Event created by Midnight
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Tani Richards has some fascinating pastimes. As well aspractising yoga and horse riding, she has a passion for allthings medieval, including dressing up like Maid Marion for abit of horse back archery! After selling her and pilot husbandTim's medieval style family home known as the 'Sand Castle' inPerth's City Beach, she has plans to build an 'earth castle'on their 60 acre property north of Perth. But this is not yourstandard earth castle! Built into the sides of a man-made dam,there are plans for a drawbridge, turret and even a moate.With underground rooms and tunnels, and gothic features andfinishes, the footprint is vast- nearly 2000 square metres intotal. But Tani's endless modifications, coupled with falloutfrom the pandemic take a toll on the budget and the timelines-not to mention many of Tani's dreams for her medieval fortress!