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The inside story of the protests dividing college campuses andthe debate over free speech, antisemitism, Israel, and thePalestinians:A firestorm has been raging on many Americancollege campuses. Ignited by the devastating October 2023 Hamasattack on Israel and the catastrophic war in Gaza, the outragedeeply divided American campuses and, in some places,devolved into hate-filled rhetoric and arrests. FRONTLINE andRetro Report have followed the escalating turmoil since the warbegan — talking to people on all sides of the divide,investigating how universities have responded, how powerfulinterests joined the fray, and how the conflict over theconflict ultimately spiraled out of control.From director JamesJacoby and Retro Report producers Scott Michels and JosephHogan, Crisis on Campus examines how the debate over one ofthe world's most intractable and complex conflicts has grippedAmerican college campuses.