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Headlines From Ukraine – Holly Williams reports the latestfrom Ukraine as Russia continues its invasion.The Grid – Astensions with Russia intensify, Bill Whitaker investigatesthreats to the U.S. electric grid. Extreme weather,cyber-attacks, sabotage, and physical assaults have takendown parts of the grid. The Department of Homeland Securityrecentlyissued two urgent warnings to utilities to brace forpotential cyber-attacks from Russia if it invaded Ukraine andfrom home-grown extremists too, citing specific plans by whitesupremacists to attack U.S. substations physically. Many plotstrace back to a still-unsolved physical attack near San Jose,Calif., in 2013. Wrongful Detainees – Lesley Stahl reportson Americans unjustly imprisoned abroad, held by foreigngovernments with whom the United States has thorny, or in somecases, no relations. Our government calls them "wrongfuldetainees," and there are currently more than 40 of them.Danny Fenster, a Detroit native locked away for nearly sixmonths in Myanmar, was released this fall after efforts byformer New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson. Stahl interviewsFenster, Richardson, and the State Department official taskedwith bringing Americans home. Headlines, Deadlines, BottomLines – Jon Wertheim reports how hedge funds and otherfinancial firms have swallowed up newspapers, closingnewsrooms and slashing staff. 60 MINUTES looks at a local newslandscape where headlines and deadlines have given way tobottom lines.