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Serial Killer: Cedric Maake

Midnight Man

Maoupa Cedric Maake was a particularly brutal individual whose crimes seemed almost random. He operated mostly in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. His victims included men and women, both young and old. There was no set pattern to whom he decided to kill, just the chaotic murders of a deranged mind. To add further unpredictability to his crimes, there were several methods that he used to attack his victims. Some he would sneak up behind while they were alone and bludgeon to death with rocks. Others consisted of couples in cars, the men which he would shoot before raping the women. For some reason he also attacked tailors within the inner city, beating them to death with a hammer while they were in their shops. The seemingly unconnected nature of the crimes confused police for some time. They at first thought Maake’s killings to be the work of two separate serial killers due to the different victims chosen and murder weapons used. Eventually, however, they would catch up with Maake in December of 1997. When he was finally caught, he was charged with a wide variety of crimes. The total convictions ended in 27 murders, 26 attempted murders, 14 rapes, 41 robberies and a number of other, less serious crimes. In all, he was found guilty of 114 charges and sentenced to 1159 years in prison, where he resides today.

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