The team investigates the death of a famed Marine commander'sson, while a pivotal part of Franks' past involving his familyis revealed.
Guests include Shailene Woodley, Martha Stewart and aperformance from Death Becomes Her.
Kellyoke: My Mistake (Kelly Clarkson)/ Jenna Bush Hager/ AnnaCathcart/ New York Sun Works/ Bargains and Deals with LawrenceZarian (MorningSave)/ WIL: Husband Struggles to Fold Clothes.
Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations!Fashion expert Kathy Buccio gives some Sherriviewers "New Year. New You" style makeovers!Olympian StephenNedoroscik and his dance partner Rylee Arnold stop by to tellus about the latest "Dancing with the Stars" tour. KeylaMonterroso Mejia talks about her new Amazon Prime Videocomedy, "You're Cordially Invited."
An EXCLUSIVE sit-down with "The Real Housewives of BeverlyHills" star BOZOMA SAINT JOHN, who tragically lost her home inthe Los Angeles wildfires. Then, social media star SERENAKERRIGAN chats about how she inspired the "Do It For The Plot"movement and manifested her boyfriend. And the can't-missmoment that had all of us fooled! Later, newlyweds who wentviral after taking to TikTok to track down two wedding crashersjoin us along with their uninvited guests! Plus, an all-newShop Tam Fam.
Jennifer has an exclusive interview with ChristinaHaack and Tarek and Heather Rae El Moussa to discuss theirHGTV hit series, "The Flip Off." Jennifer welcomes AshleyBenton, founder/CEO of The Green Team Helping Hands Inc.,from Greensboro, North Carolina. The nonprofit organizationaccommodates families, unhoused individuals, and veteranswith meals, clothing, and daily necessities. Now, Ashley isfeeding hundreds of people monthly, has dozens of volunteers,and receives donations from people and organizations around theworld. And tune in for a special demonstration with "TheGreat American Baking Show" winner Mackenzie Rubish, whereMackenzie and her family teach Jennifer how to make atraditional Samoan cake called puligi!
Denis Leary (comedy "Going Dutch"): The Leary FirefightersFoundation. Gabriel Basso, Amanda Warren, Luciane Buchananand Arienne Mandi (series "The Night Agent").
Guests include Alan Cumming (The Traitors), Paul Skenes (2024National League Rookie of the Year) and Emilio Vitolo (Emilio'sBallato).
When more passengers become infected on the plane, Nikki andthe Lyell team must work to uncover the truth and find a curebefore it's too late.
Alan Cumming (host, "The Traitors"): The Political View withGov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) (author, "True Gretch").
The case is coming to a close, but Kat still believes theMacleans are hiding something.
Joyce asks Alex to be the executor of her estate. Matt andSerena are forced to keep watch over a bickering family. Brucegrapples with unexpected DNA test results.
Donovan tracks a marine smuggling operation, the teaminvestigates the night of a wedding to uncover why the best manended up at the bottom of the Atlantic.
Following his stint at the LAPD, Wesley returns to thedistrict attorney's office where his past connects him tothe team's investigation. Meanwhile, Bailey and Johnhave conflicting feelings over safety, while Lucy growssuspicious of Seth.
The investigation into an assistant U.S. attorney':s deathleads the team to a related airline whistleblower scandal, andas the clock ticks, the team risks it all to thwart theterrorists from crashing numerous in-flight commercialairplanes using hacked systems - bringing painful memories forScola as he remembers his late brother who died on 9/11.
Abby gets more than she bargained for when Julianne invites herto a join a women's empowerment group; Dan and Flobertcompete over whose advice will help Gurgs secure a promotion.
As the team delves into a tangled case of espionage,double-crosses and mistaken identity, Amanda helps Sunnyadjust to her new life and school. Meanwhile, Ormewoodstruggles with his divorce, while Will's feelings forMarion begin to deepen.
On a moose-hunting trip, tensions rise between Pop and PoppyBell, pushing Mark into a tough spot. Meanwhile, Foxdistrusts her mom's new beau while Mike Sr worries abouthis future at VOCM.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
A member of the Fly Team goes missing as the hunt for GregCsonka continues in Paris. Meanwhile, Vo's life hangs inthe balance after being shot.
Amy must confront who she has become after the tragedy thatstruck her family seven years ago. Sonya and TJ disagree on howto treat a sick Marine, and Amy and Jake make a life-changingdiscovery about an Alzheimer's patient.
Rick and Marty Lagina, two brothers from Michigan, attempt tosolve the mystery of Oak Island, a tree-covered island on thesouth shore of Nova Scotia...
Bobby finds himself in hot water as Eli nears the truth abouthim and Simone; Hunter makes a shocking discovery about hisparalysis and Richard has a surprising run in.
After Hurricane Helene flooded Appalachia, Mike and Jerry findtheir new submarine still washed away; Tickle tries topersuade accident-prone Josh not to return to racing; Richardgets a special order, but tracking the fruit proves a thornyproblem.
The Fugitive Task Force investigates a series of deadly firesinvolving the descendants of those involved with causing theinfamous 1985 MOVE bombing in Philadelphia. Meanwhile,Nina's sister turns to her in a time of need.
Alec and Marisa investigate a mysterious ghost ship that haswashed up on the shores of his hometown. This forces him torevisit his past and spend time with his father with whom hehas a fraught and complicated relationship.
Things get tense when Marnie and Sophie thrash out theirproblems and the villa welcomes some new arrivals. Ricci can'tbelieve Chantelle's been saying their kiss meant nothing.
Soto reopens an old murder case in the famous Donovan family,determined to uncover the true killer in classic"whodunit" style.
Jimmy welcomes actress Amy Schumer, actor Joe Keery, and aperformance by Djo.
Rose grapples with a crisis of conscience. Viktor reveals histrue goal to Tomás, and the hunter becomes the hunted whenSolomon's team stalks Peter.
The investigation into an assistant U.S. attorney's death leadsthe team to a related airline whistleblower scandal and thechilling discovery that they don't have much time to thwartterrorists from crashing numerous in-flight commercialairplanes. Dealing with the memory of his brother, who was a9/11 victim, the case pushes Scola hard to prevent anothercatastrophe.
Four new competitors are ready to commit to a tournament thatstretches their strategic planning abilities as well as theircooking skills. Every basket has just three items, and a liveauction determines what each chef scores as their fourthingredient. In this preliminary battle, one chef spends a tonof money to secure a favorite ingredient for his appetizerdish, raising expectations that he should be able to ace theround. Will his dish deliver? The chefs open up the secondbasket to discover a weird burrito, and the most promisingauction item seems to be some lovely mushrooms. Then, all eyesare on the last two competitors as they race to make dessertsusing a fruit, booze and some pastries from the basket, plusthe two very different items from the auction. Only one chefwill advance to the Name Your Price tournament grand finale!
Garcelle invites the ladies to her beach house: Doritcontinues to confide in Boz; Kyle tries to explain herself toGarcelle and Sutton.
Joyce asks Alex to be the executor of her estate. Matt andSerena are forced to keep watch over a bickering family. Brucegrapples with unexpected DNA test results.
While one couple is caught between truths and lies, a heatedargument pushes another couple to come clean about theirfeelings. Meanwhile, things start heating up for some of ourcouples, including the introduction of a lingerie-clad thirdparty, which may be more than they bargained for.
As the team delves into a tangled case of espionage,double-crosses and mistaken identity, Amanda helps Sunnyadjust to her new life and school. Meanwhile, Ormewoodstruggles with his divorce, while Will's feelings for Marionbegin to deepen.