Event created by Midnight
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Trevor Robinson loves a challenge and there's nothing he likesmore than flying his ultralight aircraft over the NSW SnowyMountains. It's a pastime that's all the more remarkable forthe fact that Trevor was paralysed when hit by a car on hismotorbike a number of years ago. Now Trevor and wife Jeanetteare looking to build a very special home close to nature inwhich Trevor can move about easily in his wheelchair. When a 15acre block comes on the market in the Snowy's spectacularGoobarragandra hills they pounce with plans to build aremarkable underground home overlooking their 1.5 kilometreriver frontage. With Trevor as project manager the build getsunderway, but as the months roll on his health starts todeteriorate not only impacting how much time he can spendonsite, but whether he will be able to move to his undergroundretreat at all.