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The Big Quit – As employers try to fill millions of openpositions – for everything from restaurant dishwasher tosoftware engineer – workers who have jobs are leaving them.People are quitting jobs at an unprecedented rate, and someare simply taking a "time out" from work entirely. Many arecalling it "The Great Resignation," but few have been able toexplain what's behind it. Bill Whitaker gets answers from thechief economist at the huge jobs site LinkedIn, who says thatwe are amid a historic shift in people's attitudes toward andexpectations from their jobs. One Small Step – NorahO'Donnell interviews Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps, anoral history project he started 18 years ago that has becomethe largest single collection of human voices ever recorded.Isay's new project, "One Small Step," is designed to getAmericans from across the political spectrum to stop demonizingeach other and start communicating, face to face, oneconversation at a time. The Kicker – Jon Wertheim reportson the NFL's great secret hiding in plain sight: the kicker.Kickers score about one-third of the points in the league butonly get a small fraction of the respect. Wertheim interviewsBaltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, who is on a trajectoryto go down as perhaps the greatest NFL kicker there ever was.Wertheim speaks with other current and former kickers about howunique the position is and the immense pressure that comes withthe job.