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HowTo Use & Benefit From A Follow Pyramid Gain 100,000 Followers, FOR FREE

Midnight Man

Hello fellow Twitter users, not too long ago I came up with an idea that I thought would benefit us all. I envisioned a system that would allow the average user, people like me and you that have no fame to prop us up, to gain thousands of followers. Unfortunately, during my explanation of the system I was so excited about it I allowed my enthusiasm to control the thought process that I used to write the explanation for that system. I made the explanation so complex that few understood it (it even confused me a I’m the one that thought of the system) and I really must apologize for that, it was a complete ‘dork out’ on my part and I do sincerely apologize for all the confusion that I have caused.


However, I do believe in the system. It is a very simple system that can benefit everyone that chooses to participate in it. Therefore, I have rewritten the explanation so that it can be understood by anyone, even me, and that’s a hard sell because I’m not the brightest crayon in the box. So please refer to the explanation below to learn how to participate in the pyramid and benefit from it.


One more thing, whenever you see a pyramid in your Twitter timeline, join that pyramid. Not just the first one, join every pyramid that you see. I cannot emphasize this enough; some pyramids have been dying out because no one has joined them. Your followers won’t join if they don’t understand how it will benefit them and they won’t understand how it benefits them if they don’t see it enough. Two reasons govern this logic; the first reason is that any one person must see something at least 7 (seven) times before they respond to it. That has been proven by studies that have been done by advertising agencies on how and why people respond to advertisements. And the second reason is that less than 1% (one percent) of your followers sees any given tweet that you post on Twitter. That has been proven by studies that have been done about how Twitter organizes tweets posted. One more time, and I don’t mean to be repetitive, but I must make sure that everyone that reads this understands this basic principle, whenever you see a pyramid in your Twitter timeline, join that pyramid. Not just the first one, join every pyramid that you see.


Anytime and every time you see this in your timeline:


100,000 #Followers #FREE http://bit.ly/1EAe7kK








Follow these 3 (three) simple steps.


STEP ONE (1) Follow all the users in the pyramid.


STEP TWO (2) Add your own twitter identification to the top of the pyramid, move all names down one slot and eliminate the name that is at the bottom.


STEP THREE (3) Copy the new pyramid that has ‘your’ twitter identification at the top, and paste it into your twitter feed. Don’t forget the website link so that all who want to join can get an explanation of how it works. Then, of course, press tweet.


Thank you for the time and patients that it took to read this blog. I realize that I’m not a very good teacher and that my explanation isn’t the best, but I believe in this system, and I believe that if enough people join a pyramid it can go on and possibly even obtain a life of its own. Imagine that, a pyramid that goes on and on gaining thousands of followers for all those who join it. Anything is possible.


Also, below is my previous blog that I used. Read it at your own risk. I hope it doesn’t confuse anyone.


Once again Thank You.



My previous blog


Hello fellow Twitter user. Welcome to my blog. Aren’t you getting a little tired of fighting to get followers for your Twitter account? Day in, day out, fight, fight, fight, just to get followers. You do everything that you think you are supposed to do, you follow, you follow back, and you tweet out ‘group’ lists and retweet the ‘group’ lists of others when they fall into your time line. You click on hashtaged words like ‘#FOLLOW’ that lead to special ‘group’ pages, where you see others in that ‘group’ that are just there doing the same thing that you are doing, fighting to get followers.


Then you go to website after website, and read blog after blog in the hopes that there is some secret formula out there, that you just haven’t found yet, and you are sure that when you do find it, it will open a well spring of the super secret, followers stash, that few ever find, and they will just come pouring out, right. Well no, because it just doesn’t happen that way, it usually just ends up costing you money, or at the very least, costing you time. Neither of which you are able to afford.


There are some web sites out there that give away followers, but these web sites usually require the control of your account. Not only is that frowned upon by Twitter, but it is very unsecure and can open up your account to tampering. Also, these sites normally give away very few followers for every visit and you end up having to go back time after time, with very little to show for it. Not to mention the fact that if you are given followers from one of these web sites you also have to agree to become a follower yourself, to be given away to others, and the ratio is not normally fair, you end up following a lot more than you get followed by, which requires you to find a way to unfollow the many users that browse these sites that don’t follow you back, and that, in turn requires a whole new list of web sites that are oriented toward unfollowing those pesky non-follow backs.


Then, of course, there are those web sites that will sell you followers. Really!? Can you believe that? They actually sell followers, isn’t that kind of like buying the cow, even though the milk is free? Although, it is a somewhat effortless task, rather than fight, fight, fight to get followers every day, you just pay the fee and then go about your business tweeting and over a period of specified time, that is determined by the seller, you gain the followers, but the prices. Ouch, no thank you. There has got to be a better way.


Well, how about a follow pyramid. But what is a follow pyramid and how does it work?


There are just three (3) easy steps to perform in order to join and benefit from a follow pyramid that could expose your twitter identification to thousands, tens of thousands or possibly even hundreds of thousands of potential twitter users. Yes, this system works, and it works very well if each twitter user that chooses to participate in the pyramid has respect for the users that are already in the pyramid and completes all three (3) steps.


Here’s how it works.



Whenever you see this in your timeline:


100,000 #Followers FREE http://bit.ly/1EAe7kK









Follow all the users in the pyramid. This is a very important step and its only five (5) follows. It won’t be necessary to follow the top user because you will already be following that user. That’s how it ended up on your timeline in the first place.




It won’t always be the users that I have listed here, as a matter of fact; it will generally be different users all the time. It all depends on who has chosen to join the pyramid and who has tweeted it onto your timeline. By the way, if done properly, the person that tweeted it onto your timeline should appear at the top of the pyramid. I have just used these twitter identifications here as an illustration in this example because they are some of my favorite followers, plus I have put my twitter identification at the top. Don’t use this one, it is just an example. Use the pyramids that you see in your timeline.




Add your own twitter identification to the top of the list, move all names down one slot and eliminate the name that is at the bottom.




Once step one is complete, I have found it easier to copy the tweet and paste it into a text file such as Microsoft Word. That way if you lose track of the tweet in your twitter timeline, it won’t matter because you have a copy and the copy is what you will need to complete step three. Also, don’t forget to copy the website link so that others can get a full explanation of what a follow pyramid is and how to use it.




Copy the new list that has ‘your’ twitter identification at the top, and paste it into your twitter feed. Don’t forget the website link. Then, of course, press tweet.




Once step three is complete you will have joined a follow pyramid. The number of followers that you can get from this is incalculable. Much of it depends on how many of your followers join the pyramid once you tweet it onto their timeline. It is impossible to know how many of your followers will join it, or even see it for that matter. Therefore, it might be beneficial to join more than one.


The first slot at the top of the pyramid exists for the sole purpose of allowing you to join the pyramid; you won’t gain any followers from that slot because it will be tweeted out to users that already follow you.


Once your identification hits the second slot it will be tweeted out from those who follow you that have chosen to join the pyramid, to all of the followers that they have. This alone will expose your twitter identification to any of their followers that see the pyramid. Plus, any of their followers that choose to join the pyramid will follow you because you are in the pyramid (remember step one). It’s when your twitter identification hits the third slot that the fun really starts.


When the followers of your followers tweet out the new pyramid you will be in the third slot. The number of followers that will follow you (step one for them) depends on how many decide to join the pyramid at that point, but it will be a multiple of how many people joined and tweeted the pyramid when you were in the second slot.


The rest of the slots will bring in more followers and will always be a multiple of all previous slots combined. As your twitter Identification progresses down the pyramid the number of followers that you receive will be multiplied by the number of users that joined the pyramid when you were in the previous slot, and the slot before that, and the slot before that, on and on until your name drops off the pyramid.


Remember, the number of followers that you can receive from this is incalculable because it is not known how many users will decide to join the pyramid at each slot (also, some may just retweet it), but below there is an illustration of a pyramid that uses a multiple of ten (10) so that you can get some idea of how this works. Remember, I’m only using a multiple of ten (10) as an example.



Slot One…………You join the pyramid, put your twitter identification into slot one (1) and tweet the pyramid onto your timeline.


Slot Two………… Ten (10) of your followers join the pyramid, your twitter identification drops to slot two and they tweet it onto their time lines. Your twitter identification is now exposed to all of the followers that those ten (10) users have.


Slot Three………. Ten (10) followers of each of those ten (10) users join the pyramid, that’s 10x10 for this example. That’s one hundred (100) users that will follow you, remember it’s step one for them, and they will follow everyone in the pyramid. Your twitter identification will drop to slot three; they will put their name at the top of the pyramid and tweet it onto their timelines and your twitter identification will be exposed to the followers of all one hundred (100) of those users.


Slot Four………. Ten (10) followers of each of those one hundred (100) users join the pyramid, that’s 10x100 for this example. That’s one thousand (1000) users that will follow you, remember it’s step one for them, and they will follow everyone in the pyramid. Your twitter identification will drop to slot four; they will put their name at the top of the pyramid and tweet it onto their timeline and your twitter identification will be exposed to the followers of all one thousand (1000) of those users.


Slot Five………. Ten (10) followers of each of those one thousand (1000) users join the pyramid, that’s 10x1000 for this example. That’s ten thousand (10,000) users that will follow you, remember it’s step one for them, and they will follow everyone in the pyramid. Your twitter identification will drop to slot five; they will put their name at the top of the pyramid and tweet it onto their timelines and your twitter identification will be exposed to the followers of all ten thousand 10,000 of those users.


Slot Six………. Ten (10) followers of each of those ten thousand (10,000) users join the pyramid, that’s 10x10,000 for this example. That’s one hundred thousand (100,000) users that will follow you, remember it’s step one for them, and they will follow everyone in the pyramid. Your twitter identification will drop to slot six; they will put their name at the top of the pyramid and tweet it onto their timelines and your twitter identification will be exposed to the followers of all one hundred thousand (100,000) of those users.


After Slot six you will be dropped off the bottom of the pyramid. But that’s OK, it won’t be the only one out there and hopefully by then you will already have so many followers that you are having a hard time keeping up with followbacks. It may all seem a little confusing at first, but remember, there are only three (3) simple steps to joining a pyramid.



Follow all the users in the pyramid.



Add your own twitter identification to the top of the pyramid, move all names down one slot and eliminate the name that is at the bottom.



Copy the new pyramid that has ‘your’ twitter identification at the top, and paste it into your twitter feed. Don’t forget the website link. Then, of course, press tweet.


I hope that I have explained this well enough for anyone to understand. If I have confused you I am truly sorry, but don’t feel bad, the fault is mine I’m sure. I wrote this thing and it still confuses me, but I honestly believe that the theory is sound and that it will work if all those who choose to join a pyramid have respect for the users that are already in the pyramid and complete all three (3) steps. Good Luck!

Edited by Midnight Man

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