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Joining Graham on his sofa are: Hollywood stars Jamie Foxx andCameron Diaz, together again in the high-octane comedy, Backin Action, Oscar winner Michelle Yeoh, talking about StarTrek: Section 31 and star of Bridgerton and Wicked, JonathanBailey, taking to the stage in Richard II. With music fromGriff, who performs last night's mascara.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Bold opinions, discussion and debate centered on the topstorylines from around the league. Malika Andrews hosts thispregame show with analysts Kendrick Perkins, Chiney Ogwumike,Richard Jefferson, and Brian Windhorst.

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Mark returns to work under different circumstances. Secretsfrom the Outie world come to light.

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The rebels make their move-and so does Juliette.

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The teens band together to save themselves, theirneighborhood, and the world.

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True colors come to light as Indira makes a break in the case,Ángela does damage control and Camila learns just how far amaster manipulator can go.

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A drastic decision puts Maya and Aaliyah on their bestbehavior. Tasha joins in the search for Kelvin. Bernard andRegina take on city hall.

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Another body gives Jeanette new leads, while Sophia is hauntedby a patient.

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Drolta':s dark past unfolds as Alucard, Annette andRichter set out in search of Sekhmet's missing soul.Maria encounters her mother in her new form.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


WWE SmackDown Live 26x3 - #1324 - Pechanga Arena in San Diego,CA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The queens take fashion inspiration from the board gameMonopoly and must create from scratch an outfit that screamsthat they own everything; actress and comedian Sandra Bernhardbecomes a guest judge. 

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When Emmett is late to work, Bobbie becomes paranoid at thethought of why and begins to overreact; Gabby and Takoda helpSteve pick out a new barstool to prove changing hisobsessive-compulsive disorder habits won't negatively impactthe world.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Brennan reaches a breaking point and confronts one of Kevin'screw members about their performance. Doumitt threatens to walkout on Parker. Rick becomes a claim owner and bets on the newCrew Cut payout.

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Denzell must perform a dangerous operation with the skills he'slearned from Claire. William asks for help from an unexpectedsource in his mission to save Jane.

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A self-tanner geared toward men: a new-and-improvedflashlight; a reusable cup service for marathoners; anauthentic instant pho.

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Mayan and Quinten have mixed feelings when Rosie finally datesa nice guy who also happens to be Quinten's boss; George mustface his painful past in order to recover Mayan's childhoodhome videos.

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After Gary "Big Daddy" Farris mysteriously disappears, hisfamily discovers his remains on their sprawling 10-acre estate.An investigation reveals a family deeply divided by jealousyand greed, but did one of them kill Big Daddy?

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Guy Fieri's having a sandwich extravaganza! First, a lunchspot in Indianapolis is serving up serious flavors withthe-bomb brisket au jus and rockin' roast pork. Then in SanLuis Obispo, Calif., a next-level burger joint is platingkiller barbacoa and a legit tri-tip dip. Plus, a San Antoniobrewpub is scratch making a sourdough Rueben and puttin' outpastrami pizza with a punch.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Alice and Kat get a lesson in asking the right questions: Delrails against changes to the family dynamic; Elliot tries tounderstand his father.

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This episode explores the strangest and most ghastly gigs ever.From night soil men cleaning excrement off the streets ofVictorian London to professional mourners hired to weep atfunerals, to the intrepid deer urine collectors. These are themost unbelievable jobs in history!

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When a surprising discovery in the backyard of a family homeleads police to a husband and father's killer.

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This week features a one-on-one interview with Rick Caruso,Los Angeles civic leader and the founder of the real estatecompany Caruso. This week's panel discussion includes LarryWilmore, producer, actor, comedian, writer, and host ofthe podcast "Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air"; and ErinPerrine, Republican strategist for AXIOM Strategies and formerTrump campaign communications director.

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New movie releases: on set, on location and behind the screen.

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Dylan is under pressure when his actions are scrutinised,whilst Jacob tries setting a good example. Rash is caught inthe middle of a blood feud.

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Milkshake! 255x18 - Episode 18

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Craig of the Creek 6x9 - The Little Warrior

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From trending ingredients to the latest tools and techniques,The Kitchen is sharing surefire ways to add big flavor to yourfavorite dishes. Katie Lee Biegel turns up the heat in aSizzling Pork and Veggie Stir Fry with a spicy garlic herb oil.Then, inspired by the new season of "The White Lotus," JeffMauro crafts a Sweet and Spicy Mango Lime Punch, and GeoffreyZakarian shares a Celery Salt Roasted Chicken recipe. Plus,Sunny Anderson serves up an amazing dessert with her EasyChocolate Raspberry Surprise.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Live from inside GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium in KansasCity, Missouri. Host Scott Van Pelt and analysts MarcusSpears, Ryan Clark, Jason Kelce and NFL Insider AdamSchefter. The crew will focus heavily on breaking down theTexans and Chiefs, while also touching on the entireDivisional weekend. Among the special segments planned aroundTexans-Chiefs matchup while updating fans on the latest leaguenews.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Is it a bird?  Is it a plane?  No, it's the return of TheMasked Singer as this week's show gets a ‘superhero'makeover!  In the next instalment of the award winning seriesthe panel and Joel get ready to ‘marvel' at this week'sMasked Celebs.  Snail, Tattoo, Kingfisher, Dressed Crab andTeeth will all take to the stage once again in an attempt tofool our panel and viewers at home. Joining Maya Jama,Jonathan Ross, Davina McCall, Mo Gilligan and host JoelDommett, is celebrated Olympic diver Tom Daley.     

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Test cook Becky Hays makes host Julia Collin Davison theultimate Spinach Lasagna. Tasting expert Jack Bishop talks allabout preserved fruits, and science expert Dan Souza revealswhat happens inside a pressure cooker. Test cook Lan Lam makeshost Bridget Lancaster Pasta e Piselli.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Bernard and Aaliyah help Regina make a list of things thatcould hurt her run for city council. Bennie takes out a loan toget Lucretia off his back.

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As Maria':s magic intensifies, Mizrak urges the Abbot torepent and reverse his loyalties. Alucard's party arrivesin Paris at the height of revolution.

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Jeanette comes under fire. Madeleine is in danger as Victoriagets closer.

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Hosts Curt Menefee and Terry Bradshaw: with analysts HowieLong, Jimmy Johnson and Michael Strahan.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Austin City Limits 50x10 - The Avett Brothers

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"Saturday Night Live" will return Jan. 18 with Dave Chappellemaking his fourth appearance as host. The Emmy Award winner'slatest special, "Dave Chappelle: The Dreamer," is nominatedfor a Grammy Award for Best Comedy Album.

GloRilla will makeher musical guest debut. The multi-platinum selling artistreceived two Grammy nominations this year for her hit single"Yeah Glo!"

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Rowan desperately partners with Cortland to try to stopLasher; Moira assists Sip in capturing him.

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Milkshake! 255x19 - Episode 19

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New Japan Pro Wrestling 255x5 - Wrestling Life 40th AnniversaryYuji Nagata Produce Blue Justice XV

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I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 11x1 - Episode 1

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Rosalind requires all her skills as a midwife when a disabledbaby is delivered at the maternity home, whilst a gasexplosion in an old tenement building shocks the community.

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Delicious Miss Brown 10x10 - Cookin' When You're Feelin' Lazy

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As John Tonkin tries to return to the unit, the men of the SASreceive a visit from General Montgomery who can smell drink -and heroism.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The all-powerful Guild of Private Detectives take an instantdislike to the new Inspector Blake because of his ban on theuse of Private Detectives at Scotland Yard. But when theChairman of the Guild turns up dead, Blake finds himselfworking alongside Eliza whether he likes it or not. Meanwhile,Ivy takes on a new opportunity, but what will the consequencesbe for her engagement to Mr. Potts?

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Noel finds a discarded positive pregnancy test. And if thatwasn't enough of a shock for him, then that'snothing compared to the new mum-to-be... And Noel and Suetravel to Dubai.

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Host Mike Greenberg, with a team of analysts Rex Ryan, RandyMoss, Tedy Bruschi, Alex Smith, and Adam Schefter introducesthe features and directs the storylines associated with theday's games.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Host Maria Taylor, Hall of Fame head coach Tony Dungy, formerNFL head coach Jason Garrett, former NFL quarterback ChrisSimms and NFL insider Mike Florio recap the day's NFLhighlights. Jac Collinsworth and Rodney Harrison contributeon-site. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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