Event created by Midnight
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Freight Expectations – Millions of dollars' worth of goodsthat Americans have ordered are stuck on giant cargo ships,waiting for a place to dock at the ports of Los Angeles andLong Beach. It's an epic logjam that threatens to derail theholiday season. Bill Whitaker reports from the ground zero ofthe supply chain crunch, where cargo from Asia has been pilingup in record amounts at the docks. Andrew Sullivan – TheBritish American conservative author and editor warns America'sdemocracy is endangered because today's citizens cannotseparate politics from life. Scott Pelley reports. The GetBack Sessions – Rock music's greatest divorce, the breakupof the Beatles in 1970, was always associated with the filmand album "Let It Be." Half a century later, dozens of hoursof that film left on the cutting room floor tell a differentstory. 60 MINUTES will show some of it for the first time,revealing an intimacy and creative bond between the fourmusicians that belies the long-held narrative. Jon Wertheimreports.