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The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 7: Crossed in Review

Midnight Man

Well, it looks like our friends that walk among the dead are preparing for war, but they are going up against a group that they know nothing about. They have only the word of Noah to go by and how do they know that he is telling the truth, how do they know that he is actually and that she helped him escape. It’s not like Rick to trust with so little information. Granted, the audience knows these things to be true, but Rick has never been one to trust anyone that easily, isn’t he the one that came up with the questions, the questions that they ask everyone that they meet. You know them, “How many walkers have you killed” and “How many people have you killed”? It’s his suspicious nature that has kept them all alive; it’s his suspicious nature that alerted him to the ‘not necessarily friendly nature of He once trusted the Governor, and look what happened there. Well, he did put Noah out front, he is the one that shot the shot that attracted them in the first place, maybe that was a test, if not a test of his loyalty to them, at least a test of his loyalty to getting Beth out of there because he feels that he owes her something for helping him.

Rick is ready to kill, he suggests that Daryl takes a guard out by slitting his throat, and it doesn’t give him a moment’s pause. He seems to have accepted death as a part of everything that happens, if it weren’t for the objections of the others, including Daryl and especially Tyreese, he would have had absolutely no problem making that a part of his plan. A plan that Tyreese is not happy with, once Rick spells it out for them. It has the potential for too many bullets flying and has the possibility for too much death, this is a man that is sick to death of death, and he suggests another way. Kidnap two of them, make an even trade and everybody goes home. Of course the plan doesn’t go exactly as planned and Daryl ends up in a knock down drag out with one of Grady’s cops right in the middle of a burned out mess of charred walkers that are actually melted to the asphalt and is forced to use a walker’s head, with two fingers through the eye sockets, to bash him over the head. Rick puts an end to the fight and is again ready to kill without compunction, but Daryl stops him suggesting that having three cops to trade is better than two.

Once they get settled with their hostages, their hostages want to talk. It seems that they aren’t too fond of Dawn either and believe that she is running the place into the ground. One of them, whose name is Bob, tells Rick all about Dawn and that she will make the trade because she isn’t a tyrant, just someone trying to make things work. He also gains some sympathy from Sasha, probably because his name is Bob, and convinces her that one of the walkers out on the tarmac that is melted to the asphalt is a friend of his and he wants to see him put out of his misery. She takes him to the window for clear identification and as she is aiming he slams her from behind up against the window knocking her out to make good his escape. Maybe Bob’s not as good a guy as they thought.

The group left at the church barricade themselves in and Gabriel, the priest, goes crazy trying to clean the Carl wants him to choose a weapon and learn how to defend himself, but he can’t fathom the violence, it’s all foreign to him. Even the always sensible Michone can’t make him understand that killing, or at least defending yourself, is a realistic part of life now. He picks a machete and locks himself in the back room. Then he uses it to pry the floor boards away, crawls out under the floor and runs away. Even when he is faced with a almost do-or-die situation he can’t bring himself to kill a walker because his religion overwhelms his mind and he chooses once again to run away.

The group with the fire truck is caught up in a dilemma, Eugene is down for the count and can’t be moved, Abraham is in a psychological stupor and refuses to even take a drink, and they are almost out of water, not to mention not having any food. Tara, Rosita and Glenn set out to find water and while out on their little hunting expedition Glenn lets Rosita know that since Washington is no longer an option that she is welcome where ever they end up. Of course, they find water and even manage to catch some fish. Back at the fire truck Maggie finally gets Abraham to talk, she almost shot him when there was a confrontation between him a Rosita and is that what he wanted, you talk about a man that is Too bad Maggie’s not a psychologist, maybe she could figure him out. At least everything turned out alright, they have some water, a little food, and Eugene even wakes up. Oh yeah, Tara found a yo-yo.

With all this fighting to survive going on everywhere else it’s hard to believe that someone would be working at a clean well equipped hospital, Okay, maybe not so well equipped, but a hospital none the less. Beth is just doing everything that she can to help keep her friend, Carol, alive, even stand up to a well armed police officer about how much energy he uses to power his DVD. And Dawn, stating that Beth is stronger than she had imagined actually gives her a key to the medicine locker. Really, there has got to be an ulterior motive behind that, she doesn’t even trust her fellow cohorts with that key. Beth takes it, she doesn’t care why, she just wants to help her friend. She drills the doctor for diagnosis information and bribes an orderly with a few strawberries to fake a seizure so that she can get the medicine that she needs.

The information that we gained from this episode might just be to set us up for the midseason finally, which will certainly leave us with a huge cliffhanger that we will have to wait months for in order to realize, but that remains to be seen. Only one episode left to watch in 2014, hope it’s a good one.

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