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Over 100 years before the deadly COVID-19 pandemic set off anationwide wave of fear and anti-Asian sentiment, an outbreakof bubonic plague in San Francisco's Chinatown unleashed asimilar crisis. The death of a Chinese immigrant in 1900 wouldhave likely gone unnoticed if a sharp-eyed medical officerhadn't discovered a swollen black lymph node on his body —evidence of one of the world's most feared diseases, bubonicplague. When others started dying, health officials andbusiness leaders were torn about how to stave off an epidemicwithout causing panic and derailing the city's booming economy.A fascinating medical mystery and timely examination of thetense relationship between the medical community, citypowerbrokers, and San Francisco's Chinese-Americancommunity, Plague at the Golden Gate tells the grippingstory of the desperate race against time to save San Franciscoand the nation from the deadly plague. Based on David K.Randall's Black Death at the Golden Gate, the film featuresinterviews with a fascinating range of medical experts,authors, and Asian-American historians.