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Hard Knocks in Season 4x6 - The AFC North #6

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Life Below Zero° 23x13 - 100 Miles From Nowhere

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Johnstons are back and now with a new addition! Leightoncomes home from the hospital and with a newborn in the house,this rowdy bunch has to get used to a new normal. The kids puttogether a big surprise for Trent and Amber's 25thanniversary.  

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Brynn and Erin confront Jessel about the way she's changed: anargument between Ubah and Brynn ends dinner on a dramaticnote; a comment from Ubah causes Erin to break down in tears;a trip to the beach leads to harsh critiques.

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Tyler Perry's The Oval 5x23 - No Escape

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Tyler Perry's The Oval 6x1 - No Escape

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FRONTLINE investigates the deadliest American wildfire in acentury, and the missed warnings that made it so unstoppable.The documentary examines the fire's causes, the chaoticresponse, and how changes to the climate and landscape havemade Maui increasingly vulnerable to fires.

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When an acclaimed tennis player goes missing in a remoteforest, Alec is called to help find her and bring her tosafety; however, a medical emergency threatens to sidelineAlec, leaving Marisa and Rose to race against time and rescuethe woman.

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Now recovering from a gunshot wound and feeling the effects ofhis age, John and the team welcome two new rookies andcontinue the hunt for two dangerous inmates with very personalvendettas following their prison escape.

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Andy Cohen interviews Erika Jayne &amp: Racquel Chevremont.

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E! News 24x195 - 010725

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E! News 25x2 - 010725

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Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews. 

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Tilda Swinton.Isabella Rossellini.

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Guests include Pamela Anderson, Andrew Rannells and musicalguest Lil Baby. 

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1. Cher ("Cher: The Memoir, Part One"). 2. Ebon Moss-Bachrach("The Bear"). 3. Musical Guest Sheila E.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bring Back My Girls 4x6 - Drag Race Philippines Season 2

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Chef and author Alexander Smalls talks abouthis new children's book, "When Alexander Graced the Table."

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Kellyoke: "Sick": Taylor Kitsch: Mel Robbins: The Phoenix:Kelly's children, River and Remy; Remy-oke: "My Way";Sammy's Buddy Benches.

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Actor and rapper O'Shea Jackson Jr. drops by to talk abouthis new film "Den of Thieves 2: Pantera." Emmy-winningactor Lee Jung-Jae chats with Jennifer about the highlyanticipated new season of Netflix's "Squid Games." Jenniferalso welcomes Air Force veteran firefighter DurrellCouncil from Chesterfield, Virginia, to the stage. Durellwas recently diagnosed with ALS and hopes to share his storywith Jennifer, including how he chooses to let go of fear,speak with joy, and enjoy every moment of life. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


AMARA COFER, creator of the podcast "Black Girl Gone," tellsthe Tam Fam why her stories not only have meaning but also areher mission. Co-founders of Betches Media, sisters JORDANAABRAHAM and licensed clinical therapist DR. NAOMI BERNSTEIN,team up to answer your questions and get to the bottom of thethings that bother us most. Then, MICHAEL CHERNOW, host andfounder of "Kreatures of Habit," joins the Tam Fam to sharethe stories of his guests, the routines and habits that havehelped lead them to succeed, and how those tips can help you.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Actress Julianne Moore chats about her first job ever checkingI.D.'s at a pool, and her iconic roles. Podcast hosts SavannahJames and April McDaniel; tips to set yourself up forfinancial wellness.

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Perfil falso 2x1 - Episode 2.1

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Pamela Anderson (The Last Showgirl) and RoseMatafeo (Rose Matafeo: On and On and On).

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Milkshake! 255x8 - Episode 8

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As weeks turn into years without answers and his home lifeslowly falls apart, a desperate John turns to an unlikely allyto help crack the case.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cormack invites Sam to examine the contents of Zoe':sbackpack and probe her memory for clues.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


As the drama continues, the question on everyone':s lipsis who will be making it to breakfast. Suspicion mounts amongstthe Faithful, and the mission rattles a few cages.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Will and Geordie investigate the death of a circus performer.Will receives an offer that makes him question his life inGrantchester.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Glenn Close (actor, "Back in Action"): Diane Warren(subject, "Diane Warren: Relentless").

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Detective Inspector Bea Metcalf recognises Patience':sunique insight and takes her under her wing, integrating herinto a police team operating on the frontline.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Billy and Con have to find a way to get the final tape in abanned cult video collection before word gets out thatthey've stolen money from the school graduation fund.

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On their way to meet their source, Billy, Con and Zoe getlost in middle England, where they hope to make the tapeexchange that will complete their cult VHS collection.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


General Hospital 255x4 - Ep. #15623

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The experts join forces on a much-loved Syrian rocking horseleft behind by a family unable to visit their war-torn country.And a dilapidated ice cream trailer is revived.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Begrudgingly, Ellis comes to terms with Max':s betrayalknowing she risked it all to share info about hisbrother's killer. Now assigned to a new case, they diveinto a high-speed street racing ring.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Widowed car restoration shop owner Matt is forced to confronthis estranged daughter, when she and her children move in withhim, creating a major upheaval in his life as he navigates thechallenges or reconnecting with his family while restoringclassic cars in his garage.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team fights to save the life of one of their own: Frostand Abrams butt heads with their patient; Asher helps areligious young woman with an ectopic pregnancy.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the drama continues, the question on everyone's lips is whowill be making it to breakfast. Suspicion mounts amongst theFaithful, and with surprises afoot, the mission certainlyrattles a few cages.As evening descends, will the Faithfulband together to banish a Traitor? Or will a fractious RoundTable lead to the loss of an innocent Faithful leaving thecastle?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Cruz':s past comes back to haunt him: Severide preparesto teach an arson class at the academy; Mouch searches for avictim's next of kin.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Four chefs who proved their rising star status in theTournament of Champions arena are now Guy Fieri's newestfirst timers, so they have to make a winner's dinnerwhile playing one of GGG's oldest and coldest games -frozen food can-can. Then, the new stars play another OG game- menu magnet madness - and prepare the dish they each had apart in picking. A new winning star is born and celebrates bygrabbing a big cash prize.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Ava announces the school district is sending a group ofvolunteers to help out at Abbott; however, when they arrive,things don't go as planned.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Cook turns to her family when Intelligence faces administrativeroadblocks that threaten a kidnapping investigation.

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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Stephen welcomes actor Alan Cumming and actress Diane Morgan.

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Jimmy welcomes actress Jamie Lee Curtis, actress MikeyMadison, and a musical performance by Michael Shannon &Jason Narducy.

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The bandits compete against each other to find the Tear of Fire- but shenanigans, mishaps and a devastating loss change thecourse of their trajectory.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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