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NFL: Eric Berry Confirmed To Have Lymphoma

Midnight Man

Further testing on Eric Berry confirmed that he has Hodgkin's lymphoma.

"This is a diagnosis that is very treatable and potentially curable with standard chemotherapy approaches," Dr. Christopher Flowers, a lymphoma specialist at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, said in a statement released through the Chiefs. "The goal of Mr. Berry's treatment is to cure his lymphoma and we are beginning that treatment now."Berry, 25, is from the Atlanta area and has chosen Emory for his treatment. He also released a statement through the Chiefs.

"My family and I are very grateful for the amount of support we have received over the last couple of weeks. I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all the words of encouragement, the blessings and well wishes," the statement read. "I want to thank the Emory University School of Medicine, along with Dr. Flowers and his team, for all of their hard work and effort in diagnosing and creating a plan for me to battle this thing."I will embrace this process and attack it the same way I do everything else in life. God has more than prepared me for it. For everyone sharing similar struggles, I'm praying for you and keep fighting!"

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