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DO YOU LIKE THE WALKING DEAD? Season 5 Episode 8: Coda: Overview and Review

Midnight Man

Well, by now you’ve probably seen The Walking Dead mid-season finally, if you haven’t it would not be wise to read this review; it does have spoilers in it. So, if you haven’t seen it yet it is recommended that you wait until you have. Here goes, you have been warned.

It starts out with Rick running down Bob, the second Bob to die in a very few episodes. Did you catch the line that Rick gave him just before he shot him in the head and told him to shut up? He said, “You can’t go back, Bob”, that’s the same line that Gareth said to the other Bob as he was eating his leg, which just goes to show you that Rick Grimes doesn’t mess around, he became sickened of negotiating while trying it with the Governor, he seems convinced that talking doesn’t solve anything. The only thing that matters in this world of the walking dead is ‘pure naked force’. Also, it proves that he is a sociopath. Anyone not in his family group can die by his hand and it doesn’t give him one moment’s grief.

The priest Gabriel is an idiot, he doesn’t seem to understand the whole ‘the walking dead will tear you apart and eat you’ thing, he’s learning though. He’s also beginning to understand that there are people left in this world that will not be kind, will not be considerate and probably will not care that you wear a collar. He found Bob’s leg on the barbecue grill where Gareth and his friends left it. That might have been enough to convince him about the true nature of things. He’ll come around, or he’ll die.

Abraham and the rest are back after Eugene revealed that he’s not the savior of the human race and that Washington is not the answer to the world’s problems. They pulled up, with that big old fire truck, just in the nick of time to save the day. Just as the walkers are about to bust back out of the church and eat everyone, including the baby. Luckily, the walkers are too dumb to know how to crawl out through a hole in the floor. Maggie gets the news that her sister is still alive and they decide that they should go help rescue her.

Beth and Dawn prevent a coup by one of Dawn’s fellow officers at the hospital by pushing him down an elevator shaft where they usually dump the dead. Dawn proves that she will do anything to maintain control, even if she has to kill those who help her to maintain it. Although, we do get to see a softer side of her nature, she did save Carol by giving Beth the key to the drug cabinet and she did cover up the fact that Beth killed Gorman by smashing the lollypop jar over his head and feeding him to Joan. She tries to teach Beth about the political structure of the hospital and that control is a very fragile thing, but she just comes off seeming even pettier than she usually does.

There are some that are very unhappy with the ending of this one, this one could be considered as sad as the mid-season finally where Hershel died. The writers, the producers and even the actors spent a considerable amount of time building up Emily Kinney’s character, Beth, not to mention Dawn, and then just killed her off. WHAT!! Really! Well, that’s just what they did. And poor Maggie, how many people is she going to lose? Her losses started with Otis (remember the guy that accidentally shot Carl) and have just kept on coming. As a matter of fact, the last time she seen her sister was at the prison when the Governor killed their father. Then to be told that her sister is still alive and walking up to the hospital with her companions dead set on rescuing her, just in time to see Daryl walking out with her sister’s dead body in his arms. Who’s next, Glenn? He’s the only one that she has left.

It was a very sad scene, everyone in the group that was present was affected, even crazy man Rick was on the verge of tears, and especially Daryl, who has been in a ‘be kind to strangers’ mode since losing Carol, but seeing Beth get shot in the head brought him right out of that. Of course, Dawn was dead from the moment that she demanded Noah, her former ward (slave), be returned to her because of losing Beth, her present ward (slave). The group was not going to put up with that, Rick was ready to put a bullet in her the moment that she suggested it. So it was a bit of a surprise that he didn’t shoot her first. Well, maybe Daryl just didn’t give him a chance, the moment Beth started to fall after the gunshot wound from Dawn’s gun he stepped up and BAM, right in the forehead, no matter what BS excuse that she tried to offer. Although, not even Beth was going to put up with Noah being forced back into indentured servitude to that bitch, that’s why she stabbed her with the scissors. Really Beth, like that was going to take her down, you almost deserve a bullet in the brain for that stupid move.

This mid-season finally certainly isn’t going to be favored among a lot of fans. We didn’t even get a cliffhanger. At least when the Governor attacked the prison, which was the mid-season finally in season four, and Hershel was killed we were left with a few questions. Like, “Where is everybody going to go”, “Will they meet up again down the road”, and “What happened to the baby”? With this one we are left with quite a bit of finality, Carol and Beth got rescued from the hospital and Beth got killed in the process. And, of course, that bitch Dawn is dead. The only question that we are left with is, “Where is Noah going to go”? He walked out of the hospital with them all at the end. I guess it depends on how well his character does with the fans.

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