When a man dies on a bus, Bea is warned off the case butrefuses to stop digging - and Patience fears for her safety.
It':s the penultimate day in the Traitors': castle,and as the game nears its end, could a huge shift in powerchange everything?
After coming to believe the authorities have got the wrong manbehind the bombing, Jim grows closer to the convictedAbdelbaset al-Megrahi. Soon, he embeds himself withinMegrahi's appeal case, as well as the conspiracytheories swirling around it. But by doing so, Jim findshimself increasingly isolated from his family.
When a music mogul is found dead, Shaw and Riley clash with anundercover officer unwilling to cooperate. Price and Baxterdisagree on whether the victim's reputation could help orhinder the jury's decision in the case.
With their trust shaken, the Traitors must decide how to moveforward; a dangerous move threatens to backfire, and thecoffin theory surfaces once more; at the round table, thelimits of an alliance within the Faithful are tested.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
When a teen from a group home goes missing, the squad has onlyminutes to determine if he ran away or was abducted. Velascosuspects the system at large is to blame for letting childrenslip through the cracks.
It's the penultimate day in the Traitors' castle, and as thegame nears its end, could a huge shift in power changeeverything? With time running out to increase the final prizepot, the players embark on a trip down memory lane. As theyrace towards the finish, will the Faithful rid themselves of aTraitor or let another Faithful fall before the final hurdle?
Hunters face the dual challenge of navigating a dangerous stormand preserving their season; Ronnie and Timmy bet on a feedingfrenzy; Joey and Kallie hunt open waters; Troy and Picklehunt to the bitter end; Bruce and Anna search for giants.
When a college student disappears after a fraternity prank outshim as ***, M&A mobilizes to trace his whereabouts. Thepressure for Gabi's arrest reaches a boiling point. Sirbecomes increasingly bold in his quest for Gabi.
Stephen welcomes former professional football player Drew Breesand actor Morris Chestnut.
Jimmy welcomes actress Andie MacDowell, plus a interview and aperformance by Teddy Swims.
Everyone in town is talking about the upcoming Korfball matchbetween the Americans and the Dutch. The Colonel refuses tolose to the Dutch and Captain Quinn brings out her high schoolalter ego "The Rocket" to make her dad proud.
After a disastrous mission in Bangkok, Peter goes AWOL totrack an American agent accused of leaking secrets. Meanwhile,Rose receives a disturbing call.
After Walt takes ownership of Danny':s book, Danny andRay take off for Costa Rica to assess the future of theirbusiness.
With the future at stake, Richter and friends join forcesagainst a terrifying new evil that puts their powers - and theBelmont legacy - to the test.
For the first time in 8 years, TNA iMPACT! is LIVE as theaction emanates from the Boeing Center at Tech Port in SanAntonio, TX. The Rascalz challenge Fraxiom for the NXT TagTeam Championship. Knockouts World Champion Masha Slamovichjoins forces with Knockouts World Tag Team Champions Spitfireto battle Rosemary and Ash & Heather By Elegance.X-Division Champion Moose and JDC face off with TNA World TagTeam Champions The Hardys. Plus, we'll hear from the new TNAWorld Champion Joe Hendry, Tessa Blanchard, and JoshAlexander, who is contractually obligated to appear.
When a music mogul is found dead, Shaw and Riley clash with anundercover officer unwilling to cooperate. Price and Baxterdisagree on how the victim's reputation could sway the jury'sverdict in the case.
As Hurricane Francine strikes with full force, hunters facethe dual challenge of navigating a dangerous storm andpreserving their season. Ronnie and Timmy bet on a feedingfrenzy in the marsh before the storm. Joey and Kallie hunt openwaters before joining Daniel to prepare their family businessfor a direct hit. Troy and Pickle press their luck and hunt tothe bitter end. Bruce and Anna navigate shallow, treacherouswaters in search of giants, pushing their equipment and nervesto the limit.
The remaining four chefs are challenged to cook and present atableside dish; a cutthroat dinner service determines whoadvances to the final three.
On Part 2 of the Jersey Shore Family Vacation Reunion, JustinaValentine digs into this season's biggest cliffhangers. What'sAngelina and Vinny 2.0's status? What's Nicole's next step inher ancestry journey? An unwelcome guest shocks everyone.
Alex Guarnaschelli and Carson Kressley hype up chefs Kyle Garryand Sam Bassett in an unforgettable showdown before the winnertakes on Bobby Flay.
When a teen from a group home goes missing, the squad mustquickly determine if he ran away or was abducted. Velasco putspressure on the system at large for letting children slipthrough the cracks.