Event created by Midnight
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In the premiere, the promising chefs are invited to Geoffrey'shome base in beautiful seaside Florida as they take on theirfirst test - create a simple, one-bite dish that bestshowcases who they are and what their restaurant conceptis. Geoffrey needs to know each chef, not just on a skilllevel but also on a personal level, to be certain that theperson he chooses is the right fit for him and his hospitalitygroup. With the help of his wife and business partner MargaretZakarian and hospitality consultant and renowned executivechef Eric Haugen as judges, the chef whose dish is not up topar is sent home. Next, the chefs return to the kitchen toprove they are capable of cooking the basics, as defined byGeoffrey. Another chef is eliminated while the chefs that canimpress the judges with their dishes are one step closer toworking with Geoffrey to become tomorrow's restaurant mogul.