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The remaining potters attempt a toy Noah's ark and animals,and a surprise second challenge sends them potty. Who finds itchild's play and who'll be left high and dry?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rosalind oversees the care of first-time mum Norma and husbandDon after she delivers their baby and immediately realises thatall is not right. Joyce is assigned to the district round andmeets Alf, who was recently discharged from hospital after aprostate procedure. Living in the same block of flats is singlemum Nerys, and Joyce discovers that Nerys is leaving herchildren home alone when she goes to work. Elsewhere, SisterJulienne calls on Trixie's managerial skills when she issummoned to a meeting with Dr Threapwood to discuss the renewalof their contract with the council.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Elizabeth and Nathan uncover Oliver':s secret. Rosemaryworries Lee has a secret of his own. Allie's interest ispiqued when Earl Wyatt returns to town.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A documentary crew arrives to follow the SkyMed flight crew,creating turbulence among the team - especially when Stef andChopper are forced to work outside the lines on a difficultcall.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A sighting of a celeb near London's Tower Bridge sends theground hunters scrambling. In Cardiff, a glammed-up pair ofcelebs taunt the hunters, followed by a daring raid on thedoorstep of Hunter HQ. While two celebs lay low in a luxuryhotel, in Scotland a fugitive finds inspiration in an artist'shaven. And in Leeds, one of the celebs tries to smash a worldrecord before going live on stage.

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When a massive explosion at a top-secret prison known as thePit allows notorious serial killer Richard Harris to escape,disgraced FBI agent Bex Henderson is called back into action tohunt him down before he kills again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Featuring highlights, predictions and the latest news fromacross the league.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Martian buys time with a crystal ball bluff to Langley: Blairand Owen hunt out a White Rabbit; Osman raises the stakes;Henry tasks Dr. Blake with an urgent assessment; Danny crossesthe Rubicon; with a green light from Bosko, a trap is sprung.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Annette, Richter and Alucard seek Sekhmet':s mummy at theLouvre, where spirits seem to be lighting the way. Justeintervenes in a deadly confrontation.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A cold case shifts Jeanette':s focus, as Sophia gets somedistressing news.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Abby represents an environmental activist whose devotion to thecause might cost him custody of his children. Meanwhile, ameeting with an old flame lands Harry in trouble.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A single mother's homestead is trapped between two activevolcanoes, and she finds herself torn between giving up andfighting for the life her kids love. To battle the threat oftoxic rain, the Raneys reinforce her besieged homestead,adding a safe water source and fortified gardens.

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Home Town 9x4 - There's No Place Like Home

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Chefs Jeff Mauro and Antonia Lofaso teach the recruits to makean all-American breakfast; for the main dish challenge, theteams throw down on the grill with barbecue chicken.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When young father Rob Limon is murdered at work, theinvestigation uncovers deep secrets about sex, friendship,religion and family. Sunday's broadcast explores the twistedcase featured in Dateline's #1 podcast, Deadly Mirage.

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Wipeout 2x13 - Time to Drop the Hammock

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A film crew follows the team, causing tension: Stef andChopper handle a tough call and must break protocol, creatingmore stress for the group.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Elizabeth and Nathan uncover Oliver's secret. Rosemary worriesLee has a secret of his own. Allie's interest is piqued whenEarl Wyatt returns to town.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sister Wives 19x18 - Money Is the Root of All Evil

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Andy Cohen interviews Dr. Wendy Osefo and Keke Palmer.

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Darby & Joan 2x5 - Episode 5

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TV Calendar: At My TV


William and Julia celebrate their wedding anniversary inLondon, England. Murdoch's reunion with Ogden is disrupted bythe passing of another guest at an English inn. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Christian Slater (Dexter: Original Sin).

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dismembered body parts take Nikki into the crumbling world ofcriminal justice. Can the Lyell team find a missing barristerbefore it's too late?

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Milkshake! 255x20 - Episode 20

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I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 11x2 - Episode 2

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Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far. The Four Opinions won their previous game on atiebreak, but what does fate have in store for them this time?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dismembered body parts take Nikki into the crumbling world ofcriminal justice. Can the Lyell team find a missing barristerbefore it's too late?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Sandi Toksvig takes a QI look at vices and virtues with EshaanAkbar, Jo Brand, Rhys James and Alan Davies.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Nathan follows a Land Rover he saw launch a spy drone, whichleads him to his brother, Caleb, and his girlfriend;convinced their new cleaner Eva took the drug parcel, Johnnybreaks into her house to retrieve it.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tamar and Nissan must get out of an impossible situation. Farazproves himself, but Nahid feels trapped. Peterson decides toact.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Murdoch':s reunion with Ogden is disrupted by the death ofanother guest at an English inn.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


More than 80,000 motorists lose their driving licence everyyear and nearly ten percent of those are already banned fromdriving. In this episode, cops clamp down on unlicenseddrivers who are responsible for thousands of road trafficcollisions every year.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Judd literally walks into the line of fire when an armorycatches on fire, sending bullets flying everywhere. Owenquestions Judd's pledge of sobriety. Marjan introducesboyfriend Joe to her parents, Waleed and Nasreen, but theirdinner doesn't go as smoothly as she hoped.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team races to the rescue in the aftermath of an ATVaccident; romantic tensions are high between Em and Will aswell as Kainalu and Hina.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Live from Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Francine and Roger become addicted to peeping in on people at amysterious motel.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tess and Sunny join forces with Jake to investigate the murderof an unidentified bride found dead on a desolate beach, stillwearing her wedding gown, which hits close to home for Sunny,who's haunted by the home invasion she suffered.Meanwhile, Mia helps Tess confront a troubling new symptom ofher sight loss.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Host Jon Stewart dives into the biggest headlines of the day,providing fearless coverage, expert analysis, and no-nonsensecommentary.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a billionaire is found decapitated, Fitz and Arch diginto the victim's family in this whodunnit mystery.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jeanette and Sophia dig into Victoria':s past. Madeleineplans her escape.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Maria confronts her dark side as Annette and Richter followorders to find and destroy the city's undead. Olroxconsiders his fate in the fight ahead.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


WWE Monday Night RAW 32x3 - #1652 - American Airlines Center inDallas, TX

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Judd literally walks straight into the line of fire when anarmory catches on fire, sending bullets flying everywhere;Owen questions Judd's pledge of sobriety; Marjan introducesher boyfriend Joe to her visiting parents.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Head to bustling Bentonville for ROADSHOW finds at CrystalBridges Museum of American Art including an 1857 Queen's Cupascot race trophy, a 1956 Curta calculator type II and an ArtDeco sapphire & platinum ring. Can you guess the top find?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Capt. Glenn lays down the law with the crew after not followinghis rules. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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