Event created by Midnight
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Over the last century at least four thousand four hundredpeople who were overlooked, undervalued, or otherwisemarginalized vanished without a trace off the face of theplanet. Last night, inexplicably, they were all returned inan instant to Detroit having not aged a day and with no memoryof what happened to them. As the government races to understandthe phenomenon, analyze the potential threat, and contain thestory, Jharrel, an empathetic social worker, and Keisha, ahardened community corrections officer, are among the civilservants called upon to deal with the uncanny refugees. The newpartners clash in ideology and approach, but gradually findthey have more in common than they thought as they becomefamiliar with those under their care, including Shanice, alawyer and resilient young mother from the early aughts, whoseunexpected reunion with her estranged husband Logan andsuddenly teenaged daughter Mariah is immediately rocky;Andre, a WWI Army surgeon fresh from the Harlem Renaissance;Claudette, an influential hidden figure from the Mississippicivil rights movement; Isaiah "Rev" Johnston, a black sheepreverend-scion born to a notable televangelist family in 1990sChicago; LaDonna, a seemingly shallow but misunderstoodD-list reality TV star from Miami, circa 2015; and two wildlydifferent unaccompanied teens, Mildred, a vibrant girl,whose bell bottoms give away her 1970s upbringing, andHayden, an introspective, prescient boy, whose originremains a mystery. These unwilling time travelers,collectively the 4400, must grapple with their impossible newreality, the fact that they've been returned with a few...upgrades, and the increasing likelihood that they were broughtback now for a reason they're only beginning to understand.