Emily keeps her distance from Frank when her rich newbenefactor visits, suspecting he won't play nice;Victoria tailspins when Patel's newfound celebrity statuslands him the role of first pitcher at a minor league game.
Troy and Pickle take a calculated gamble in the sugarcanefields; Leron and Porkchop defy superstition by venturing intoScary Bayou; Daniel challenges his new deckhand in a friendlybut fierce competition; Bruce fishes with a new partner.
College GameDay Built by The Home Depot continues its Playoffrun with a special edition of the Playoff Semifinals live fromoutside Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla.
Zac learns that Fatima is trying to teach him a lesson andfinds an unpleasant surprise when he returns home; Angela soondiscovers that her encounters have been compromised.
While Dr. Robby attempts to distract himself from theanniversary of his mentor's death, Dr. Collins tries topush through her shift with sickness; after fainting at thesight of a brutal injury, Victoria Javadi fights to proveherself in The Pitt.
Jimmy welcomes actress Cameron Diaz, actor and comedian JamieFoxx, comedian Gabriel Iglesias, and comedian Pete Lee.
General Davidson makes a visit to USAG Stroopsdorf and insultsThe Colonel by tasking him with commanding the unit of trafficduring a Tank Maneuver. The Colonel devises a plan to steal atank to prove he is still in his prime. Captain Quinn wants toearn her father's respect and organizes her own secrettank heist mission.
You':re about to witness someone win a private island ANDcontinue to compete for ,000,000. I just sent the NavySEALs to hunt these players down. Stop reading and watch thisepisode.
Nina':s birth proves unexpectedly complicated for herparents. Meanwhile, Flag and the Amethyst Knights do whateverit takes to stop the Creature Commandos from killing thePrincess.
In the wake of tragedy, LBPD training officer Traci Harmontakes on new trainee, Alex Diaz who on day one is alreadylearning the job is harder than he imagined.
After an untimely personal loss, Ray':s home life spiralsout of control, causing Danny to take Hector under his wing.
As the bandits work to recapture the Tear of Fire, Regina hasother devastating plans. A well-laid trap leads the bandits toa life-changing outcome.
Robby assists his siblings in managing their ageingfather's final care; Samira protects a woman with amisunderstood condition from police intervention.
At a desolate outpost, Sara and her son Devin forge newconnections while searching for a guide to help them navigatetreacherous trails further west.
Regina misses her sister but makes a new bestie - much toAaliyah's annoyance. In Atlanta, Lucretia worries aboutfitting in with Frank's rich friends.
When Fatima':s childhood friends Leslie and Malachi comesto visit her and Zac, they open a world of confusion; afterbeing exposed on the internet, Angela leans on Fatima for helpto rectify the situation.
Camila reminisces about the past and resists temptation asMiguel preys on her emotions. Sparks fly during Laura'sfirst date. Ángela points fingers.
One wintry morning, the usually reserved Takiko calls herthree sisters for a meeting, sharing shocking news about theirfather's affair.
The road to Genesis continues! Joe Hendry and Rhino face offagainst TNA World Champion Nic Nemeth and his brother, RyanNemeth. Mike Santana competes in The Northern Armory Gauntlet.Steve Maclin, Eric Young and Jonathan Gresham go to war withThe System. The Rascalz battle The Good Hands. Savannah Evanstakes to the ring for action. Plus, we'll hear from JordynneGrace following another attack at the hands of TessaBlanchard.
When a welfare check on a 65-year-old man reveals he's beenbrutally killed and robbed, Tulsa Homicide must delve into thesecret parts of his life for answers.
Ramsay announces this week determines which chefs will receiveone of the coveted black jackets.
As a turbulent hurricane season looms, swampers race againsttime to capitalize on a rare break in the weather. Troy andPickle take a calculated gamble in the sugarcane fields, Leronand Porkchop defy superstition by venturing into Scary Bayou,an area avoided by most hunters for its eerie reputation.Daniel challenges his new deckhand, Zak Catchem, in afriendly but fierce competition. Bruce fishes with a newpartner, Anna Ribbeck.
Sammi opens up to the girls. Angelina is still looking foranswers. And Snooki receives some shocking news.
Afraid he won't play nice with her rich new benefactor, Emilytries to keep Frank away from her, which only makes himdetermined to win her over. Also, Patel's newfound celebritypushes Victoria's patience to the limit when he's chosen tothrow out the first pitch at a minor league game.
A new all-star cast arrives in Scotland: before the Traitorsare chosen, a decision must be made.
Troy and Pickle call in a chopper to reach a remote huntingspot deep in the Everglades. Zak and Aaron attempt a bold newstrategy using fish chum to attract snakes. Bruce, Kaylyn andDusty experiment with radical new ways of trapping pythons.
Three new players enter the game: the Traitors draw theirfirst blood, and a player is banished.
The Traitors must meet outside of their tower to commit theirnext murder in plain sight.
Guests include Cameron Diaz &: Jamie Foxx, GabrielIglesias and comedian Pete Lee.
Billings' faith is shaken. Lukas heads to the down deep. Knoxidentifies the traitor. Juliette uncovers the truth aboutSolo's past.
Kellyoke: "Stranger in My House": Chelsea Handler: ClarenceMaclin; Diversify Ice; fantasy football loser runs 5K; Drewand Ellie Holcomb perform.
He's always at the right place at the right time, a DAYTIMEEXCLUSIVE with one of the most dynamic sports personalities ofall time, DEION SANDERS! He's sharing details on his new talkshow; his Amazon documentary, "Coach Prime"; his sons asthey head into the NFL draft; the controversial backlashagainst one of his star players, Travis Hunter; and his ownpersonal health struggles. Next, BERNICE WILLIAMS, herdaughter RUBIE WILLIAMS and her granddaughter LEILA EVANS arethree generations of community volunteers in the WashingtonD.C. area who say spreading kindness is in their DNA.
Actress Stephanie Hsu stops by to talk about Peacock's newcomedy series "Laid." Plus, TikTok content creator AceGreen from Los Angeles, California, visits the stage andteaches Jennifer and the audience a dance! Ace has gone viralfor his livestreams teaching dance moves to different groups ofpeople, including veterans, kids, healthcare workers, andmore.
Grammy-winning music icon Mary J. Blige tells Drew about herlatest studio album and upcoming tour. Actor Harris Dickinson("Babygirl").