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Hayley scores an internship at Morning Mimosa but finds herselfon thin ice when she tries to inject real journalism into theshow. Meanwhile, the rest of the family suffers through aravaging case of food poisoning.

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Andy Cohen interviews Diana Cruz and Danni Warren.

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Dr. Wolf meets a pastor dealing with mysterious visions: theinterns grapple with the fallout from the building collapse.

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E! News 24x194 - 010625

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E! News 25x1 - 010625

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Rep. Adam Kinzinger.Performance by Jon Batiste.

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Guests include Joe Manganiello, Charli D'Amelio and musicalguest Busta Rhymes. 

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1. Selena Gomez ("Emilia Pérez"). 2. Anna Sawai ("Shōgun"and "Pachinko"). 3. Musical Guest The Linda Lindas.

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Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Comedian Michelle Buteau talks about herholiday and hilarious new Netflix comedy special, "MichelleButeau: A Buteau-Ful Mind."Actor Scott Wolf tells Sherri aboutstarring in "Doc," the new medical drama on Fox.

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The Kelly Clarkson Show 6x63 - Jim Gaffigan, ROSÉ

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Actor and host Joe Manganiello visits the show to talk aboutthe newest season of "Deal or No DealIsland." Actress Tiffany Boone makes an appearance to talkabout the highly anticipated Disney film "Mufasa: The LionKing." Plus, Jennifer welcomes Ladia Yates and10-year-old Zamira Bankhead from L.Y.E. Academy in Memphis,Tennessee. After a successful professional career, Ladiawanted to create a safe place where dancers could haveopportunities to excel. The dance studio has become a stapleand positive example in the community. Her student Zamira'sdance videos have been going viral for years.

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Actress Lisa Kudrow on her first audition ever and her 30-yearwedding anniversary; Vanna White's son shares his reaction toa photo of him going viral. Actress Carol Kane discusses hercareer.

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Guests include Quinta Brunson (Abbot Elementary) and MattRogers (No Good Deed). 

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Milkshake! 255x7 - Episode 7

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Black Snow 2x3 - TBD

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Benjamin continues his desperate search for Gloria.Nikki's disturbing discovery joins the dots. A new teammember joins the Lyell.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Kat Dennings (actor, "Shifting Gears"): Amanda Gorman(author).

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In a nostalgic episode of Inside the Factory, new presenterPaddy McGuinness visits the Warburtons bread factory in hishometown of Bolton, where he once worked as a youngster morethan 30 years ago. At Warbies, as the locals call it, hecatches up with old friends and learns how the machines, ovensand conveyors he once cleaned enable the site to produce 1.4million loaves of bread every week.As a fitting return to thefactory, Paddy makes a grand entrance by driving a tanker offlour through the gates. As he manoevres his way to the intakearea, he reveals that he was a young boy of sixteen when heworked here - it was a Saturday job, cleaning out the massivebread-making machines. However, the machines didn't run onSaturdays, which means that he's going to see them in actionfor the first time! With a little trepidation, Paddy dons theobligatory hairnet and steps inside the factory to soak up thememories. But he can't hang around reminiscing - there's slicedwhite bread to be made.So, he heads back outside to where heleft his tanker full of flour. Head of Flour Stuart Jones tellshim that they receive three tanker loads each day, containinga total of 90 tonnes – enough to make 170,000 loaves ofbread. As the mix of British and Canadian flour is unloaded,Paddy heads back inside the factory, where he spots a familiarface - his old school friend Pete, who got him the Saturdayjob and still works at the factory.After a quick chinwag,Paddy heads to the dough-mixing area to meet someone with avery impressive title: Unbeatable Quality Manager, RachelBacon. Rachel tells Paddy that the key to making the best whitebread is air bubbles; inside each slice there are 13,000bubbles, which are all counted by computer. To make thedough, a mixer combines the flour with water and brine, alongwith yeast and a special ingredient called improver, whichhelps with the structure of the dough.After mixing for threeminutes, the dough is tipped out and chopped into 341 separatepieces, each one weighing 920 grams. Every one of these moundsof dough will go on to make a loaf. The dough travels through amachine, which relaxes the strands of gluten inside and allowsthem to fully form, holding in the thousands of bubbles.Next,the dough is flattened and rolled out again - a bit like aSwiss roll. Then it's chopped into four, turned 90 degrees andsquashed together again. This method is called cross panningand gives extra strength to the finished loaves. Paddy andRachel agree that it's an important process, as it means thatwhen you have a chip butty and want to roll the bread aroundthe chips, it won't break.Paddy's dough drops into tins andtravels towards a huge machine called a prover, where Paddymeets another expert, Manufacturing Excellence Manager JoannaWhitehurst. This massive, warm room is kept at between 37 and40 degrees Celsius, which is the perfect temperature for theyeast inside the dough to activate and feed on naturallyoccurring sugars - a process called fermentation. This releasescarbon dioxide gas, causing the bubbles in the dough to expandand the loaves to rise. Once risen, a lid is placed on top ofevery tray, which gives the loaves a distinctive flattop.After two hours and forty minutes in production, the tinsgo into the 32-metre-long oven. Paddy tells Joanna that when heworked at the factory, he used to clean the ovens - and theywere spotless! Twenty-one minutes after entering the oven, thebread is turned out of the tins, and the golden loaves streamalong the conveyor for Paddy to see and smell them in all theirglory.They are making sliced bread, so the slicing machinecreates 17 slices for every loaf, each one is 13.7 millimetresthick. Finally, they are wrapped in traditional-style waxedpaper, which helps to lock in the freshness. Paddy remembershis mother using the distinctive paper to wrap his sandwichesfor school.As he heads to dispatch, Paddy bumps into his oldmate Pete again. They reminisce about the old days at the breadfactory. Paddy remembers not being able to get out of bed inthe morning but having to walk to the factory in the cold andrain, ready to start his shift at 6.00am. Paddy watches as6,000 loaves are loaded into the back of a lorry; the factorydispatches 44 wagons every day.With the soundtrack of MPeople's 90s anthem Moving on Up blasting out, Paddy loads thefinal trolley of sliced white bread into the lorry. Elsewherein the episode, Cherry Healey visits the Dualit factory tolearn how they make toasters and visits a brewery turning wastebread into pints of beer, while historian Ruth Goodmandiscovers why white bread was banned during the Second WorldWar.

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Now recovering from a gunshot wound and feeling the effects ofhis age, John and the team welcome two new rookies andcontinue the hunt for two dangerous inmates with very personalvendettas following their prison escape.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The GBI tracks down Will after the murder of two off-duty cops.As the investigation unfolds, Will is drawn into his past toclear a friend's name amid rivalries and corruption.

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Mark starts high school at a former girls': school,finding joy in theatre while navigating old friendships and newlove. Pop's ham radio hobby leads him to an intercepteddistress signal.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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Sandi Toksvig hosts a vintage episode of QI with Susan Calman,Rosie Jones, Josh Widdicombe and Alan Davies.

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Hunter and Eli recover from the shootout as they both plantheir next steps; Priscilla's convinced she can talkHunter into leaving the White House Residence.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Dr. Amy Larsen':s life is upended by a traumatic crashthat erases seven years' worth of memories, putting astrain on her colleagues, her family, and herself.

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After more than a dozen years of searching, the team may havediscovered the legendary Chappell Vault...

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Tasking Amanda and Kelly to find a poisonous berry they canturn into safe-to-drink shine.

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The team investigates a mysterious young girl who was foundattacked on a beach. Meanwhile, Morgan begins to let her guarddown on her date with Tom, and Soto comes one step closer tofinding out what happened to Roman.

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Sandi Toksvig hosts a vintage episode of QI with Susan Calman,Rosie Jones, Josh Widdicombe and Alan Davies.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Geordie Shore 25x1 - Geordie Shore, Thai-Aye!

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When an acclaimed tennis player goes missing in a remoteforest, Alec is called to help find her and bring her tosafety. However, a medical emergency threatens to sidelineAlec, leaving Marisa and Rose to race against time and rescuethe woman.

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Coming Soon...

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Coming Soon...

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Stephen welcomes actress Tilda Swinton and actress IsabellaRossellini.

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Jimmy welcomes model Pamela Anderson, actor Andrew Rannells,and a musical performance by Lil Baby.

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The Bravo team race against time to reach the Heart of theAncestor before Pictor. But when they learn that Darian stillhas an ace to play, Rose and Fulmer have no choice but to givethemselves over to a heroic act of self-sacrifice.

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Coming Soon...

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As Regina drags Lilí to the Island of the Dead, the banditsare stuck in a watery grave. Octavio has a breakthrough thatcould tear the group apart.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When two off-duty cops are wounded, the GBI must track downSpecial Agent Will Trent, who recently fled town to help solvethe case. As the investigation unfolds, Will is drawn into hispast to clear a friend's name amid rivalries and corruption.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Henry Louis Gates, Jr. introduces actors Lea Salonga andAmanda Seyfried to ancestors who are every bit as dramatic asthe characters they've played on stage and screen. Moving froma naval base in the Philippines to a small town bakery inPennsylvania to steamships on the Atlantic Ocean, Lea andAmanda hear stories of relatives who survived wars, murders,and heart-wrenching ordeals.

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Ramsay tries to help the owner of Iberville Cuisine &amp:Oyster Bar, located in the heart of the French Quarter.

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The special "New Year's Evil" episode kicks off the 2025 seasonof WWE NXT live from the Shrine Expo Hall in Los Angeles.

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Mark and Digger task Amanda and Kelly to find a poisonous berrythey can turn into tasty, safe-to-drink shine. Tickle builds a"dead man's" still to keep himself out of the doghouse. Abootleg river journey takes Mark and Huck into unchartedwaters.

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Bigger risks, more treacherous twists and unprecedentedrewards await 13 new players as they arrive on the mysteriousnew Banker's private island.

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The couples celebrate their one-month anniversary with whiskeytasting, picnics, and a tree-lined obstacle course. While onespouse avoids romantic feelings, another couple's lovecontinues to flourish. Meanwhile, heated arguments and ashocking job resignation threaten the milestone event. 

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Four fearless chefs take on a wild Chopped tournament eventwith a major curveball: There's an auction before each round todetermine each chef's fourth ingredient! The chefs could end upwith major advantages or extreme challenges, resulting in anunpredictable competition. In this preliminary battle, thingsget interesting in the appetizer round when the chef who scoresthe most enviable auction item ends up struggling with a basicbasket ingredient. Then, the pie filling in the entrée basketisn't exactly a treat, and in the dessert round, the tablesturn on the chef who seems to have the edge after the auction.The winner of each of four preliminary competitions moves on tothe tournament's grand finale, where someone will score asizable cash prize and the coveted title of Chopped GrandChampion.

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Love is in the air for Boz and her new boyfriend, but Doritand PK can't say the same.

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Son of a Critch 4x1 - Groove Is in the Heart

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After more than a dozen years of searching, the team may havediscovered the legendary Chappell Vault.

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The team investigates a mysterious young girl who was foundattacked on a beach. Meanwhile, Morgan begins to let her guarddown on her date with Tom, and Soto comes one step closer tofinding out what happened to Roman.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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