After a window at Bernard':s gym gets broken, aguilt-stricken Bennie tries to piece together his wild night.Lucretia and Frank go apartment shopping.
When Diaz':s family is threatened, Harmon realizes shemust break her own rules to fix it.
While Sakiko struggles with Hide':s erratic behavior,Makiko tries to distract herself by arranging a marriagepartner for the reluctant Tsunako.
After a nasty public argument, one couple makes a last-ditcheffort to save their marriage. Meanwhile, our other four pairsdelve into the struggles of their past and the aspirations oftheir shared futures. But with Decision Day looming in just 3weeks, is there enough time left to solidify their bonds?
In this Name Your Price tournament, the chefs uncover justthree items in their mystery baskets and must bid on theirfourth ingredients in a live auction. In round one, a crowdedfryer derails one chef's carefully timed plans. Then, in theentrée round auction, a bidding war breaks out over a premiumingredient. In the dessert round, one chef makes ambitiousplans to make ice cream, but the judges are skeptical of theapproach. Only one talented competitor will move on to thetournament's grand finale.
Mark and Digger recruit a young Kentucky moonshiner to helpcraft a profitable outlaw bourbon. After tracking Mark and Huckto their mountain still site, Mike and Jerry initiate theirrevenge plan until a well-aimed shot unexpectedly turns thetables.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. explores the Italian roots of Joy Behar& Michael Imperioli.
Ron mocks Alex and Matt's attempts to resolve a conflictbetween two prison inmates who stabbed each other in a gangfight; Serena helps Bruce address his fear of needles; Joycefinds herself smitten by the burly prison guard.
Under mounting political pressure, the GBI and ADA Marion Albarace against time to rescue a kidnapped child, all whileuncovering dark secrets that could shatter their preconceivednotions of the law enforcement community.
Abby is thrilled when Mayim Bialik appears in the courtroom,but she begins to wonder if the situation is more sinister thanit seems; Dan hunts for a mystery man guilty of forgoing basicetiquette.
A jaw-dropping twist ushers another reality legend into thefray with the remaining 12 players; a duo takes on the Bankerfor the first time.
A famous baseball newscaster is murdered, and the team is onthe case. Meanwhile, Soto and Morgan meet with a potentiallead to discuss Roman's disappearance, and Tom has somepersonal news to share with Morgan.
It's baby Leighton's first Christmas, and the Johnstons aregoing all out to make it special. Anna and her friend Autumncontemplate going on a double date, and Trent and Amberdiscuss a plan for his aging parents.
While the team continues to hunt down the legendary ChappellVault in the Money Pit, new structures are uncovered in themysterious swamp that strengthen a developing theory.
A day at the beach in Puerto Rico goes awry as Ubah'scomplaints upset Racquel; the ladies indulge in hairy antics;Jenna teaches a synchronized swimming routine.
Tickle, Tim, and Henry serve as judge and jury while twooutlaws and one legal distiller take on the ultimate hard-timechallenge -- turning prison commissary ingredients intohigh-proof contraband -- all for a chance to be named MasterDistiller.
The team is tasked with community policing while hunting for alocal vigilante. Meanwhile, Celina's instincts are tested,and Tim and Lucy discover secrets about the two new rookies.
Alec and Marisa investigate a museum heist and a curator andhis son might hold the key; the case raises ethical questionsabout the controversial practice of buying and selling culturalartifacts, which brings old memories for Marisa.
Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
1. Bill Burr ("Bill Burr: Drop Dead Years" and "Glengarry GlenRoss") 2. Jessica Gunning ("Baby Reindeer") 3. Musical GuestNeal Francis
Jennifer welcomes "Abbott Elementary's" Chris Perfetti tothe stage to discuss the fourth season of the popular show andmore.Plus, tune in to watch Jeffrey Wall from Dayton,Ohio, teach Jennifer some martial arts! Jeffrey is a sophomoreat the University of Cincinnati. He founded Golden Age Karate,where he leads free martial arts classes for senior citizens.His practices build self-esteem, promote empowerment, andhelp keep everyone social, happy, and healthy.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Reality and soap star Chrishell Stause tellsSherri about appearing on the new season of the realityseries, "The Traitors," on Peacock.Plus, Eboni K. Williamsbreaks down the latest legal headlines.
When they found themselves trapped, facing improbable,near-impossible circumstances, they persevered against allodds. A DAYTIME EXCLUSIVE with RACHEL and TRAVIS STANDFEST,who open up about their death-defying escape from a raging firewhile Rachel was 36 weeks pregnant. Then, 61-year-oldWashington native KERI BERGERE tells us how she went toe-to-toewith a 75-pound cougar while she was on a bike ride. Then,Nigeria-born athlete EMEKA NWOKOLO recalls how he escaped fromhis car after it tumbled 300 feet down a cliff! Plus, how onewoman saved the legendary escape artist dog, Scrim.
Grammy-winning music icon Mary J. Blige. Harris Dickinson tellsDrew about starring opposite Nicole Kidman in the thrilling newdrama "Babygirl."
Kellyoke: "Blue Ain't Your Color": Brooke Shields: LeeJung-jae and Lee Byung-hun; 50 states, 50 marathons; SofiTukker performs.
Guests include Ben Stiller (Severance) and Pauline Chalamet(The Sex Lives of College Girls).
The discovery of Zoe':s remains sends shockwaves throughthe community, particularly for those clinging to hope thatZoe was still alive.
An abandoned baby is discovered on the same day that a hotelmanager is found dead. Geordie is blindsided by Will'snews.
The team are baffled when a young woman is found dead in amuseum's dinosaur display. The investigation leads theminto the shadowy world of fossil smuggling, and Patience makesa startling deduction.
The ultimate psychological reality show passes the halfwaymark, but are the Faithful any closer to catching theTraitors?
While their parents set off to find them, the teens arrive attheir rendezvous, only to realise Fangoria Fangirl may not beall she seems.
The teens desperately try to escape from captivity as theylearn that they have been framed for the murder of the girlthey know as Fangoria Fangirl.
After the break with Rika, Toby is back. Sloane senses toomuch self-confidence in Marco and puts him back down to earth.Toby manages to set up the pony in Antwerp. Just wheneverything seems to be going well, a shipment is stolen. Tobymanages to track down the cargo, but when they want toretrieve the cargo, a fierce confrontation ensues.
The team rescue a jacket worn by a beloved search dog involvedin the Lockerbie disaster, as well as tackle a pair of rugbyboots that helped England win the Women's World Cup.