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Ask This Old House 23x11 - Shed Foundation, Bifold Doors

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Andrew Zimmern and ballerina Misty Copeland dance circlesaround Bobby Flay as chefs Tristen Epps and Vinnie Cimino makesure their plates are on point.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


An abhorrent web of lies and betrayal is uncovered when a womanis confronted with video of a night she can't remember; Carisistruggles to move on from his ordeal when the suspect changeshis plea.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The queens write, record, and perform their debut singles inhopes of being crowned Canada's Next Drag Superstar. Guestjudge is Orville Peck.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Frank is tasked with taking a dog to "the farm," but insteadtries to find it a new forever home.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The Traitors 3x4 - TBA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The teams unite to storm a hostile site that's rumored to beswarming with pythons. Attacking by land, water and air, theteams deploy buggies, boats and drones to target and eliminatea growing threat to the Everglades.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


When a recovering drug addict goes missing, his girlfriendturns to M&A, but interference from outside forcescomplicates the investigation; Sir uncovers a shocking secretabout one of M&A's allies; one of the team members iscritically injured.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Andy Cohen interviews Gwendoline Christie and PatriciaArquette.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


E! News 25x8 - 011625

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


1. Anthony Anderson 2. Fernanda Torres ("I'm Still Here") 3.Musical Guest flipturn

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Guests include Kenny Chesney, Brooke Shields, Mekki Leeperand comedian Dusty Slay.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kate Winslet takes "The Colbert Questionert."Jharrel Jerome.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Famed talk show host Graham Norton ("The GrahamNorton Show") tells Sherri about his new novel, "Frankie."Mr.Science shares some mind blowing winter experiments.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Season finale. The rebels make their move—and so doesJuliette.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Why are 30-something millennials saying they are already facinga midlife crisis? And why are their crises so different thanprevious generations? Bestselling author, founder of Girls WhoCode and host of the podcast "My So-Called Midlife" RESHMASAUJANI and New York Times opinion writer JESSICA GROSE bringtheir insights, and we meet millennials who are finding the"Granny Era" and homesteading trend as solutions.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Drew and Ross hit the latest headlines. Joe Alwyn (movie "TheBrutalist").

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TV Calendar: At My TV


We are catching up from where Mark, Dylan, Helly and Irvingleft off. Now they are escaping into the real world outside oftheir corporate cubicles and trying to free themselves fromcorporate tutelage.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Kellyoke Encore: "Slow It Down": Joel McHale: "UndercoverCovers"; Amber Ruffin; Funny Farm Rescue; disco book.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Two-time Grammy Award-winning gospel artist Tasha CobbsLeonard drops by to talk about her latest book, "Do ItAnyway Devotional: 60 Days to a Bolder Faith." 
R&Bsensation Mario chats about being on tour with Mary J. Bligeand his album "Glad You Came." Plus, he will perform a medleyof "Keep Going" and "Let Me Love You."

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Milkshake! 255x17 - Episode 17

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Father Brown investigates when rehearsals for ':A MostPerfect Murder' are derailed by a dramatic death.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


With help from Herbie, Spidey and The Thing must stopTrapster's hidden traps from catching people.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Gobby and Rhino steal Spidey's invention.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Dragon Ball DAIMA 1x14 - Taboo

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the drama continues, breakfast proves to be a wake-up callfor the Faithful as the Traitors strike again.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Rob Brydon is back in the host':s chair, with Lee Mackand David Mitchell returning as team captains. They are joinedby guests Nabil Abdulrashid, Lucy Beaumont, Gethin Jones andFrancesca Mills.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy Carr hosts as Jon Richardson and Guz Khan take on guestcaptain Katherine Ryan and Joe Wilkinson. Susie Dent is joinedin Dictionary Corner by Alasdair Beckett-King. And maths whizzRachel Riley looks after the letters and numbers.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jack and Kate are still reeling from their fallout in Rome,each trying to suppress their growing feelings. Adding fuel tothe fire, Piers steps into his new role as Staff Captain withcalculated charm, hoping to rekindle his relationship withKate.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jennifer Lopez and Jharrel Jerome (actors, "Unstoppable").

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Joining Graham on his sofa are: Hollywood stars Jamie Foxx andCameron Diaz, together again in the high-octane comedy, Backin Action; Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh, talking about StarTrek: Section 31; and star of Bridgerton and Wicked, JonathanBailey, taking to the stage in Richard II. With music fromGriff, who performs last night's mascara.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Now that Kieran is in Rotterdam, things are heating up betweenthe Irish and Oncko's gang. Marco is relieved when Tobywakes up. The next operation will be bigger than ever and hecan use Toby's help.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


General Hospital 255x11 - Ep. #15630

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Rob Brydon is back in the host's chair for the award-winningcomedy panel show, with Lee Mack and David Mitchell returningas the lightning-quick team captains. Each week, a stellarcast of celebrity guests reveal extraordinary stories aboutthemselves. But are they telling the truth, or are they makingit all up? Sorting the fact from the fiction this week areguest panellists Nabil Abdulrashid, Lucy Beaumont, GethinJones and Francesca Mills.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The queens take fashion inspiration from the board gameMonopoly and must create from scratch an outfit that screamsthat they own everything; actress and comedian Sandra Bernhardbecomes a guest judge.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


A self-tanner geared toward men, a new-and-improvedflashlight, a reusable cup service for marathoners, and anauthentic instant pho.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Mayan and Quinten have mixed feelings when Rosie finally datesa nice guy who also happens to be Quinten's boss. Georgemust face his painful past in order to recover Mayan'schildhood home videos.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Emmett is late to work, Bobbie becomes paranoid at thethought of why and begins to overreact. Gabby and Takoda helpSteve pick out a new barstool to prove changing hisobsessive-compulsive disorder habits won't negativelyimpact the world.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When Billie uses a potion to enter Justin':s mind, shediscovers what really happened during the infamous"Unicorn Incident" that got him fired from WizTech.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Billie, Roman and Winter sneak into the Wizard World so Billiecan compete in an underground magic battle: Battle of theWands. Meanwhile, Milo covers for the kids at home.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Joe Lycett is joined by The Last Leg presenter Alex Brooker fora two-day tour of the Dutch city of Rotterdam. After taking thetrain direct from London, they launch into a break full ofunusual activities, attractions and flavours. Foraccommodation, they swerve hotels in favour of Wikkelboats;eco-friendly floating houses insulated with corrugatedcardboard, that come complete with hot tubs on deck. Oncethey're settled in, they book onto the Rooftop tour, takingin some of the most interesting roofs and views in Rotterdam,including a farm and the oldest skyscraper in Europe. Fordinner, they head to Fermin - a restaurant that loves to usefermented flavours in its unique and inventive menu. Day twobegins with a culture hit as they head to Rotterdam's largestgallery's storeroom, the futuristic Depot, before roundingoff their caper with chips in peanut sauce, a stroll across afamous bridge and a game at the Dutch pinball museum, whichgives Alex an idea for a whole new show.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Denzell must perform a dangerous operation with the skillshe's learned from Claire. William asks for help from anunexpected source in his mission to save Jane.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jack and Kate are still reeling from their fallout in Rome,each trying to suppress their growing feelings. Adding fuel tothe fire, Piers steps into his new role as Staff Captain withcalculated charm, hoping to rekindle his relationship withKate. When Jack recognises a familiar face - a notorious ex-connamed Mickey Eldergill - things take a sinister turn. Rumoursswirl about stolen bullion tied to Mickey's past, and Jackwarns Kate to keep her distance. But her detective instinctspull her back into the fray, especially when one of Mickey'shenchmen is found murdered during a tour excursion. And Piers'srivalry with Jack takes a turn, setting the stage for a battleof wills that threatens both men's futures.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


As the drama continues, breakfast proves to be a wake-up callfor the Faithful as the Traitors strike again.Hoping to add tothe prize fund and gain protection from murder, the playersquestion their alliances as the mission proves to be an uphillstruggle.As darkness falls, suspicions continue to rise,leading to a Round Table which puts everyone under scrutiny.Can the Traitors deflect suspicions, or will the Faithful seethrough their lies?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Alice and Kat get a lesson in asking the right questions. Delrails against changes to the family dynamic. Elliot tries tounderstand his father.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy Carr hosts a hybrid of the comedy panel show andwords-and-numbers quiz, as on Jon Richardson and Guz Khan takeon guest captain Katherine Ryan and Joe Wilkinson.Mathematician Rachel Riley looks after the letters andnumbers, while Alasdair Beckett-King joins lexicographer SusieDent in Dictionary Corner

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Brennan reaches a breaking point and confronts one ofKevin's crew members about their performance. Doumittthreatens to walk out on Parker. Rick becomes a claim owner andbets on the new Crew Cut payout.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign

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