Event created by Midnight
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Mel and Maggie are learning to navigate life without theirsister Macy - Mel distracts herself with new flings at magicalhotspot, the Blue Camellia bar, while Maggie is taking onmore than her share of demon hunting. Meanwhile, Harry isstruggling, mourning his lost love, and Jordan has teamed upwith Maggie while navigating his newfound magical powers.Across the country in Philadelphia, an unsuspecting youngwoman... is living her life... mechanic by day, muralist bynight... when she's suddenly thrust into a new world, comingface to face with the women she's inexplicably seen in herdreams. Just as Mel, Maggie and Harry are uncoveringinformation about this mysterious new person, Josefina goesmissing on her way to a pixie-pledging ceremony, and Mel andMaggie must rely on their "new third" to help theircousin... and find out if she is indeed the other Charmed Onethat they were told was "out there somewhere".