis Armstrong Musical."
Food Edition: Today, we invite our panel of experts to debunkthe most viral food myths on social media. Should you reallywash packaged shredded cheese? Are your favorite spicy hotsnacks giving you an ulcer? Is red food dye making your kidshyper? We're answering these questions and plenty more!
Today we get reviews of hot new movies ‘Flight Risk'and ‘Inheritance' and absolutely do not engage in thebreaking of any contracts or NDAs.
Plus, make sure towatch until the end for a sneak look at a special newenterprise..
Plus, make sure towatch until the end for a sneak look at a special newenterprise..
Michelle Yeoh (movies "Star Trek: Section 31," "Wicked").Michelle Yeoh plays "Behind-the-Scenes"; Pilar Valdes and Drewmake soy sauce chow mein with tiger prawns.
David uses AI to help regulate gamer behavior—then needshumans to regulate the AI. Meanwhile, no one is regulating Ianand Poppy's arguments.
Cormack is hot on the heels of Zoe':s killer after Julieis thrust into the spotlight.
When violence disrupts the quiet parish of Grantchester inCambridgeshire, the local vicar feels compelled to help byteaming up with a local copper.
The team salvage a vintage rugby shirt worn by a Welshprofessional in the 1960s. His daughter-in-law had tried tofreshen it up before framing but there was a laundry disaster.
Chicago':s first responders unite in the wake of acatastrophic gas explosion and fire that threaten a citygovernment building. Herrmann reluctantly shadows Pascal whileViolet, Novak and Dr. Frost take charge of triage efforts onsite.The crossover continues on Chicago Med S10E11 In theTrenches (II) and Chicago P.D. S12E11 In the Trenches (III).
When Riley discovers a closet filled with her latemother's clothes, she insists Matt hasn'tprocessed her death and urges him to see a grief counselor.Meanwhile, Gabriel faces a crisis of confidence whenhe's put in charge of the shop for a day.
Summer is ending and as the new school year is about to start,so is a new chapter. As the new QB coach at Crenshaw, Jordanis caught between being his players coach and their friend,which causes discord with his boss, Coach Bobby and hisstarting quarterback, Yasi. Meanwhile, Kingston's worldis upended when he learns the secret that his parents, Cassiusand Ava, have been keeping from him. Elsewhere, Khalilchallenges the school system, Amina strives for moreindependence, and Coop and Layla struggle to find theirfooting in a new dynamic.
Stuck at home with a sprained ankle and a pair of binoculars,Max is convinced she has witnessed a murder while snooping onthe condo across the street.
Following the subway tunnel collapse, Ruzek and Kidd treatinjured passengers and track down the missing offender. Archerand Frost perform a life-saving amputation. Lenox feels theweight of the CPD's hopes as she fights to save one oftheir own.The crossover starts on Chicago Fire S13E11 In theTrenches (I). It continues on Chicago P.D. S12E11 In theTrenches (III).
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Guy Fieri divides six acclaimed chefs into teams of three tocompete in a game day food battle fought relay-style in10-minute shifts. The first chefs shop for a game day feastwhose components satisfy three descriptive words selected in agame day draft pick. After each shift, the chefs enter a giant"ice box" that prevents them from talking toteammates, but Guy gives each chef a chance to communicatenon-verbally by holding up big letters and acting out charades.Ultimately, the team that creates the best and most accurategame day plate will go on a relay shopping spree worth up to,000!