Event created by Midnight
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Negotiating with the Taliban – When the U.S. military pulledout of Afghanistan in August, the Taliban immediately seizedcontrol. The international community acted quickly – freezingAfghan assets and foreign aid to pressure the Taliban tonegotiate. To date, those negotiations haven't happened.Today, 38 million Afghans find themselves facing one of theworst humanitarian crises on the planet. Sharyn Alfonsitraveled to Afghanistan to discuss the crisis with one of thenew Taliban ministers, talk with suffering families and meetwith the humanitarian groups left to pick up the pieces andnegotiate with the Taliban to avert a global catastrophe. LetThere Be Light – NASA's James Webb Space Telescope is theworld's most expensive scientific instrument ever launched intospace. At billion, this complex and powerful telescopewill explore distant exoplanets and see near to the beginningof time itself. Before its planned launch later this month,Scott Pelley gets an inside look at NASA's flagship spacetelescope. What mysteries will it help humanity unravel? Andwhat could go wrong? An Island Off an Island – Jon Wertheimventures to a 90-square mile jewel of land off the coast ofNewfoundland, Canada. Fogo Island's population was decimatedwhen its only industry, cod fishing, went into steep decline.Now, an eighth-generation Fogo Islander has returned home withdeep pockets and a plan to bring the place and its people back