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To mark National Windrush Day, the team fixes four items thatcelebrate the contribution and achievements of members of theWindrush generation and their descendants.First into the barnis Beverley, with a memento that tells a tale of her father'sheritage. The British passport was issued to Beverley'sfather, Edgar, in Jamaica in 1948 and served as his legallybinding document to come to the UK to help rebuild the‘Mother Country' after the Second World War. In 1950, hetravelled on the SS Eros, and after settling in London, hesent for Beverley's mother who travelled from Jamaica to bereunited with him. The passport has been cherished for nearly80 years but is sadly now showing its age. Beverley hopesbookbinder Chris Shaw can restore it to remind her elderly dadof his pioneering bravery, moving and settling in a newcountry as a young man.Next to arrive is Keithly, with asuitcase owned by his trailblazing mother, Locita. Known as agrip, the case holds memories of a journey filled withopportunity, adventure and resilience. Locita travelled fromthe island of Nevis to the UK in 1956. The journey wasarduous, with Locita spending a long time aboard the SSIrpinia on very rough seas before eventually docking inSouthampton. She started her life in the UK in menial jobs,but her tenacity and drive meant she worked and studied hard,eventually becoming a local councillor in Manchester andhelping many in the community. Keithly is now hoping the barn'sleather expert Suzie Fletcher can repair the grip so thatLocita can take it back to the West Indies with her when shereturns later this year.Next, sister and brother Dorcas andStephen have brought a precious clock for the attention of thebarn's horologist, Steve Fletcher. The clock belonged to thesiblings' parents, Hermann and Keturah, and was one of thefirst items they saved up to buy after arriving in the UK fromAntigua. The plan was to stay for five years and return home.However, the couple soon put down roots and ended up remainingin the UK for the rest of their lives. The pair worked hard andwent from living in a single bedroom in a shared house toeventually owning their own home in Birmingham. The chimingclock took pride of place in their front room and served as astatus symbol of the fact that they had ‘arrived' andestablished themselves. Now the siblings would love to hear thebroken chime ringing again to remind them of their parents'tenacity and what they did to not only help rebuild the UK butalso to build a new life for subsequent generations of theirown family.The barn's final visitor is Patrick Vernon OBE, wholed a successful campaign for 22 June to be recognised annuallyas Windrush Day. He's brought along a radiogram that oncebelonged to his late friend Eddie Noble, a Second World WarBritish-Jamaican veteran who settled in the UK following hisservice in the RAF. The radiogram was one of Eddie's mostprized possessions, and he gifted it to Patrick in his lateryears. Electrical whizz Mark Stuckey acts with militaryprecision to get the radiogram back to its former glory.