Event created by Midnight
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Over centuries, chefs have created dishes in honour of greatpeople that have inspired them, from the peach Melba to thebeef Wellington. This year's five finalists must each create adish inspired by a public figure or an artwork, film, song,TV series or book. This plate of food must tell a story, andthe contestants must strive to make it as extraordinary as theinspiration behind it. At the end of this challenge, one ofthem will be eliminated from the competition.The secondchallenge takes the remaining four cooks to the Emerald Isle.Situated in the south west of Ireland, Ballymaloe House andCookery School is where chefs from all over the world come tolearn the philosophy put forth by the late, great patron ofIrish cuisine, Myrtle Allen. Led by the school's renownedfounders, Darina Allen and Rory O'Connell, the contestantsget an incredible whirlwind education in local Irish produceand the ethos of ‘farm to table'. Then they must useeverything they have learned to prepare a celebratory dinnerfor some of Ireland's finest food producers and foodhistorians, and for relatives of Myrtle, all of whom arecontinuing her legacy.