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Weird Celebrity Death: Vincent van Gogh

Midnight Man

Vincent van Gogh was a major Post-Impressionist painter. After years of painful anxiety and frequent bouts of mental illness he died at the age of 37 from a gunshot wound, generally accepted to be self-inflicted, or was he a murder victim? Most believe that he shot himself while standing in a wheat field about a mile from his home near Paris. Though the bullet missed his vital organs, van Gogh died 30 hours later from an infection caused by the gunshot wound. But new research suggests van Gogh may have been shot by a pair of local youths who had been bullying him. Two clues: the gun van Gogh supposedly used to shoot himself was never found, and when police asked him shortly before he died if he’d tried to kill himself, van Gogh replied “I believe so,” but then cryptically requested that no one be accused of the crime. He died July 27, 1890 at the age of 37.

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