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Platform 4 – More than a million people have fled Ukrainesince the Russian invasion. Scott Pelley reports from a trainstation near Poland's border with Ukraine and speaks with therefugees and those trying to help them. State Of ThePandemic – 60 MINUTES goes behind the scenes at the Centersfor Disease Control in Atlanta to report on the current stateof the pandemic. Since first being identified in the UnitedStates just three months ago, strains of the milder Omicronhave almost entirely replaced the more virulent Delta variant.Hospitalizations, cases, and deaths are dropping. The CDC hasannounced a relaxation of guidelines – saying for mostAmericans, it's okay to drop the mask. What is the next phaseof the pandemic? Dr. Jon LaPook speaks with CDC director Dr.Rochelle Walensky and other leading experts. Flying Blind –Even the most competitive skiers see Montana's Big Couloir asamong the most challenging runs in the country. But for JacobSmith, who at 15 is the only blind competitive free rider inthe country, it was an almost inconceivable feat. Afterundergoing four major surgeries for a brain tumor starting whenhe was just eight years old, Jacob did the legendary run threeyears ago. Sharyn Alfonsi profiles Smith, who competes for theBig Sky freeride team today, and skis by tapping into hisother senses and his memory of the mountain before he wentblind.