With their trust shaken, the Traitors must decide how to moveforward; a dangerous move threatens to backfire, and thecoffin theory surfaces once more; at the round table, thelimits of an alliance within the Faithful are tested.
Frank and Victoria compete to win Fiona's affections at the newkennels' fundraiser, and Emily gets some very bad advice fromBettany on her speech. Also, just as Patel and Shred are readyto put their flipped house on the market, they find themselvesfacing the world's most charming squatter.
Troy and Pickle struggle to take command of a friend's huntingdog. Zak and Aaron deploy kayaks deep into an untested area.Bruce and Kaylyn explore an isolated island with a gruesomepast.
A college student disappears after a fraternity prank outs himas *** and M&A mobilizes to trace his whereabouts. Thepressure for Gabi's arrest reaches a boiling point. Sir becomesincreasingly bold in his quest for Gabi.
Ernie Johnson, Charles Barkley, Kenny Smith and ShaquilleO'Neal discuss and give analysis of tonight's games, includinghighlights and interviews.
1. James Marsden ("Paradise") 2. Fortune Feimster ("FortuneFeimster: Crushing It" and "You're
Cordially Invited") 3.Musical Guest Hurray for the Riff Raff
Cordially Invited") 3.Musical Guest Hurray for the Riff Raff
Outie Mark contemplates the meaning of a message. Lumongrapples with the fallout of the Overtime Contingency.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Comic legend Martin Lawrence stops by to talkabout his new standup tour!Singer Avery Sunshine talks abouther career, Grammy-nominated album, "So Glad to Know You,"and her upcoming appearance on the "Godfather of Harlem."
Jennifer welcomes back actor Shemar Moore and they talk abouthis show "S.W.A.T." Actress Ryan Destiny stops by to talkabout her film "The Fire Inside."
We meet people whose viral videos are sparking debate anddividing opinions across social media. What's the right way toeat a sandwich? What's proper etiquette on a plane? Is "deluluthe solulu" to manifesting what you want? Should dress codes beenforced at weddings? All that and more with favorite debaterefs NICK LEIGHTON and LEAH BONNEMA, hosts of the hit podcast"Were You Raised by Wolves?"
Drew chats with best friend duo Joy Behar and Susie Essman: anaudience Q-and-A about love. Morris Chestnut (series "Watson").
Cameo-oke: Saturday in the Park (Chicago)/ Michelle Yeoh/ BoydHolbrook/ Bargains and Deals with Lawrence Zarian(MorningSave)/ Chicago Interview/ Chicago Performs "24 or 6 to4"/ WIL.
Father Brown investigates when an old friend':s daughteris plagued by otherworldly visions.
Jimmy Carr hosts, with Jon Richardson and Big Zuu taking onDanny Dyer and Helen Bauer. Mat Ewins joins Susie Dent inDictionary Corner, while Rachel Riley looks after the lettersand numbers.
It':s the final day of the ultimate game of deception andtrust! Will the Traitors remain undetected and take thelife-changing sum of money, all for themselves?
Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett and Tommy Vietor (hosts, "Pod SaveAmerica"); Julia Stiles (director, "Wish You Were Here").
Jack and Kate are drawn into the murder of a charismatic butruthless vineyard owner and a tangled web of suspects,including his ex-wife, son, and new partner.
Joining Graham on his sofa are: Hollywood stars ReeseWitherspoon and Will Ferrell, together in the screwballwedding comedy You're Cordially Invited; pop icon andactress Ariana Grande, starring as Glinda in the hit filmWicked; and British actor Don Gilet, playing the new leaddetective in the BBC series Death in Paradise. With music fromOlly Alexander, performing his new single When We Kiss.
Rob Brydon hosts the award-winning comedy panel show, with LeeMack and David Mitchell as the lightning-quick team captains.Each week, a stellar cast of celebrity guests revealextraordinary stories about themselves. But are they tellingthe truth, or are they making it all up? Sorting the fact fromthe fiction are guest panellists Kadeena Cox, Ivo Graham,Harriet Kemsley and Eddie Marsan.
The queens receive the task of singing songs based on memorablemoments from "Drag Race" history; actress JuliaSchlaepfer guest judges.
When Billie':s neighbor, Bella Bianchi, sees her usingmagic, Billie and Milo try to convince her it is fake ...until their efforts result in Bella getting stuck in the lair.
An heirloom keepsake trunk, an easy-to-sew quilt kit, a lineof seamless swimsuits, and outdoor performance socks createdfor women. Jamie Kern Lima guest sharks.
Joe Lycett and guest companion Phil Wang embark on a two-daymini-break in the US capital, Washington, DC. Their home forthe weekend is the Eaton Hotel, which features a 24-hour radiostation, a plant rehab centre and a crystal library. At theNational Mall, the pair take in some of the planet's mostrecognisable monuments and memorials, including the world'sbiggest obelisk, aka the Washington Monument, the ReflectingPool, the Second World War memorial and the Lincoln Memorial.Day two features a celebration of DC's diverse food scene
Billie':s excited for her first Family Game Night with theRussos, but when she chooses a wizard game, the entire familyis transported into it.
Romance is top of mind as Alice, Kat and Del reflect on lovein their past, present and future. Jacob struggles with hismemories.
It's the final day of the ultimate game of deception and trust!They've survived every banishment and murder, but it all comesdown to today. Will the Faithful weed out all the Traitors andbe victorious, or will the Traitors remain undetected and takethe life-changing sum of money, all for themselves?
Magicians Young &: Strange, Piff &: a secret weapon,and Piero Venesia try to fool the veteran duo with theirillusions. Plus, an amazing first-time-ever two-act trick byPenn and Teller. Brooke Burke continues as host.
In the lush vineyards of Madeira, Jack and Kate are drawn intothe murder of Max King, the charismatic but ruthless vineyardowner. As they navigate a tangled web of suspects, includingMax's ex-wife, his son, and new partner Maria, Jack growsincreasingly frustrated with Kate's hot-and-cold behaviour.Piers, revelling in Kate's vulnerability, piles on thepressure, using every opportunity to undermine her confidence.Back on the ship, he even attempts to convince Colin toreconsider Jack's place in the entertainment team.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
Kevin fires up his wash plant for the first time. Tony assignshis son Mike to run the trommel at Paradise Hill 24/7, but asunk excavator stands in his way. Rick pivots at the Crew Cutand searches for gold in a new spot.
Jimmy Carr hosts a combination of the comedy panel show and thelong-running words-and-numbers quiz, with Jon Richardson andBig Zuu taking on Danny Dyer and Helen Bauer. MathematicianRachel Riley looks after the letters and numbers, while MatEwins joins lexicographer Susie Dent in Dictionary Corner.
Adam Hills, Josh Widdicombe and Alex Brooker are joined bysocial media influencer GK Barry and comedian Kevin Bridges fora comic review of the past seven days. As usual, the hashtag#isitok paves the way for the gang to round up, examine andexplain the leading and most entertaining news stories of theweek.
Joining Graham on his sofa are: Hollywood stars ReeseWitherspoon and Will Ferrell, together in the screwballwedding comedy You're Cordially Invited, pop icon and actressAriana Grande, starring as Glinda in the hit film Wicked andBritish actor Don Gilet, playing the new lead detective in theBBC series Death in Paradise. With music from Olly Alexander,performing his new single When We Kiss.
Reunited at last, Peter and Rose race to intercept Warren.Noor weighs using her access to classified Iranian intelligencefor her own gain.
Outie Mark contemplates the meaning of a message. Lumongrapples with the fallout of the Overtime Contingency.
The queens receive the task of singing songs based on memorablemoments from "Drag Race" history; actress Julia Schlaepferguest judges.
The magicians featured in the episode include Young &:Strange, Piff and a secret weapon, Piero Venesia, and anamazing first-time-ever two-act trick by Penn and Teller.