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Deion Sanders.Performance by Kane Brown.Please note approximatetiming for this episode (11:35 PM-12:37 AM, ET 10:35-11:37PM, CT and MT; 8:35-9:37 PM, PT).After the AFC ChampionshipGame, WATSON.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Darby & Joan 2x6 - Episode 6

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Murdoch, Ogden and Susannah narrowly escape after anexplosion. 

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Tribunal Justice 2x1 - TBA

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Kellyoke: Better Be Tough (Ella Langley)/ "City Seats" withMatt Iseman/ Sam Heughan/ Julia Michaels/ Charles Esten/ "LightThe Night"/ WIL: Junior Innovator Challenge Winner.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The stories of those who achieved peace and happiness aftersomeone meaningful in their lives was lost and found. More than30 years after losing touch, two New York childhood friendsreconnect in a surprise reunion! Then, a camera captures themoment a rideshare driver realizes his passenger is a long-lostfriend he hasn't seen in 20 years! And we welcome a belovedretired teacher who reunited his students from nearly 50 yearsago in a surprising way. Plus, a couple who met on a datingapp had no idea their paths crossed decades earlier … in thesame hospital.

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Actress Beth Behrs stops by to talk about the CBS show "TheNeighborhood." Plus, tune in to watch Jennifer and Beth testout the latest social media food trends! 

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Drew, OBGYN Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, psychiatrist JudithJoseph, Brooke Shields and Naomi Watts sit down for amenopause round table and talk about symptoms, mental healthand finding the right doctor. Naomi Watts (book "Dare I SayIt"); Valerie Bertinelli and Drew share gadgets to help withmenopause symptoms; Brooke Shields (book "Brooke Shields IsNot Allowed to Get Old: Thoughts on Aging as a Woman") revealsher cover photo on AARP magazine.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Sherri gives her hilarious take on the current headlines andlife situations! The multi-talented Keke Palmer talks abouther hit new movie, "One of Them Days."Then, Sherri takes partin a Club Cardio fitness demo!

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Guests include Sterling K. Brown (Paradise) and Lisa Ann Walter(Abbott Elementary). 

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When a mysterious contagion starts to spread on a flight fromMumbai, Dr Nikki Alexander faces a race against time - at30,000 feet - to contain a deadly illness.

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Milkshake! 255x27 - Episode 27

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When more passengers become infected on the plane, Nikki andthe Lyell team must work to uncover the truth and find a curebefore it's too late.

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Australia's most controversial social experiment returns withanother addictive mix of love and drama.

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I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! 11x7 - Episode 7

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Victoria Coren Mitchell hosts the quiz where knowledge onlygets you so far - logic and lateral thinking are the vitalextra ingredients. Two teams face off in an attempt to getthrough to the semi-finals. What connects the following:excels, robust, Liberec and Arabic?

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


When the police raid the nail bar having learnt that Kenny hasgone missing, dealer Khalad has no choice but to inform Turuk.

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Host Sandi Toksvig is joined by Alan Davies, Jason Manford,Ahir Shah and Holly Walsh.

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The Political View with Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.).

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When a mysterious contagion starts to spread on a flight fromMumbai, Dr Nikki Alexander faces a race against time - at30,000 feet - to contain a deadly illness.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tamar recruits an unexpected collaborator. Peterson gets closerto fulfilling his life's mission. Nahid makes the hardestdecision of her life. Nissan is forced to confront his bloodypast.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Peterson completes his mission, and reveals his astonishingand deadly intent. Nahid and Tamar settle the scores. Tamar andFaraz confront each other, and face difficult choices. Thecountdown begins, the moment of truth is coming.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


General Hospital 255x16 - Ep. #15635

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Owen makes a decision about his future. Tommy receivesdevastating news. T.K. and Carlos worry about adopting Jonah.Mateo gets his immigration status threatened after analtercation. A doomsday prepper gets trapped in a bomb shelterand The 126 and all of Austin brace for an asteroid crash.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The new neighbors who moved into Miss Kim':s old house arekeeping the Butlers and Johnsons up all night. Meanwhile,Marty is stunned to learn that Courtney plans to go on a date.

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Host Laura Rutledge takes the helm of this weekday showfeaturing the likes of Marcus Spears, Dan Orlovsky, RyanClark, Mina Kimes, and Adam Schefter, who offer the latestnews and analysis from across the NFL.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Murdoch, Ogden and Susannah narrowly escape after an explosionin London kills a woman.

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Coming Soon...

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Each year, Derbyshire's police and emergency services arecalled out to over 1600 crashes. In this episode, the TrafficCops deal with such crashes and distracted drivers puttinglives on the line. Officers race to a serious crash on one ofDerbyshire's busiest roads. Three cars collided after a carlost control and flew over the central reservation intooncoming traffic. Crash investigators must also begin aninquiry into the cause of the collision. Cops are called outafter a huge lorry hits a barrier on a bridge. The driver istrapped inside, jack-knifed, with his front wheels and cabinhanging over the edge. It's too dangerous for police to rescuehim so they must wait for fire crews to arrive to cut himout. 

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Love awaits 25 extraordinary women preparing to open theirhearts to Grant Ellis on the season premiere of "TheBachelor". With a bold, new twist on the traditionalfirst impression rose, making a strong connection has neverbeen more crucial.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Junior accuses Poppa of lying about his dog allergy during hischildhood. Meanwhile, Nina and Junior take a vow of celibacyto explore a deeper connection.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


After NCIS learns that the owner of Parker':s favoritebakery is being blackmailed, they hatch a plan to save herfrom the perpetrators. Also, tensions heighten whenTorres' secret romance is discovered.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Em and Will':s relationship struggles as they navigate thereturn of his fiancée. Kainalu asks Laka for help. The teamraces to the rescue when a group of locals are involved in aserious accident while riding an inflatable Supsquatch.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


The team investigates the death of a famed Marinecommander's son, while a pivotal part of Franks'past involving his family is revealed.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Forces of evil beyond human comprehension bully Hayley intodoing a Space Jam.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Tess, with Sunny':s assistance, investigates a routinestop that turns into every parent's worst nightmare - theabduction of a 6-year-old boy. Meanwhile, Sunny buries herunresolved trauma, and Matt tries to move on from Tess.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Jimmy welcomes actress Shailene Woodley, entrepreneur MarthaStewart, and a performance from "Death BecomesHer".

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Fitz and Arch work with a Newfoundland Officer fromFitz's past to apprehend an infamous bank robberwho's escaped to Saint-Pierre.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


Eager for intel about Night Action, Jacob makes Solomon alucrative offer. Javad senses a traitor in his midst. Samiundertakes a covert mission in Iran.

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TV Calendar: Pogdesign


WWE Monday Night RAW 32x4 - #1653 - State Farm Arena inAtlanta, GA

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Las Vegas treasures hit the jackpot with ROADSHOW findsincluding a Louis C. Tiffany enamel vase, ca. 1905, a 1599Thomas Buckminster almanac and Ernie Barnes' Fourth and One oilpainting. Watch to see the season-topping 0,000 find!

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Owen makes a decision about his future: Tommy receivesdevastating news; T.K. and Carlos worry about adopting Jonah;Mateo gets his immigration status threatened after analtercation; a doomsday prepper gets trapped in a bomb shelterand the 126 and all of Austin brace for an asteroid crash.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Love awaits 25 extraordinary women preparing to open theirhearts to Grant Ellis on the season premiere of "The Bachelor."With a bold, new twist on the traditional first impressionrose, making a strong connection has never been morecrucial.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


The new neighbors who moved into Miss Kim's old house arekeeping the Butlers and Johnsons up all night. Meanwhile,Courtney tells Marty she is going on a date.

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Chef Cloyce walks a tightrope through the guests' numerousdietary restrictions. Daisy tries to balance past and presentas she considers her attraction to both Gary and Keith. Afteran eventful final night out, the crew says their finalgoodbyes.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


After NCIS learns that the owner of Parker's favorite bakery isbeing blackmailed, they hatch a plan to save her.

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It's one of America's most mythic UFO incidents--a 200-yardswath of debris that landed near Roswell, New Mexico. Somebelieve it was an alien craft, others that it was a secretgovernment experiment. The deeper researchers dig, the moreperplexing the story gets. It's a mystery that's endured fornearly 80 years. So what really crashed in Roswell in 1947?

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Em and Will's relationship struggles as they navigate thereturn of his fiancé. Kainalu asks Laka for help. The teamraces to rescue a group of locals involved in a seriousaccident while riding an inflatable Supsquatch.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


A routine stop turns into a parent's worst nightmare when a6-year-old boy is abducted during a carjacking. Tess and Jakerace against time to rescue the child, tracking thekidnapper's potential motivations and leading to a tensestandoff. As the case culminates in a high-speed chase, Tess'sempathy helps defuse a potentially fatal situation, reunitingthe boy with his family, and forcing Tess to reflect on herown troubled family dynamics. Meanwhile, Sunny immersesherself in the case to avoid her own trauma, while Matt beginsto move on from Tess.

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TV Calendar: At My TV


Forces of evil beyond human comprehension bully Hayley intodoing a Space Jam.

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TV Calendar: At My TV

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