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Peter Capaldi

Midnight Man

Who’s your favorite Doctor? OK, it’s probably not Peter Capaldi, but he is the Doctor. Like any other Doctor he is very different, but not completely unlike all those that have come before him. He does indeed share traits with his predecessors; he’s still brilliant, still resourceful, and still energetic. And yes, he still has absolutely no dress sense what so ever. He is also loyal, steadfast, and absolutely determined to get to the truth.

However, he does have a personality that is all his own, a style that sets him apart from other Doctors. This one has an accent that could curl your hair, looks physically older than most other Doctors, and has a bit of a mean streak. More a cynic, really, after all, he is two thousand years old. He has spent several life times traveling across the universe meeting and fighting evil face to face. He has fought side by side with friends and companions that have been put in life threatening danger, tortured, and even killed. He has seen galaxies form and star systems die; he has witnessed the beginning of all creation and is wholeheartedly convinced that he will be there for its demise. Anyone that intimately familiar with both the alpha and the omega on a universal scale has the right to be at least a little bit cynical.

He is the first Doctor. Yes, he is the first of a whole new life cycle, and like the original first Doctor, William Hartnel, he’s a little gray and sometimes even a little cranky. Although, unlike a majority of his previous incarnations that seemed to get younger with every regeneration, this one seems to have upped the ante and come through it with the demeanor of a mature individual. Maybe the Doctor is finally showing his age, or maybe the first incarnation of a Time lord life cycle puts him at the top of the maturity scale. Regardless, a Timelord he is, and the universe is his playground. Long may he live in this world of science fiction that we love so much, because no matter his style, countenance, or even personality, he is the Doctor.

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