Event created by Midnight
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From Camping World Stadium in Orlando, Fl.Punt Perfect: Twoplayers (one punter, one non-punter) from each conference puntfrom the 35-yard line, attempting to place as many punts aspossible into a set of six buckets in the end zone. Each bucketis worth one point, with every fifth punt worth three points.The two players with the highest combined score will be thewinners.
The Great Football Race: Six players from eachconference will face off in a relay race consisting of fivedifferent challenges, culminating with a sled push. The teamto cross the finish line first wins.
Tug-of-War: Afive-on-five demonstration of teamwork, strength andstrategy, and positioned above a foam pit, players arechallenged to pull backwards on the rope, attempting to movethe opposing team in their direction. The competition will bethe best of three, and the winner who pulls the opposing teaminto the foam pit twice wins.7-on-7 flag football game.