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Bellingcat – As reports of war crimes in Ukraine continueat the hands of the Russian military, 60 MINUTES goes insideBellingcat, a team of online data detectives, and itsinvestigations to look at how they build their cases. ScottPelley speaks with founder Eliot Higgins about how hisorganization is building a database of social media exposingthe alleged war crimes. Pelley reports that Bellingcat hastrained more than 4,000 journalists and war crimesinvestigators in its techniques of geolocation, verification,and data mining. Sharswood – 60 MINUTES' LesleyStahl visits Fred Miller and his family in the large house insouthern Virginia that they recently bought to host familygatherings, only to discover that their own ancestors had oncebeen enslaved on that very property. Miller's sister andcousins scoured historical records and enlisted a genealogistto find evidence that their great-great-grandparents, Violetand David Miller, were enslaved on the plantation,then-called Sharswood. The dilapidated building still standingbehind the main house has been identified by archeologists asliving quarters for some of the enslaved men and women there.Buying this home has opened a window into the Miller family'spast that was not discussed within their family, and that manyAfrican American families struggle to obtain. This is adouble-length segment.