Event created by Midnight
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With the final just days away and Lord Sugar on the cusp ofchoosing his new business partner, he looks back on thecandidates who fell before the final hurdle and the tasks thattook them to the brink.This year's candidates have createdmarketing campaigns on the high seas, sought ticket sales inWales and were driven to distraction in Silverstone. They got ahandle on designing a new kid's toothbrush, didn't bottle itwhen it came to making a new non-alcoholic drink and channelledtheir energies when selling live on TV, all while having abizarre obsession with green and brown!Lord Sugar leads usthrough the best and worst decisions made by this year'saspiring entrepreneurs. Reflecting on their boardroombust-ups, he lets us in on the reasons he decided to utter thedreaded words, ‘You're fired!'