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Forensic Factor: A New Era 2x2 - Killer Evidence

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The team races to the rescue in the aftermath of an ATVaccident.  Romantic tensions are high between Em and Will aswell as Kainalu and Hina.

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Andy Cohen interviews Keith Allen and Mekki Leeper.

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Francine and Roger become addicted to peeping in on people at amysterious motel.

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Tess and Sunny join forces with Jake to investigate the murderof an unidentified bride found dead on a desolate beach, stillwearing her wedding gown. As they dig into the case, theydiscover the bride and her fiancée were once on opposite sidesof the law, running from a dark past that has caught up tothem. The case hits close to home for Sunny, who's haunted bythe home invasion she suffered in the Season 1 finale, whileMia helps Tess confront a troubling new symptom of her sightloss. As the team races against time, secrets and betrayalscome to light, setting the stage for a suspenseful season.

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E! News 25x9 - 012025

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The hosts of "Pod Save America": Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett andTommy Vietor.Performance by Jalen Ngonda. 

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1. Don Cheadle ("Unstoppable")2. Leanne Morgan ("You'reCordially Invited")3. Musical Guest Pete Yorn

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Colin Jost and musical guest Stereo MC's. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jennifer welcomes actor Mark-Paul Gosselaar to talk about thesecond season of his show "Found." Next,couple Aki and Koichi from Irvine, California, stop by.They've gone viral for the "outfit of the day" videos theirdaughter Yuri posts of them. Within months, the couple gainedover a million followers on Instagram. They've been flown toEurope for brand campaigns, appeared in Vogue, andmore! Jennifer also welcomes Trell Thomas, founder of BlackExcellence Brunch, to discuss his brunch events inspired bySunday dinners at his mother's house in South Carolina. Aftermoving to Los Angeles, he transformed his gatherings into aplatform to showcase the achievements and contributions ofBlack professionals worldwide.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


We're marking 20 years of YouTube, seeing where viralYouTubers are now after fame. Comedian and YouTube legendGLOZELL GREEN went viral in 2008 with her video "My push-up brawill help me get my man." What's life like 60 million viewslater? Then, DAVID DEVORE JR., aka "DAVID AFTER DENTIST,"who went mega-viral in 2009 after reeling from the effects ofdental surgery, joins us to discuss the life-changing videofrom when he was 7. "CHOCOLATE RAIN GUY" TAY ZONDAY joins us 18years and 139 million views after he became world famous withthe video he shot in his apartment.

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Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" starErika Jayne talks about the new season of the reality show andher return to "Chicago: The Musical" on Broadway.Hosts of "TheEarn Your Leisure" podcast, Rashad Bilal & TroyMillings, share their financial advice for 2025 and talk abouttheir book, "You Deserve To Be Rich."

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Actors Adam Scott and Britt Lower and director Ben Stiller(series "Severance"). Drew helps chef Geoffrey Zakarian to makeGreek breakfast tostadas.

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Guests include Adam Scott (Severance), Julia Fox (Presence)and Greg Davies & Alex Horne (Taskmaster).

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Nikki conducts an unusual post-mortem, and a terrifyingdiscovery disturbs the team. DNA evidence forces the Lyall toseek advice from an unexpected quarter.

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Milkshake! 255x21 - Episode 21

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I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 11x3 - Episode 3

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Black Snow 2x5 - TBD

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Nikki conducts an unusual post-mortem, and a terrifyingdiscovery disturbs the team. DNA evidence forces the Lyall toseek advice from an unexpected quarter.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Roy Wood Jr. (comedian, "Roy Wood Jr.: Lonely Flowers").

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kat brings up the inconsistencies in Sir Douglas' story to herboss, but without hard evidence it feels flimsy. And when it'srevealed eldest Maclean son Calum has a questionable alibi, hebecomes the focus of the investigation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


General Hospital 255x12 - Ep. #15631

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ahead of Bailey':s return home, John looks for clues tolocate Jason Wyler. Then, Tim and Lucy swap rookies; afriendly face resurfaces at the station, and Wesley feelsunsettled over Angela.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After learning that Jake has never been in a long-termrelationship, Abby is determined to find his secretdealbreaker. Dan and Julianne go head to head to prove theydon't have feelings for each other.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


An &quot:intimacy in the workplace&quot: discussion leadsJoyce to discover she's out of the loop on office gossip.Alex gets self-conscious about her sex life. Bruce tries tofight a new policy about dating co-workers.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Paddy McGuinness visits the Graze factory in west London armedwith his trusty tasting spoon to learn about the process thatcreates 40 million flapjacks a year and the science behindtheir sticky toffee flavour. Cherry Healey learns how oats canbenefit gut health and Ruth Goodman savours the history ofStaffordshire oatcakes and golden syrup

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A dispute within a family-owned business leads to multiplepoisonings, pulling Will and Faith into a tangled web ofsecrets and corporate intrigue. Meanwhile, Angie, eager torejoin the force, makes a discovery at Waldorf Estates.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Mark uncovers proof Sister Rose cheated but hesitates topublish. Meanwhile, Mike Sr covers the Meech Lake Accord asMary scores an exclusive. Pop does some redecorating.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Priscilla proposes a plan to trick Hunter into leaving theresidence. Victoria shows Eli footage that could unravelSimone's story.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


In the swamp, the team uncovers a structure resembling acontainer; after weeks of searching, they find a void in theMoney Pit...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Any is allowed to return to work under strict guidelines andteams up with TJ to treat a patient suffering from mysteriousliver problems. Sonya and Jake help an elderly couple navigatethe final chapter of their love story.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sandi Toksvig takes a look at veggies with Jason Manford, AhirShah, Holly Walsh and Alan Davies.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mark and Digger shop for new oak barrels: after spotting anunmarked vehicle surveilling their barrel house, the duo mustdevise an alternative way to sell their bourbon.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A nanny is found bludgeoned to death in the park. Elsewhere,Morgan interferes when Elliot admits to not being invited tohis classmate's party.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Alec brings Rose on a date to a magic club he frequents where afriend is the headliner; the evening turns deadly when anaudience volunteer is inexplicably killed onstage, andseemingly by magic.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sandi Toksvig takes a look at veggies with Jason Manford, AhirShah, Holly Walsh and Alan Davies.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Jeanette turns to Sophia as her world begins to crumbleVictoria seeks revenge.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Annette embarks on a perilous journey into the spirit worldthat sparks a shocking transformation - and sets the stage foran epic showdown.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Hudson & Rex 7x2 - Once Bitten, Twice Shunned

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The chefs get only three items in each basket and must bid in alive auction for a fourth ingredient. In this preliminarycompetition, the chef who ends up with what seems like theleast desirable auction item decides to double down on thelevel of difficulty by using an unusual technique and flavor.Will they make something great or just make a mess? The entréeround auction includes an unusual protein that gets big bidsfrom more than one chef. Then, in the dessert round, whenboth competitors decide to bake something, they take on a highrisk in hopes of a high reward. The winner advances to thetournament's finale to compete for the title of Chopped GrandChampion and an enormous cash prize!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An "intimacy in the workplace" discussion leads Joyce todiscover she's out of the loop on office gossip; Alex getsself-conscious about her sex life; Bruce tries to fight a newpolicy about dating co-workers.

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Novelist Amy Tan and poet Rita Dove.

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WWE NXT 19x3 - Episode 3

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Gordon tries to revamp Voleo's Seafood Restaurant, asecond-generation family-run restaurant struggling to stayafloat following the devastation caused by Hurricane Ida in2021.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A dispute within a family-owned business leads to multiplepoisonings, pulling Will and Faith into a tangled web ofsecrets and corporate intrigue. Meanwhile, Angie, eager torejoin the force, makes a discovery at Waldorf Estates. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


For some of the couples a trip down memory lane is in order inhopes of building emotional connections with their spouses.Visits to hometowns and words of wisdom to their past livescreate special moments for them to truly see their spouse forwho they are. But all is not merry as one couple appears to beon the cusp of destruction while a simple text causes anothercouple to start to unravel.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bozoma hosts a healing spa day for the ladies that proves to beanything but serene; Garcelle receives a long overdueapology; Kyle is confronted with mounting suspicions.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Mark and Digger shop for new oak barrels, but after spottingan unmarked vehicle surveilling their barrel house, the duomust devise an alternative way to sell their bourbon. Afriendly liquor run with Big Chuk lands Josh back in ahigh-risk environment.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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