Event created by Midnight
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Today, a beloved but rickety old ironing board and a badlybroken marriage cupboard are resuscitated.First into the barnis John with a treasured trumpet that's battered and worn. Theinstrument was gifted to John by his grandfather Frank when hewas just seven years old.Born in 1918, Frank played in an armyband during World War II and carried on playing after anillness left him blind. Now John wants the trumpet fixed sothat he can start teaching his own grandson to play in the sameway his granddad taught him. Pete Woods is tasked withwrestling the battered trumpet back into shape for John, whoreturns to the barn after a serious spell of ill health to bereunited with the precious instrument.Next, a unique piece offurniture requiring the seasoned skills of wood restorer WillKirk. The delicately painted cupboard was gifted to Claire'sgreat-grandparents when they married and provides a symbol oftheir long-lasting love. It's a tough challenge for Will as thewardrobe is completely missing a back board, internal shelvesand the symbolic external paintwork is chipped and flaking.Retaining much of the original paintwork, Will works wondersmuch to the delight of Claire.The final visitor to the barn isJane with a rather domestic chore for metal man Dominic Chinea.Her beloved but rickety old ironing board reminds Jane of atime when she and her husband couldn't afford a home and livedin a squat. Pregnant with her first child, the young couplewere given a little council flat above Victoria Coach Stationwhen he was born. The board had been left by the previousowner, so Jane used it and has kept it ever since. Dom evengets out his sewing machine to return the board back to itsbest.