First, EMMY® Award-winning TV personality and multimediasuperstar TS MADISON returns to the show to chat about the newseason of "RuPaul's Drag Race" and address the dating rumors.Then, legendary Hollywood fashion designer BOB MACKIE, whodesigned showstopping looks for Cher, Madonna, Tina Turnerand more, discusses his new documentary, "Bob Mackie: NakedIllusion." Later, we welcome a Detroit couple who purchasedAretha Franklin's home and invested millions of dollars inrestoring it as a love letter to the music icon. Plus, wecatch up with newlyweds TREVOR FARROW and SHYLAH MAY, whoofficially tied the knot after their last visit to the Tam Famin a dream wedding in Tuscany.
Drew and Ross Mathews cover the latest news with SunnyAnderson; Isla Fisher (movie "Dog Man"). Chef Nick DiGiovannijoins Drew and Sunny Anderson in the kitchen; Mikel Welch hasa pro tip for a DIY coffee table; Danny Seo makes a DIYlamp.
Singer and actress Kelly Rowland joins the show.Jenniferwelcomes Hadiyah Cummings from Conway, Arkansas. A video ofHadiyah celebrating with her family after finding out shepassed the bar exam recently went viral. She says passing thebar was a significant milestone for her being that she grew upin a low socioeconomic household and was a first-generationcollege student.
Kellyoke: More Than Words (Extreme)/ Will Ferrell and ReeseWitherspoon/ Meredith Hagner and Geraldine Viswanathan.
For their first task, Lord Sugar':s candidates are sentto Austria to sell and run alpine tours. Poor sales and bullishnegotiations mean it's auf wiedersehen for one candidate.
ALOTO celebrates the Olympics with golden girl and recentSports Personality of The Year winner Keely Hodgkinson anddouble Olympic champion Sir Andy Murray, alongside comedianAlan Carr.
After a mystery scone tasting game, chefs Jeff Mauro andAntonia Lofaso ask the recruits to create their own flavorfulscones; the teams prepare a multi-course dinner fit forroyalty; some recruits are banished from the kitchen.
It':s now 2009, over 21 years since the bombing, and Jimis left at a loss when Megrahi gives up on his appeal attempt.In return, the sickly Megrahi is released on compassionategrounds. Questioning everything he has come to believe, Jimwonders if he'll ever know the truth about what happened.
Tensions rise when Georgie intrudes on Mandy':ssupermarket saleswoman job; Audrey and Jim are conflicted overwhether or not to coddle Connor.
Matty helps Olympia take on Elijah':s cousin':swrongful termination case. Also, Edwin worries that the longerMatty remains at Jacobson Moore, the more she puts herself indanger of being caught.
When a wealthy man is executed in his home, Shaw and Riley aimto determine who was greedy enough to want him dead. Also,Price must try a difficult case amidst his father'sfailing health.
The top three are ready to prove they have what it takes in afinal menu planning challenge! The chefs will be inspired witha glimpse into their possible future, going into their finalchallenge. The final three give their all, but only two willmove on to the dramatic season finale
Sports-based comedy quiz, with host Romesh Ranganathan andteam captains Jamie Redknapp and Jill Scott joined by doubleWimbledon singles champion Andy Murray, middle-distance runnerKeely Hodgkinson and comedian Alan Carr in a test of theirsporting knowledge, taking place over three rounds.
Ronnie and Timmy fight to finish their marsh tags before thegators move inland; Bruce and Anna chase monsters in a remotehoney hole; Jacob unleashes Little Willie on the bayoubeasts; Troy and Pickle wage war against a cannibal gator.
A young boy seeks help when his sister doesn':t come homefrom work. Benson and Carisi suspect a woman's assaultwas prearranged by a third party.
Sam and Jay are forced to cover when Mark demands to meet thesilent investor in Jay's restaurant who has been holdingup construction.
For their first task, Lord Sugar's candidates are sent toAustria to sell and run Alpine tours. Poor sales and bullishnegotiations mean it's auf Wiedersehen for one candidate.
Trivia night turns wild for Animal Control when Frank and Emilyteam up to beat Shred and his girlfriend. Also,Victoria's sister visits from New Zealand and Patelfinally garners attention when he subs in as bartender.
Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.
With tensions in their tower at a breaking point, the Traitorsmust still work together; two dangerous Faithfuls start tohatch a plan, but it could backfire.
When a young man is found dead in his car, Elsbeth visits theholistic wellness center he'd just left, and begins tosuspect its charismatic founder.
Maddie searches for clues on how to reunite with her body.Janet goes on the run; a conflicted Simon struggles to protecthis own grasp on reality.
Tom Allen meets the first fired candidate and shares exclusivebehind-the-scenes content as Lord Sugar launches his search fora new business partner who will win his £250,000 investment.A panel of special guest fans give their views on the week'stask.
M&:A races against the clock to search for a missingBlack, non-neurotypical boy before he suffers from anemotional breakdown. The cat-and-mouse game between Sir andGabi comes to a head. Margaret is approached by a familiarface.
As the ghosts continue searching for Mr. Martin inside SplitRiver High, Maddie worries about her future. Janet is hauntedby her past at her family's farmhouse.
Jimmy welcomes actor and comedian Pete Davidson, actress SadieSink, and a cooking demonstration from Olivia Tiedemann.
After the chaos in Prague, Owen gets benched. But it':snot long before he stumbles on a new case - and into a new denof spies in South Korea.
The troops of Stroopsdorf participate in their quarterly wargames. Meanwhile, when an unidentified drone hovers over thebase, The Colonel recruits Captain Maggie, Major Shah andSergeant Dana to take a trip to the owner's house toconfirm he is not a spy.
A violent showdown in Costa Rica leads to a breakthrough forDanny and Ray. Back in LA, Danny and Marian have realizationsof their own.