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Reimagining Police – Scott Pelley reports from Austin,Texas, one of several U.S. cities experimenting with a new wayof policing in which trained civilians, such as mental healthclinicians, are responding to calls once answered by armedofficers. Supersonic – Could commercial supersonic flightsmake a comeback? Several start-up companies think so, and NASAthinks it can solve one of the problems that groundedsupersonic planes the last time around: the "sonic booms" thatbreak windows and rattle nerves. Bill Whitakerreports. Caligula's Gardens – The gardens of the RomanEmperor Caligula have been discovered and excavated, and someof the most remarkable finds are now on display for the firsttime. How does this affect scholarly efforts to take a new lookat the emperor and whether he was as cruel and depraved as he'sbeen made out to be? Anderson Cooper reports from Rome.