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Director of the FBI – FBI Director Christopher Wray sitsdown for a wide-ranging interview with 60 MINUTES' Scott Pelleyto discuss how the FBI is assisting in Ukraine's cyberdefense, the ongoing cyber threats to the homeland fromnation-states Russia and China, preventing another attack onthe U.S. from domestic and international terrorists,f andmore. Examining the Bin Laden Papers – In her first globaltelevision interview, author and Islamic scholar NellyLahoud sits down with 60 MINUTES' Sharyn Alfonsi to discussher new book, The Bin Laden Papers, and shares a rare lookat the inner workings of Al Qaeda. On May 1, 2011, Americanspecial forces raided the compound of Osama Bin Laden, wherethey killed the terrorist leader and gathered intelligence thatincluded a treasure trove of Bin Laden's personal documents,handwritten journals, and internal Al Qaeda communications.Most of those documents were declassified in 2017 when Lahoudgained access and spent five years poring over the thousands ofpages, opening up a whole new world of insight on the infamousleader and Al Qaeda. Mayor Adams – 60 MINUTES' AndersonCooper profiles New York City Mayor Eric Adams. Following theBrooklyn subway shooting, Adams discusses how he intends totackle the daunting challenges facing the city, includingpolice reform, economic recovery, the rise in crime, and newCOVID outbreaks. Cooper speaks with Adams about how he was avictim of police brutality as a teenager and then became apolice officer for 22 years.